Thursday, October 24, 2013

War Subverts Reality

To be continued...updated

In her book examining the Hatian revolution, Modernity Disavowed, Professor and Author Sibylle Fischer discusses the silencing of events or the replacing of one event with other events and deliberate attempts by the subordinator class or intellectual elites to mold nations, to mold the psyche of the masses.

From 1996 - 2003 5.4 million people died in Congo. Its cover-up is a crime bigger than The War on Terror and any 9/11 staging. The Democratic party was and is heavily involved, but they would have people believe that they are just an incompetent party and that the two events, The War on Terror/9-11 and war in central Africa and Congo are unrelated. In this blog, I define war as an ideological construction to compel participation and induce obedience in the maintenance and accumulation of power and questioned The War on Terror as a staged propaganda event to manage political reality and to distract from the totality of warring operations. I attempted to point out how through deliberate crafted discourse, there is collusion of the imperial parties of America in doing so. To be clear, war is for the purpose of propaganda. It is a cultural production. Additionally, I questioned it as a function to create chaos and terror in particular places, being deliberate punishment of nations as a demonstration of power. 

"What hurts the most is why? What has led them to cross the oceans to kill their own children?" -Iraqi Woman questioning the attack on humanity which the Iraq war was.
"Can you imagine Africans being in control of a vital mineral for The U.S and Aerospace industry?" -Maurice Carney Executive Director of Friends of The Congo.

The measure of 30 years worth of atrocity heaped upon peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan, in which Osama Bin Laden, at age 22, was initiated as a consul, is inestimable. Aside from delivering the providential death blow on evil's iconic figure, held in a gift wrapped, fantastical recall of the 19th century demonization of the criminal, opium producing oriental and besides the millenial old representation of the enemy, personified as a growth, spawned from slivered satanic flesh, surreptitiously masked in evil's lair, the extrajudicial killing of Osama Bin Laden and "burial at sea" was a theatrical display of a hit on a witness to and suspect of 30 years of criminal activity. Following the President's May 1st pogrom call and the gesticular jingo monsoon arousal at the displaying of the remnants of Operation Geronimo, placard pumping CNN, chief operator in bringing about the Iraq war buildup, ran a segment in which Teach for America Head and Chief propagandist, Walter Isaacson, diagnosed Pakistan, a nation of 170 million people, with 'subnormality.' This apparent killing and diagnoses of Pakistan came amidst the expansion of bombing across Africa and a NATO campaign that saw 20,000 airstrikes, or what's been called 'therapy,' carried out in Libya. The campaign is championed as success by the World Security Network, who derides the "endless diagnosis that replaces the 'therapy'" inherent in tens of thousands of NATO bombs and proxy warfare. 
In an interview (video of conversation @ 8:20) that took place during the Bombing of Libya on Bill Maher's Real Time, NBC reporter Richard Engel asserted that NATO bombing in Libya was "boring." As the topic shifted, with little discussion provided from Engel, Maher questioned the reason for keeping U.S force in Afghanistan after the reported assassination of Osama Bin Laden and as the pace of 'withdrawal' came into discussion, Engel employed the 'war fatigue' argument, stating that pace was 'something that could be debated.' Engel said that he spoke to "the people who organized the war" (specifying Iraq and Afghanistan) and said that they never expected it to last 10 years and that there were lots of people in the military who wanted to keep a small presence in Iraq and Afghanistan to carry out 'limited objectives' (massive facts being that the objective was to occupy). And with a ho hum gesturing pun, Engel said that "these wars keep droning on and on." Engel continued reducing war in Afghanistan and Iraq to a microcosmic analogy, asking viewers to:

"Think of it this way. If in this theater, 10 years ago, someone organised an attack on the United States and we wanted to make sure that never happens again. You can do 2 things. Either take over the whole theater. And get deeply involved and take over the management and say I want to see your books. I want to really get involved in your life and try and re-create the theater so it can never happen again. Or, you post a few security guards in the building and have some observation and that way you have some way to do it and that seems like the cheaper way."

Aside from the fact that the past 10 years of particular slaughter is reduced to an expense, there are alot of other suppositions which beg a ton of questions. The obviousness of not asking an imaginary Richard Engel (and evidently a real Engel), I hope temporarily sufficient. Imperial fortresses, bases, mass desecration are like mustard stains. What was additionally eerie was that he began discussion about Obama in Ireland and then ended with an analogy that for me was peculiarly similar to Thomas Carlyle's conclusion in the racist-supremacist satire regarding Irish and Jamaicans in 'The Occasional Discourse On The Negro Question,' later turned into a more pejorative titled pamphlet in which Carlyle concludes:

"Most Thinking People!-- If hen-stealing prevail to a plainly unendurable extent. will you station police officers at every henroost; and keeping them watching and cruising incessently to and fro over the parrish in the unwholesome dark, at enourmous expense. with almost no effect; or will you not try rather to discover where the fox's den is and kill the fox?"

The cheap imperialist trick, strange satiric current and link, in any event, along with passe discussion about killer robot drones absent of people at the end of the bombing and the 'boring' Libya onslaught reflects much of what is disturbing. The link could be that in the 1849 supremacist rant, Carlysle basically asserts the laws of physics, so to speak, that underscore the propellant forces of psychosis in our society. Among other things, Carlyle declares the supreme law for all lands, in all countries, under this sky is for a class of cultivators, stronger, worthier to by fortune of war, be made proprietor in order to educe the proper fruits from the land.

"A violence that erased every sign of itself would be remarkably inefficient...To acquire its usefulness in the play of domination, violence must be whispered about, recalled by its victims and hinted at in future threats."- Tim Mitchel Author of Rule of Experts          
"April 4th, 1984 Last night to the flicks all war films." -George Orewell's opening diary entry in 1984   

The April 4th assassination Julian Mer Khamis outside what is an actual microscopic reality of Engel's theater in Palestine took place within the occupation that Palestinians face in Gaza and the expanding extrajudicial killing spaces where the symbolic role of 'predator' drone bombers have killed thousands of people or 'bugsplat' in 'ungoverned spaces' as pointed out in 2 articles by Kalash Srinivasan  of Foreign Policy in Focus who  discusses the vast expansion of power and by Pulse Media's Muhammad Idrees Muhamed.

In his article, From Aid and Humanitarianism to Solidarity, on Pambazuka News, Horace Campbell, a Professor of African Studies at Syracuse University, touches upon in greater detail, the reductionist "rendition of social reality" permeating through current formulations and operations. He discusses how the "people of Africa have had to contend with the centrality of force in production." There is perhaps, no people facing the greater degree of physical affects of this annihilation of consciousness through omission as exemplified in the exchange between Maher and Engel with regards to Libya than in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where UN reports determine that more than 6 million people have died as a result of over 15 years of proxy warfare, driven largely by exogenous quests for resources to pump into our mass production and consumption economy. While the 'missionaries of post industrial ideology'- TVs- where pumps like CNN reside, beat the war drums for Iraq and Afghanistan only to blunt them out of sensibility when need be, Congo, (the plunder of which is essential to what has transpired in Afghanistan and Iraq), has been- despite the efforts of The Break The Silence Campaign, Foreign Policy in Focus and people like Cynthia Mckinney largely omitted. In the report below, The Congo is present in the form of a sociopathic if not sadistic joke called The Utopia. The 1.2 billion dollar ship, discussed by journalist Mark Ames, is a project of Samsung, the largest electronics company in the world, and The Frontier Group, co founded by Carlyle Group member of revolving-door 'defense' establishment, Frank Carlucci. Frank Carlucci happened to be number 2 at The U.S Embassy in The Congo at the time of Patrice Lumumba's assassination.
Reported by CNN, The Utopia is possibly the world's most luxurious ocean liners:

"New Mexico-based investors have teamed with Korea's Samsung Heavy Industries to build The Utopia, an opulent $1.1 billion ocean liner that will travel the globe, hopping between the world's major sporting and cultural events. The 105,000-ton and 1,000-foot long ship -- the weight and length of more than three Lady Liberty statues, from the base of the concrete platform to the top of the torch -- is scheduled for completion in 2013."

"Or alas let them look across to Haiti for a far sterner prophecy." -Thomas Carlyle
"Had he been wiser, or smarter, Patrice Lumumba would have been 39 this year. And the Congo might well have become a nation with no more than the normal ration of African problems instead of a blood-spattered land of savagery, corruption and anarchy—which is largely what Lumumba helped make it."  -Christmas Day Time Magazine 1964                                                                                          

 On March 18th, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! interviewed former Hatian First Lady Mildred Aristide and asked her how she felt after 2 U.S coups and President Obama attempting to prevent the return of Jean Bertrand Aristide, to which she responded rather graciously, that it was perhaps the result of a political framework with which Americans were unwilling to see beyond. Documents disseminated by Wikileaks to Haiti's Liberte and The Nation Magazine provide some details as to how Haiti is subjected to forced poverty and suffering for the sake of corporate and U.S profit.
The presentation of shrewd pragmatism of state department diplomacy as 'context' in examining U.S force in Haiti, however, reads like propaganda. For the actual nature of U.S force in Haiti is one of despotism, atrocity and terror. And yet, the word terror can be so desensitized, especially when attached to fraud. Lavalas, the popular political organization in Haiti, built more schools in 6 years than had been built in 190 years and in a country that had 35 prisons for every 1 school under Baby Doc Duvalier. The Democratic Party and Republican parties, or the U.S government actively oppose this organization and the have done so with brutality and murder. That the U.S government engaged in a 2nd coup on Haiti's democratically elected president in 2004 would be enough on its own to demonstrate diabolical nature of this force considering that the first coup consisted of mass graves for displaying skinned bodies. When one contextualizes it with the fact that 5 million people died between 1996 and 2003 in the coup and war in Congo, it demonstrates pure disdain for people in Haiti and more than just a desire for particular style of governments.

In the midst of fighting in Benghazi, Libya being declared a war, on March 2nd 2011 The Great Lakes Coalition provided a Congressional Briefing outlining the findings of an official United Nations report documenting crimes in The Congo. There have been over 80 companies implicated in profiting off determined wars for pillage. At the briefing, members of The Coalition stated they were heartened by the briefing and as Nii Akuetteh noted, also by history as he had experienced The South African Anti-apartheid Movement. In addition, coalition members such as Kwame Musavuli, who a few weeks later would rebuke NATO bombing in Libya, expressed that the group was encouraged by the what was taking place in North Africa and the Middle East. In response to growing instability, on March 8th, the day before the 'orderly transition regime' which was pledged 160 million dollars, began cracking down on civilians and demonstrators in Tharir square, United States Ambassador Kletz met in Cairo with representatives of an armed group in Benghazi. In a subsequent press conference, the President was peppered with questions regarding Libya and Oil prices. In what she saw as the oncoming bombing of Libya on the 8th year since Shock N Awe over Baghdad, Felicity Arbuthnot discussed that the eyes of the world were not focused on the atrocity of the invasion of Iraq, certainly not the the toll of the total toxicity of the 1st Gulf War till today on Iraq. She noted the irony that the 1st gulf war began on the birthday of Martin Luther King. As it also marked the directive to dispose of Lumumba as well as Laurent Kabila and subsequent invasion of The Congo, perhaps it is more than ironic.

As media production shifted focus many people like Ellene Centime Zeleke were quick to caution against the way race was being operationalized in framing the revolution and against claims in media coverage about the use of 'black African mercenaries' which were being pushed, for instance, from quarters like ABC News ('Black African Mercenaries Know One Thing: To Kill) and former Nigerian Ambassador, one of The Council of Foreign Relations 'African Experts and precipitating as early as February 18th from Omar Al Bashir. To borrow from Zeleke in analogizing language as a body with parts that act as repositories of history, so too can one see the importance of thinking through conglomerations, institutions and offices as not only repositories of history recognized by subjects of their power, but additionally as incarcerators and erasers of history, utilized by seat holders and puppet masters.

The recent use of sectarianism as a technology of imperial rule in Iraq has been documented by Journalists like Dhar Jamail and disseminated in documents by Wikileaks. Anthropologist Maya Mikdashi has examined the particular character and usage of sectarianism, though differentiated from race, as a technology of rule in Lebanon discussing legal discriminatory classes of citizenship and pointed out how a 'global hierarchy of nationalities permeates ones sense of security and vulnerability.' This condition of classes of citizen as well as non-citizen which Mikdashi examines in Lebanon as well as one's sense of security and vulnerability in a hierarchy of nationalities is an example of the multifacitation hidden in war. For one, the scepter of war does not end in the space deemed 'war zone,' nor the period of time deemed by the belligerent as a beginning point, nor at the point of 'withdrawal.' Rather, it functions as a sanctified killing arena sentencing nations or particular populations of people to choose a life of degradation or possible death, creating a global space of degradation. In response to a critique by Human Rights Watch's Nadim Noury of an article examining how revolutionary energies can possibly be captured in neoliberal reform language, Mikdashi pointed out the lack of irony seen in situations where the United States criticizes Iraq for human rights violations and the fact that IMF policies are not seen in and of themselves to be violations, like Argentina being coerced to change its constitution or the pressing case of Honduras being subject to a coup and Model City plans which will negate Honduran labor laws. Bertha Caceres of COPINH has desced the plans as 'nefarious' especially when 'synchronized with the coup and militarization machinations' that are carrying out repression.

"These numbers, coupled with technological developments, have turned humans into what Dr. Steven Palumbi calls the world's greatest evolutionary force. Homo Sapiens has become a powerful agent of natural selection, influencing all life on earth, causing the extinction of many species, and accelerating the evolutionary change in others. Studies of human evolution have much to contribute to our understanding of how we as a single species came to exert such control over our planet's destiny. It's a truly phenomenal story of how a small apelike creature walking on two feet across the African savanna challenged nature to make stone tools. From these humble beginnings came large brained humans who instead of stone tools, have telecommunications satellites, computers and nuclear warheads at their fingertips. The human story is indeed unique and wonderful."-Robert Jurmain Professor of Antrhopolgy at San Jose State
"We feel we are the best choice for the future of the human race." -Gordon Robertson 700 Club May 17th 2011

NISGUA, The Network In Solidarity for Guatemala reminds people that the fight against impunity and repression is, in large part, a fight against forgetting. Last February, photojournalist James Rodriguez described what he saw as history repeating itself in Honduras, amidst a military coup of Manuel Zelaya by Proforio Lobo a General formerly trained at the School of The Americas. Rodriguez has reported on consistent fundamental issues facing communities besieged by transnational mining corporations, such as contaminated water, deforestation, deterioration of local people's health, lack of sustainable development and social conflicts (often within the greater sphere of the drug war). In this report he discusses the history of 'disappearances' in Honduras. As bombing was beginning in Libya and 45 people were killed in Pakistan, on March 17th, Guatemalan Security Forces, described by Rights Action's Annie Bird as building off the legacy of 1978 Pozote Massacre raided 14 villages, moving thousands of people off of land for international and Guatemalan President Oscar Berger's brother in law's biofuel interests. The arrest of General Lopez and Hosni Mubarak, arguments about prison and the paradox of memory (this something discussed by Morgan Meiss and understatedly understood by Guatemalans and Egyptians) withstanding, is perhaps historically fitting, but. In 1982, 1 week after conducting Operation Bright Star in the Egyptian desert with Hosni Mubarak, Ronald Reagan met in Honduras with John Negropante and Guatemalan Guatemalan President Efrain Rios Montt who was conducting an extermination campaign against Guatemala's Mayan population. Reagan asserted that Montt was getting a bad rap. Montt had risen to power amidst a military campaign grown in political response and escalation to hundreds of thousands of Guatemalans protesting and striking to increase their standing in Guatemalan society with demands like raising their minimum wage from 1 dollar per day to 5 dollars per day. Finqueros budged to 3 dollars, but being a prudently predacious with money, power and high class status armed themselves to the teeth, strengthened alliances and devised a systematic plan for brutal repression. By 1982, Montt was at the head of a project conducting scorched earth campaigns, as well as starving and torturing people to death. Today, Montt is still a congressman and has remained active in high party politics. Many architects remain not just free, but in high positions leveraging and wielding power. One leading candidate for the presidency this coming September is Otto Perez Molina, implicated in atrocity and associated with the U.S Embassy. It is within a context of 'generalized violence and repression that American, Canadian and Global corporations operate in Guatemala' and which Hillary Clinton's regional security conference in Antigua took place this past June. She called attention in the region to take heed of operations in Columbia and Mexico. That Columbia has the most internally displaced persons of any country in the world and that Mexico has seen estimates of 40,000 deaths related Drug War escalation has been discussed by Benjamin Dengl and Caitling Gaitwood.

A participant in the border humanitarian group No More Deaths expresses how this play out along the border insightful analysis of how this play out along the border

Over the course of writing this I was stalked, threatened, attacked on highway, put under remote neural monitoring and put in a massive human cage psyche program. I was not able to finish it and part of it was disrupted permanently. The psyche program I am subject to has now degenerated into being incorporated into a fascist rebrand project that is part of Occupy, which is just an organization of Homeland Security and was enacted during the 2012 elections. This project includes the farcical narrative that in the year 2011 a group of angry citizens united to take on the grand evil of Wall Street and forged a new chapter in America and Homeland Security History, crafting a New Socially Just Homeland Security to root out corruption, racism and inequality or all evil in the land. This article links to a piece called Failure of The Rule of Law at the Huffington Post. It discusses targeting of dissent, but presents Occupy as a benevolent grouping of regular citizens who were interested in creating free environments for dissent and political organizing. This is not true. Occupy is a government run organization, a Homeland Security Project and created an internment camp for dissent in physical spaces, virtual spaces, spiritually and in the overall mind space of the populace. This is another blog I am utilizing 69 Cents For Haiti. and I participated in this blog Thinktank Evolution

Occupy is a fascist rebrand! They're comedians, they're socially conscious, they're hip to post colonial theory, they're progressive...they're fascist. I ran into many police trying to create the same narrative as presented in Vivien Lesnick Weisman's article about Occupy and 'community' that is propagated in stories about how Occupy was 'infiltrated' by the government when Occupy was actually the government itself.  Again, they created just a bunch of internment camps full of government run operatives and police.  It is a national project to preserve both political parties, a continuation of power sharing arrangements between the DNC and RNC. One of the most ludicrous things I heard was from an undercover police officer across the street from LAPD headquarters make the claim that Occupy created one of the most free environments they'd ever been in. I urge people to STOP!!! supporting fascist creeps and their big brother operations. It is just sad.

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