*Update: I think this thing is coming along or resembling a book til about the 55th notation. In a week or so I will likely be editing the sources aspect and make them more formal with correct notations or format. If If I do 2 a day i will get that ironed out by New Years. Then i don't know what I will do about sourcing what the select few i can't find. I don't know the rules of publishing a quote you can't cite and such i've been out of formal writing for 15 years.*
I don't know if I will ever finish this book but in any event here is information I have compiled or outlined for what may be published in full edited form in future. but I am getting the thoughts out now in this form here.
Titled Culterica's Game of Parameters: Fate of The Boogey Man from Gargoyles, Taz and Batman to an An Ample Search for Truth in Plato's Cave
This book is a mental exploration into something that is terribly wrong. When I was a child I would most days play a sport or go to the Boys and Girls Club after school or throughout the summer, but some days I just wanted to go to Grandma's house, eat cookies and watch Gargoyles, Tasmanian Devil, or Batman, often times waiting for the Laker or Dodger game to watch with her. My grandma would listen to the radio 24 hrs a day and typically had KNX 1070 on which was a running log of the news. On some level, this played a little bit of a role and influenced me to want to know what was happening in the world. As a target of gangstalking, the world sort of ate me up and spit me out and upon returning home to live with my parents, on some level, it was like going to grandma's to eat cookies before I could return to the sports. I was supposed to go back into the world, but alas this book is one step into it. This analogy of sport as metaphor for life I will touch upon in small brush strokes at the end of the book when I discuss thoughts I have had that, possibly, were reason for being selected for an experimental brain control and weapons testing program. The shows I reference in the title had effect on me as a programming, as Gargoyles made me a little bit mindful of evil spirits and protecting people from them, Batman made me suspicious, and Taz made me a bit goofy. I reference Tasmanian devil because my writing is all over the place and a whirlwind like Taz. I reference Batman because it’s part detective fighting off jokers. I reference Gargoyles because my writing is like a grotesque frozen in time statue coming to life fighting off evil sprits. Gargoyles are often dragon-like and dragons are possibly historically referring to Draco star system or Draco star system is reference to Dragons. Dragons are a cosmic spark like Sophia which is the Goddess that Philosophy is named after, which leads us to Plato and his allegory of the cave. Much like a child's cartoon, the programming we receive through mainstream media and psychological operations have typically a villain or fallen hero of some kind that become boogey men and whose fate we are enthralled by while desiring particular outcomes for.
In Plato's Allegory of the Cave, he describes a theoretical scenario to his students. He describes prisoners chained with their heads positioned to look at a wall in a cave in which shadows from people outside the cave appear. Plato supposes that the prisoners, having been prisoners since they were children, would have thought that this reality of the shadows was the one true reality and that the voices outside of passersby was actually made by the shadows. Upon one of them being led out of the cave, Plato supposes that they would be blinded by the light and wouldn't be able to take in the reality of the upper world outside the cave. Before long, eventually adjusting to the light in the night sky and the light of the day, the escaped prisoner would be able to make sense of the new reality. However, if the escaped prisoner returned to the cave and shadow world to state what he knew, he would be scoffed at by the other prisoners who only knew the cave and the shadows. Plato supposes that the awards and medals given to the prisoners for their interpretations of the shadows or their accolades would be uninteresting to the ascended prisoner who had seen the other reality and he would pity the prisoners. Plato says that this allegory is about the soul ascending and seeing the worlds of the light. Plato eventually goes on to say that the State's job is to ascend souls and enlighten them. It's quite possible that what I describe in the following pages of this book is some society's attempt to bring Plato's Allegory of The Cave to life, at least with an extra tweaked vision. Perhaps the thought process is this notion that gets passed around lot in society that you don't grow unless you are out of your comfort zone. The people who conduct this program, I believe, treat it like a soul ascension task. That's why churches participate and religious people. It is twisted or tweaked logic, but I believe that's their logic. They think abuse makes people stronger and introducing people to evil fulfils some purpose. To me, it’s just false to say that “growth doesn’t happen in your comfort zone.” Nature nourishes for growth pretty regularly and as far as humanity goes, the whole point of civilization is to provide comfort in order that humanity grows. The prisoners in Plato's cave couldn't have been very comfortable chained up and trapped inside. When you leave the cave, you become one of the boogeymen. I suppose it's up to interpretation what's more comfortable, being ignorant and chained in a dark cave or being aware of the world while walking around outside.
On December 19th 2023, upon compiling this book and doing Christmas shopping, I was returning home in my car and stopped at a light. Riding across the street on a bicycle was a guy who I observed and thought to myself that I think that guy is supposed to be a doppelganger for a young Brad Pitt. Then, immediately after, was a commercial on Coast 103.5 that had a movie preview and said "starring Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie!" Then Brad Pitt's voice came on the radio and said "You have to see it to believe it!". Much of what I write about in the following pages may being conducted with that thought in mind, that you have to see it to believe it. What I'd say is that there's enough information out there where you don't necessarily need to see it yourself, but need to hear and listen to others' experiences and then inform yourself about organizations, systems and technologies capable of, along with motives to bring about a reality that people share experiencing.
“Any attempt to understand the world which fails to take into account the fact that extremely powerful people are pouring massive amounts of money and resources into manipulating your understanding of the world will necessarily result in a distorted worldview.”
-Rogue journalist-Caitlain Johnstone
“Some state secrets come out in dribs and drabs, becoming more damning along the way, and the phenomenon is hardly new.”
-Jon Elliston
. What I wouldn't find on KNX 1070 News was that the government conducts biosurveillance and mind reading surveillance, even passing laws as recently as the Obama Administration's 2016 law that tried to legalize 'neurosurveillance.' (0) In one of the dribs and drabs secret reveals, to borrow from the Jon Elliston quote above, the alternative news outlet lifesitenews.com ran the headline, "Obama-Biden administration legalized ‘neurological surveillance’ after Trump’s election." It was not reported on when it happened as there are thousands of pages of laws that get lost in the shuffle and deliberately hidden from the public through omission in most outlets.
On The United Nations website is a PDF by the Advocacy group called Advocacy for Humankind (AFH). The PDF is titled: Open Secret: The Growing Problem of Cybertorture via Coordinated Stalking. There are in fact 10s of thousands of people online describing being subject to this coordinated Stalking, which is widely termed "gangstalking," as well as mind reading, biotech directed energy weapons and voice hearing or synthetic telepathy. The corporate owned newspapers like the New York Times say they are all experiencing a "mass delusion."
During World War II it has been documented that the United States engaged in a massive secretive operation to develop nuclear weapons called The Manhattan Project. In her book on Area 51, Annie Jacobsen called the Manhattan Project the Mother of all blackops programs and stated that it is "the parent from which all other blackops projects stem." As part of this massive secretive operation, whole cities were employed to be operating in secret to achieve the goal of nuclear powered weapons. Well, here are a list of books to read that give some historical background on players and people subject to the Manhattan esque style project that goes on in our society today. If it was a mass delusion, then why have all these well respected and well credentialed people written all these books about it or the technological capabilities and motives to conduct brain control operations being real. They happen not to work for corporations running the media:
1. Thy Will Be Done by Gerald Colby and Charlotte Dennett 2. Gangstalking Threat to Humanity by Dr. Corkin Cherubini 3. Poisener In Chief by Steven Kinzer
4. Nazi Hydra in America by Glenn Yeadon
5. Project Soulcatcher by Dr. Robert Duncan 6. Monarch The New Phoenix Program by Marshal Thomas 7. The Pheonix Program by Douglas Valentine 8. 1996 by Gloria Naylor
9. Battle For Your Brain by Nita A. Farahany
This is by no means an exhaustive list of books describing this system in society. I am not as prolific a writer or nor am I even a scholar such as these authors, but I hope this book will contribute some toward an understanding and provide some research on the subject as it is written as a research subject myself. There are in fact numerous court cases which are either in process or that have happened in which citizens have sued the United States Government for abusing their rights. It may sound incredible to some, but a U.S district judge has stated that they accept as true that a citizen has been targeted with Directed Energy Weapons causing them brain damage. The case is a law suit case Conlon v. Miller in which Ryan Mathew Conlon sued Connor Miller, the CIA Department of Defense and Airforce for targeting him. I believe that ultimately the judge ruled that the plaintiff didn't provide with sufficient evidence that DOD and the airforce targeted them. The UN is also currently investigating governments around the world and their usage of Cybertorture and cybertechnologies. Public announcement of UN investigation was followed by Covid. Public hearings of Conlon v miller was anticipated with or followed by brinksmanship in Ukraine.
Another case I think is a Targeted Justice Lawsuit where there are 17 or 18 people in a lawsuit suing in Texas. The purpose of the lawsuit is to receive damages for being put in experimental program and allegedly, the suit can prove that the plaintiffs began all receiving the same symptoms or experiences with weapons systems and harassment and stalking after being put on the list. Apparently, two plaintiffs were told by police that they were on a Non-Investigative Subjects list, which they are trying to get ruled unconstitutional. They are asking for 1.3 billion dollars. The Following is the text of the complaint
Chapter 1. Political Surveillance, Human Rights and Censorship.
On October 22, 2019 I decided to write this book.
Part musing of one human rights victim- part publishing established facts and
personal observations regarding the “targeted individual program," based
on my experience. It often feels like what I say and reveal hardly registers for people. I now am mostly doing it to organize thinking and though I believe my handlers want me to write the book, I'm not sure what I actually write has their approval or pleases them. There's a tactic that intelligence agencies or organizations will do in which they run an operation for the purposes of gaining the trust in individuals. Usually they will use an antagonist to accomplish this. I believe that is one motive for targeting me, they are actually trying to create trust in me. Meanwhile, they are attempting to manipulate me and manage my perception in a type of open air re-education camp of sorts. I do the best I can to just tell what i see and think here and elsewhere while not buying into manipulation.
A Targeted Individual has been defined by The Organization, Targeted Justice as : “someone that has been selected by the Deep State (usually FBI, DHS, or CIA) to unwillingly participate in an experimental government torture program.”(1) I am just one person in Plato's Cave. I have no security clearance with the government or powerful corporation. There are tens of thousands of people coalescing or discussing online identifying themselves as “Targeted Individuals.” They mostly all complain of Directed Energy weapons attacks, biological hacking attacks, Mind reading and voice to skull or Synthetic Telepathy which has been termed “remote neural monitoring.” They also all describe an activity called “gangstalking, “ in which organizations stalk and harass the target 24 hrs a day. There is a real repression and warfare system in use today using mind reading , directed energy weapons and voice to skull also known as synthetic telepathy, which goes largely unreported in the press because they are all engaging in the repression and warfare, so they don't report on their own covert war they wage.
Have you ever heard of the knockout game? It is a game where people pick out a person and try to knock them out using one punch. Gangstalking is like the knockout game, except it is a game in which one person is picked out and instead of one punch being thrown, they are subject to an endless barrage of physical and psychological abuse. It is a perfected tactic at least centuries in the making with the bite of new high tech weapons. I came across a book online from 1723, written by a priest in a secret society who wrote that people opposed to their society should be "harassed until they start murmuring to themselves and then let them be dismissed as being pernicious to others." While attempting to write this book, the United Nations began to go public to some small degree on this tactic. The UN came out with a report in March of 2020 by Nils Melzer that said governments around the world are psychologically torturing their citizens with "cybertorture" and "cybertechnologies," in conditions comparable to "physical custody." (2) All this came out amidst the Corona virus pandemic so it got no airtime or people were "distracted."
Nilz Melzer has described, basically, the theme of this book, which I used in the title, that there is a game of parameters or parameters of debate that are allowed in our society. Nils Melzer, the investigator and special rapporteur on torture for the United Nations and now head of the Red Cross, stated that "Freedom of expression is guaranteed so long as we discuss only what is served up to us in the headlines. When we stray into subject areas declared off-limits, our dissent becomes a 'conspiracy theory' & our thirst for knowledge criminal 'espionage.'"
Governments around the world are passing laws and setting up systems to hide this torturing of people. The U.S government, for instance, is fighting a war against its own citizens and selling it as either a war against Russia, A War on Terror and now a War against White Supremacy and Domestic Extremists, which is why government officials kept talking about foreign and domestic enemies during the Trump impeachment saga. In October of 2019, Hillary Clinton accused Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of being a Russian Traitor. Gabbard's offense was that she disagreed with Clinton's foreign policy and Russians liked that. So, by that standard, Guns and Roses are also a bunch of Russian traitors because they oppose civil wars and Russians go to their concerts. Hillary was basically insinuating that anybody who disagrees with her foreign policy is a Russian Traitor. It is this type of insinuation by government officials and citizens in the United States, which gets used for the FISA secret court proceedings, justifying surveillance of individuals and groups of people. This surveillance justification is used to engage in what is referred to as 'human experimentation,' but is really a well oiled repression and oppression system around the world, utilizing security services gangstalking, which includes street theatre psychological drama skits, remote neural monitoring or mind reading, directed energy weapons and voice to skull technology.
Hillary referring to
anti-war candidate, Tulsi Gabbard, as a traitor is evidence of what is called
the Monarch Program: or The New Phoenix Program, identified by researcher and
writer Marshal Thomas.(3) The system, that he calls Monarch, polices political
speech and retaliates against people exercising first amendment rights or
against people reporting crimes to journalists or the police. The government
then engages in bizarre psychological warfare, so that when the subjects of the
oppression and repression speak about what is happening to them, they are
discredited. Many 'Schizophrenics' are telling the truth. Schizophrenia is a
front 'disease' masking criminal operations by the FBI, Department of Defense,
Homeland security, NSA and CIA , what victims describe as 'experiments,' and
occult abuse and torment of individuals. The operators subjecting the
'schizophrenic' to the torment or torture are desensitized. For some, this is
possibly because of harsher tactics in other cases, which makes dehumanization or outright atrocity
miniscule when held up to even more horrific acts. The Human Rights organization, Targeted Justice, states:
“This program was developed under the CIA's MK-Ultra project and is designed to break down the individual and "neutralize the person," using psychological, physical, and emotional stress. The ultimate goal of this program is to control the entire population, through intimidation, fear, and threats. Political activists, Labor Union leaders, Scientists, and Whistleblowers are some of the main targets of the program. However, some people are randomly chosen. Family and spousal relationships are usually destroyed, as part of this psychological torture.” (4)
Many of the human rights victim targets end up "living on the streets." And while some manage to survive there, it’s important to note that we are always talking about how we let people "live on the streets," but really, we leave people to die on the streets. The average age of death is in the 40s for homeless persons.(5) I sometimes think that people will look back on this era and think of people sleeping in the streets as barbaric that society functioned that way, but if there is no major education about it, I don't know if I am right about that. Michelle Alexander makes the point in her book, The New Jim Crow, that "critical consciousness is necessary for social action." (6) With regards to all the crimes of gang-stalking and directed energy weapons, I don't think there is a critical consciousness about it. There is just awareness.
In her book 1996, renowned author, Gloria Naylor created a novel dissecting how she got targeted for heavy invasive surveillance. The novel attempted to build off George Orwell’s 1984 and attempted to humanize or give insight to a citizen’s run-in with the national security state. The book bore witness to the experience of a subject of mass surveillance abuses, happening in the 90s.(7) But the actual year 1996 was by no means the origins of this modern secretive takedown system.
According to sworn testimony by former high ranking FBI Official Ted Gunderson, who was head of the FBI in Los Angeles, this NSA linked system has been around since at least the 1950s and became intensified after telecommunications tech became more sophisticated in the 1980s. In fact 1984 is identified by Targeted Justice as the date for the deployment of the Satellite Directed Energy Weapon system called "Thunderbolt System" and the actual weapon has been identified as the Vircator. In an email to members they stated the following:
"The satellite weapon is called a Vircator. US Patent 4345220 is owned by the USAF. The production weapons are called the "Thunderbolt System" rated at 32 MegaJoules of energy, and built by the Titan Corporation (now L3Harris). They were launched into orbit beginning in 1984 and the entire satellite constellation of 24 weapons was fully operational by 1992. The weapons produce a microwave scalar beam that can easily penetrate buildings, metal, wood, & concrete. The system was originally designed to destroy incoming ballistic missiles as part of President Reagan's Star Wars program (SDIO). It is a military weapon system, that is routinely used against civilians, in violation of the Geneva Conventions."
While Gunderson states that high technology was introduced in the 80s as well, he states that gangstalking went on longer than that by the U.S Government. This is Ted Gunderson's Sworn Testimony
from a 2011 lawsuit brought by Keith Labella. In the Testimony, Gunderson states
that gangstalking is real and has been going on for at least 60 years by a
"rogue" state operator. :
ted_gunderson_affidavit.pdf (targetedjustice.com)
623 0-A Wilshire Blvd, Suite 6
Los Angeles, California 90048
Phone: (337) 344-8876
I , Ted L. Gunderson, hereby swear under the pains and penalties of
jury that the following statements are true and correct:
1 . My name is Ted L. Gunderson. I am the owner and operator of Ted
L. Gunderson & Associates, an international security and
consulting firm based out of Santa Monica, California. I am
currently a licensed private investigator in the state of California. I
have performed private investigation and security work for
numerous individuals, companies, and governments worldwide
since founding my firm in 1 979. I have worked for, amongst
others, F. Lee Bailey, Esq., The California Narcotics Authority by
appointment of Governor Jerry Brown, The 1984 Los Angeles
Olympic Committee, and The 1979 Pan American Games in San
Juan, Puerto Rico by appointment of then U.S. Attorney Genera)
Griffin Bell.
2. Previous to my work as a private investigator I spent nearly three
decades in the F.B.I. Between 1951 and 1960 I was an F.B.I
Special Agent. In 1960 I was promoted as a supervisor at F.B.I.
Headquarters in Washington, D.C., where I was in charge of
Organized Crime and Racketeering investigations covering 26
F.B.I Field Offices nationwide. Following the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy, I was re-assigned to Special Inquiry
White House Matters at F.B.I. Headquarters, In 1965 I was
promoted again to Assistant Special Agent-In-Charge of Internal
Security and Anti-Terrorism of the F.B.I. New Haven, Connecticut
Field Office. In 1970 I was promoted to Assistant Special Agent-
In- Charge of the F.B.I. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Field Office.
On July 12, 1972 1 successfully negotiated with two terrorist
hijackers of National Airlines Flight 496 for the release of 1 19
passengers at Philadelphia International Airport. In 1 973 I was
promoted to Chief Inspector at F.B.I. Headquarters. I also served
as Special Agent-In-Charge of the F.B.I. Memphis and Dallas
Field Offices. I retired from the F.B.I as Senior Special Agent-In-
Charge of the Los Angeles Field Office of the F.B.I. with over 700
employees and a budget of over 22 million dollars in 1979.
3 . I have read the Complaint in the current action of Mr. Keith
Labella against F.B.I. and D.O.J. It is my professional opinion,
based on information, knowledge and belief that the information
sought by Mr. Labella in this F.O.I.A. suit regarding “gang
stalking”, “gang stalking groups” and “gang stalking methods”
reasonably describes an ongoing, active, covert nationwide
program that is in effect today, and, based on my investigations
and experience, has been operational since at least the early
1980’s. Since the 1980’s gang stalking has increased in scope,
intensity and sophistication by adapting to new communications
and surveillance technology. These programs are using the
codenames Echelon Program, Carnivore System, and Tempest
Systems. The Echelon Program is administered by the N.S.A. out
of Fort Meade, Maryland, and monitors all email and phone calls
in the world. Carnivore System is administered by the N.S.A. out
of Fort Meade, Maryland, and can download any computer system
without being traced or otherwise known to the owner. Tempest
Systems can decipher what is on any computer screen up to a
quarter of a mile away. These programs are negatively impacting
thousands of Americans and severely abusing their civil rights on a
daily basis.
4. Based on my investigative work, which includes intelligence from
sources such as active and former members of the Intelligence
Services (including the F.B.I., the C.I.A., the N.S.A. and Military
Intelligence), information from informants active in criminal
enterprises, and, victim testimonies, i have come to the conclusion
that thousands of victims have been targeted by an illegal
government rogue criminal enterprise that is active 24 hours a day
within the U.S. This conspiracy is far too active to be controlled or
operated by private enterprise whose goals are achieving financial
gain. These operations require extensive financing with no return
on the investment. This program’s operations are financed by
illegal black operations, i.e., narcotics, prostitution, child
kidnapping (children sell at covert auctions for up to $50,000 per
child), human trafficking, gambling and other rackets,
5. I have documentation and know that throughout the U.S., operating
24 hours-a-day and 7 day s-a- week, there is a Central Command,
located within the U.S., with multiple satellite offices, whose
administrators can instantly initiate surveillance, phone taps and
harassment against any individual in the country. They have the
technology, financing and manpower to dispense illegal
surveillance and harassment against anyone at any time, day or
night, I have files on numerous cases of active, programmatic,
illegal government harassment currently being conducted against
thousands of Americans. This makes the F.B.I.’s former
COINTELPRO program, which I worked on, including in a
supervisory capacity, look like a Sunday school program by
6. I firmly believe that most individuals working in the F.B.I., other
intelligence agencies, and the government overall are honest, law-
abiding public servants. However, a sophisticated network of rogue
operatives has secretly infiltrated the F.B.I., other intelligence
agencies including the C.I.A., and other key government positions.
This rogue element seeks personal power and wealth and considers
themselves above the law and the Constitution. They are carrying
out the aforementioned surveillance and harassment activities in
conjunction with organized crime, the cult movement in America
including Satanic cults, other commercial and political interests,
and even misguided civic organizations and neighborhood groups.
This illegal surveillance and harassment program is being called
gang stalking and organized stalking by the victims targeted by it.
The victims are targeted for a variety of reasons including
government and corporate whistleblowers, parties to financial and
employment disputes, parties to marital disputes (usually divorced
women), and even jilted paramours. Journalists covering
controversial issues, and, even attorneys and private investigators
representing unpopular clients or interests, have been targeted by
this program.
7. Individuals targeted by this program have been subjected to illegal
and unconstitutional phone taps, illegal re-routing of business and
private phone calls for purposes of harassment; illegal audio
“bugging”, surreptitious entry into home, office, and vehicle,
visual surveillance in the home conducted by illegal placement of
miniature remote, wireless cameras (often accessible via internet),
illegal internet spyware, illegal GPS tracking (often through their
own mobile phones), regular fixed and mobile surveillance, mail
misdirection, mail theft and tampering, financial and employment
sabotage, slander campaigns and community ostracizing , internet
disinformation and smear campaigns, poisoning, assaults and
murder, illegal set-ups on drug charges and other felony charges,
amongst many other civil rights abuses.
8. In addition to high-ranldng members of the F.B.I., other
intelligence services, and the government overall, wealthy,
powerful members of criminal syndicates, multi-millionaires and
the corporate elite are using the government gang stalking program
to harass enemies. They can get a targeted individual harassed for
the rest of that individual's life (individual cases of gang stalking
lasting for over a decade are common). The higher status members
of the gang stalking conspiracy initiate the gang stalking and
coordinate logistics and funding. Lower echelon government rogue
operatives, lower ranking members of the military (in violation of
Posse Comitatus), petty criminals and street thugs perform the
actual grunt work of daily monitoring and harassment of
individuals targeted by the program.
9. Based on my professional experience, extensive intelligence
information and belief, it is my professional opinion that the F.B.I.
is involved in and has investigative files on the subject of gang
stalking, related gang stalking methods, and gang stalking groups
in the F.B.I.'s vast intelligence files, that are responsive to Mr.
Labella’s F.O.I.A. Complaint. Furthermore, I have personally
referred numerous victims of gang stalking to the appropriate
agents at the F.B.I. for investigation of their cases. I have also
furnished the F.B.I. with documentation of an active, international
child kidnapping ring probably operated by rogue C.I.A. agents.
The F.B.I. has ignored my requests to investigate even though it is
their responsibility to investigate kidnappings. I have a contact in
Germany who advises me that the C.I. A. has set up secret
operations on U,S. military bases for the kidnapping, sale and
trafficking of children worldwide. The F.B.I. may be using a
unique codename and nomenclature for the gang stalking
phenomenon in its records, However, this is a semantic difference,
and, in no way changes my professional opinion that the F.B.I. has
investigative files on the nationwide phenomenon of gang stalking
described in reasonable and specific detail in Mr. Labella’s
F.O.I. A. Complaint. These F.B.I. files contain information
responsive to Mr. Labella's F.O.I.A., Complaint regarding the
subject of gang stalking. The F.B.I. and other intelligence agencies
are administering and covering up the rogue, covert, government
criminal enterprise of gang stalking. The gang stalking
phenomenon appears in the records of both the F.B.I. and the
N.S.A. in their records pertaining to the Echelon Program,
Carnivore System, and Tempest Systems. In addition, tire gang
stalking phenomenon appears in the records of both the F.B.I. and
the N.S.A. in their records pertaining to information collected by
Narus systems. Narus is a wholly owned subsidiary of defense
contractor Boeing that produces sophisticated, mass surveillance
computer systems currently being used by both the F.B.I. and the
Dated this day of 2011.
Los Angeles, California
Ted L. Gunderson
Political Surveillance Expanding
As with any official statement by former Surveillance personnel, I hold some
skepticism about the fact that Gunderson asserts this system is a ‘rogue
system.’ However, I fully acknowledge that Ted Gunderson was swearing under
oath that he believed it was. So, with skepticism, I acknowledge that this is
one of the most detailed public acknowledgements before a court of law about
the gangstalking program. It is important to focus on the fact that
Gunderson asserts that the FBI has knowledge of the gangstalking program
and that they keep records of it. Though this system is not new, the gov't has
been codifying and bending rules to make themselves less accountable to the
constitution, absent a winning lawsuit challenge. A recent excerpt from a
report titled Still Spying on Dissent by Chip Gibbons of Defending Rights and
Dissent, an organization calling for Congressional Investigation into
surveillance abuses, found that
“While the FBI has always been engaged in First Amendment
abuses, the current Attorney General’s Guidelines, created in 2008, facilitate
these abuses. Under these guidelines, the FBI is allowed to conduct
investigations called “assessments” of U.S. persons without factual predicate
of criminal conduct or a threat to national security. The guidelines also allow
FBI agents to use race, ethnicity, religion, or First Amendment-protected
speech as a factor to open an investigation, or to attend public meetings
without disclosing their identities.”
It's not just the danger of the
government policing free speech through surveillance abuse like the FBI's
political surveillance that is a serious threat to our lives in the long age of
Human Rights Crimes by the government. Now, the government and prominent voices
are threatening to require private social media companies to basically
eliminate free speech on their platforms. The Green Party's Ajamu Baraka
described an interview on Democracy Now in which Roger McNamee, a venture
capitalist and musician whom some estimate to be worth a billion dollars,
argued for broad speech restriction requirements of these companies. Ajamu Baraka stated:
Democracy Now gave an hour to Roger McNamee who's essential message was that private capitalist companies should be required to not only check and; monitor paid political ads but the distribution of information that might be "false," "disinformation or "conspiratorial." That's freedom?
Chapter 1 part 2 Censorship of Psychological Operations
While the dangers of deciding
what is disinformation to eliminate the designated disinformation speech seems
obvious to me. It is worth noting here that the Main Stream Media or the 5
major corporations that operate network television and newspapers, lie every
day by covering psychological operations that are scripted events. Anything that
challenges their narrative is considered a lie. One example of this was when a
group of Iraqis staged a car bombing and then faked the victims. It was all
caught on tape with people laying down and faking being injured running into
the video frame after a controlled car bombing took place. It all leaked out on
youtube and was shown on a United Kingdom news site called the Daily
Star (10) https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/iraq-baghdad-staged-fake-car-17055385
It is acts like these that were alluded to when in April of
MSNBC ran scenes from the movie Wag the Dog and said "look just how easy that would
be" to start something that had the "appearance of a war" or a
fake war as Robert Deniro's character does in the movie. For sharing this
information and questioning the underlying theme and motive of NBC’s assertion,
I could have my speech eliminated by new systems of control discussed by Roger
McNamee and that former Green Party vice presidential nominee Ajamu Baraka
characterized as questionable freedom.
Shortly after beginning this book, The Russian Invasion of Ukraine began. A few days prior to the initiation of the invasion, the head spokes person for the Defense Department, John Kirby, stated that the U.S had intelligence that the Russian armed forces were planning on carrying out a false flag operation complete with fake explosions, fake victims, fake mourners and even fake corpses. (11) This is the first acknowledgement I'm aware of by the Pentagon that governments utilize false flags and in this case the U.S government was stating that it was going to be a massive event that was fake with fake explosions, corpses, victims, and mourners. So once the war broke out I ask if one single event can be conducted in this manner, is it possible to conduct a series of events that in sequence have what MSNBC described as "an appearence of a war?" Or what is known as a Psychological Operation. In this case, a very expensive one or lucrative one for some.
To ask this question could be met with censorship or the questionable freedom identified by former Green Party vice president Ajamu Baraka. The Green Party is a global movement which Gangstalker Donald Trump and FBI have staged subterfuge anti foreign information "crimes" to undermine. Trump reeks of conspiracy with counterintelligence program to make it palatable or even popular. The age of Trump is or was a bizarre age of total blackout in the media regarding anything unrelated to Trump. While there was some semblance of renewed attention to a few issues for brief moments like immigration, the whole Trump presidency functioned as a psychological operation, undermining Article 19 of the United Nations' Universal Declaration Of Human Rights, which establishes the right to share information across boundaries. The Trump Tower meeting, which was the original basis for the impeachment saga was likely staged to undermine free speech amongst internationalists and to champion FISA and surveillance. If you are part of a global political party, like say the Green Party, is it illegal to share polling data with operatives of a foreign government? These are the potential effects of going after Trump and Paul Manafort on election interference. Chip Gibbons summarizes how this has turned the issue of FBI surveillance abuse of the first amendment upside down in his aforementioned report:
“Finally, in the last two years, this discussion has been overshadowed by extremely partisan discussions about investigations into Donald Trump and his associates. While Trump and his supporters claim he is the victim of the greatest witch hunt in history, those concerned with potential abuses of power praise the FBI as a neutral, professional crime- fighting force. Constituencies on the left who traditionally have been skeptical of the FBI as a threat to civil liberties now find themselves as the Bureau’s defenders. Constituencies on the right who have advocated expansive police authority to maintain order, thwart subversion, and counter terrorism now find themselves speaking of the FBI’s potential to be a political police.”3
Steve Schmidt, a former Deputy Assistant to President George W. Bush, in
discussing Trump's impeachment over the Ukraine phone call on MSNBC stated:
"If you can't speak your mind without fear of being investigated then you
don't live in a free country." This is precisely the point of
anti-Russia-gaters and people discussing the 'political surveillance' of the
FBI. The worry over being subjected to a political police is well founded in my
experience and independent information being shared on social media is a target
for those in power. In discussing the 'poison' found on social media, House
Leader Nancy Pelosi seemed to indicate while speaking about Russian
interference in the election, that unless you are voting, you are unamerican as
Journalist Michael Tracy summarized on social media;
Pelosi warns that the "poisoning" of social media
is undermining "the mindset of what is America," which is
"optimistic and entrepreneurial." So if social media makes you
pessimistic, you are the victim of "interference" rather than a
critical thinker
Now once one analyses Trump as part of a counter
intelligence operation where a staged insurrection at the capitol in which
police admittedly as reported coordinated with many protestors who “didn’t
vote” as was plastered widely across media, you can see an effort to police or
engage in an age old trick of setting up illegal action in order to police
political activity. To return to the effort to police social media and speech, I submit the phenomena of criminal activity or sensational social media trends and viral marketing over the past few years on tic toc.
MAYBE cHApter break? Voting Even though I Gave Up On Politics
I gave up on politics. I have a general sense and know my feelings or beliefs on variety of things, but I basically know my little corner of knowledge and life's experience and my brain's reaction to politics. I don’t go down paths of inquiry about various things like fentanyl or covid. I have thoughts on it, but I don’t do the intel test research thing. I find both camps to be annoying, but I think that is by design to undermine two party democracy in America while there is no hope for 3rd 4th and such.
How do we ignore the fact that there are seemingly divides in politics among the masses. The call to say the left-right paradigm is false may apply to Democrat vs Republican, but not to the reality that there is a group of people that largely fall into the following left right paradigm. What neither really adheres to is ethical behavior.
Essentially there are definitely people on right that are ok with the market economy controlling or being the final arbiter in social affairs and damned be the environment or status of ecological systems. The right generally wants to conserve system and are ok with rich people controlling society and rewarding competing hard workers and talented people while letting impoverished and "lazy Untalented losers" fight for scraps or live in poverty without any sort of change to greater system. This, often, is linked to a belief in divine nature of fascism or capitalism but sometimes is based on social darwinism and a belief in a natural order. There is also like a secondary cultural identity of loving domineering violent males and warmaking and hating gay sex or any non- biblical condoned people. Historically this was previously the space for imperial racism and an identity around that, which is still a legacy that lives on to some degree.
This is seriously what drives alot of people
There are also people who identify as left that want other factors to regulate market economy like common good, environmental health and sustainability, human rights, generally want to make changes to system, see it as fallible and are not ok with rich people controlling society, don't want the masses to compete for resources but unite and are not ok with poverty. Generally, the left wants to eliminate poverty and want the earth to survive. The left generally wants some changes to system, some want to dismantle it replace it with left wing systems. There are people who identify as left that don't agree with war as the default state of humans and don't see capitalism or fascism as natural order or believe in it as natural order. The left generally more favorably supports feminism and female elevation to roles of political economic and social power. There are people who identify as left that want to rectify injustices of imperialism and racism and support diversity.
The trick is recognizing that there is in fact this divide and in supporting democracy as a compromise between them, then finding compromises between them as each makes its case.
I will say that voter intimidation is a crime committed via gangstalking and I have been harassed to vote for Democrats, particularly Hillary Clinton. I'll state now that as a Target I don't advise anyone what to do with regards to voting. There are a few people in elected office that do acknowledge this system at least in part. One body that did so was the Richmond City Council in California and their Mayor Tom Butt, made up of mostly progressives. Also, Democrat Dennis Kucinich who acknowledged mind control space weaponry in a bill he sponsored decades ago did so, but has back-tracked since and said nothing else about it. And as far as I know, the only other person in elected congressional office to acknowledge the program, at least in part, is former Republican representative Jim Guest who openly acknowledged the program while representing Missouri. Additionally, a target named Scott in California who has written to numerous government officials received a letter from a City Council person in Los Angeles. The council member stated that they believed that Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti was considering starting a Task Force into the topics Scott had discussed in his letter, which included Directed Energy Weapons and Remote Neural Monitoring. (14) I imagine that it'd be hard to ignore Los Angeles City Council like Richmond has been, though sworn testimony from the former Los Angeles FBI head, Ted Gunderson, is ignored. During a press conference he gave as President, Bill Clinton said that human experimentation was wrong and that the government had a moral responsibility to tell the truth about it or about anything that is wrong. I didn't know, however, if I could expect that belief system to rule another Clinton Whitehouse. I didn't have a hopeful attitude or know if one was detrimental or not. I don't know if cynicism is detrimental or not. I know that it is impossible not to be cynical.
I don't know who is best to vote for Targeted Individuals or for what you individually believe. I did not vote in 2012 after becoming aware of this program. I voted straight Democrat in 2018, but don't like that when a Democrat abuses human rights or commits war crimes they are considered a Moderate and when a Republican does it they are a Fascist and I believe that this leads to a widely supported and condoned fascism that kills people and abuses human rights. I'll divulge that in the next vote for the 2020 presidential election, I voted Democrat. In the previous election, the 2016 election, I voted for the Green Party, but they also don't divulge any information regarding this tyrannical system. In the 2016 election, I was weary of war or casting a vote for war and someone said that Arab blood was very cheap to Hillary Clinton. I'd add that it was very cheap in the election overall from all the candidates in 2016. I think that is true and that it eroded Democratic party support. However, on the war and peace front, Trump's behavior with North Korea in which he threatened Fire and Fury was alarming and I think bizarre. In the 2016 primary I voted for Bernie Sanders, but Sanders is mute on psychotronic weaponry, and I don't know what a vote for Sanders would mean with regards to the Monarch Program. I suspect his heart attack during the 2020 primary was possibly induced. A week before his heart attack he released a plan to eliminate billionaires and a billionaire made the statement that maybe Bernie Sanders "shouldn't exist." (15) However, he seems to be in favor of 'homeland security' and 'national security.' The European Parliament called for a ban on 'human manipulation' weapons. I know that Europe is considered on the left. I also know that Kucinich called for a ban of psychotronic, and mind control weaponry and he is on the left. Serious laws are already being violated also. Jesse Ventura considered running for president. I've also read he endorsed Bernie Sanders for the 2016 Democratic party nomination. Jesse Ventura is the only politician besides Dennis Kucinich to talk about neurophone voice transmission technology. He demonstrated its existence on his television program. I personally think that Ventura knows more than he lets on about satellite neurophone technology, remote neural monitoring or mind reading and gangstalking, but at least he admits it exists. I would ‘ve been tempted to support a Ventura presidency, at least there would be acknowledgement of the neurophone, but I don't know what else would happen.
There was alot of anxiety over President Trump for good reasons and I think the Presidency is just weird no matter who is President. We vote for people we don't know to have such immense power over us and others. At Donald Trump’s inauguration, he stated that "freedoms must be reclaimed by each generation" as if a priestly class dolls them out. For years there have been impeachment petitions being circulated for President Trump and there are issues I think he should be impeached for just like Obama and Bush, but the impeachment petitions for a long while were based on ultra nationalist anti information sharing, which is a Human Right. Most of the early campaigning for Trump's impeachment, was about sharing information in Trump Tower obtained from Russian sources. Nancy Pelosi confirmed that the motive for Impeachment was based on Russian collusion, which for months was itself based on declarations that “crimes” were committed due to information sharing. She stated it was central to the Ukraine Phone call article of impeachment, stating “all roads lead to Putin.” (16) If Americans were caught overseas or abroad sharing information to influence elections and then were gone after with full force of foreign country's government, they'd be considered political prisoners. I was uncomfortable setting a precedent for impeaching somebody for sharing information obtained by a foreign 'agent.' If someone from Vanuatu, for example, had damaging information about Trump and his corruption relating to global warming policies, I'd be for that information being shared. So, I don't see how I can be for it in that case and impeach someone because it came from Russia in another.
This seemingly perpetual contradiction and hypocrisy presents itself to us as political subjects of the Two-Party system regularly. What I believe is that the persons in leadership positions are trying to undermine the two-party system with a hypocrisy churning machine. The pattern of behavior and news stories or events is unmistakable. So, then you'd think they'd offer a third party? No there's no third party to be offered. In fact, they make it such high stakes with dueling oppressions that people become tribal during election season, which in and of itself undermines the two-party system further.
For the 2024 election I've seen Robert F Kennedy Jr. make mention of this fascist technocracy and discussed an AI controlled Surveillance Tyranny being developed on CNN, but he did not go into detail and alas you know there is a depth to talk about this type of thing that doesn't get breeched in presidential politics. I have noticed when you come across online accounts, figures or personal interactions in society, where people often discuss voting for RFK Jr. as having no affect on fascism, that these same people will usually make no mention of an Artificial Intelligence run surveillance dictatorship being developed, but in fact Kennedy Jr. has at least mentioned it. I find that interesting. As of this writing I'm going to vote Kennedy Jr in 2024, but don't agree with everything he stands for. I've come to view presidential politics as a compromise while maintaining some semblance of values. But I typically don't have much hope in the thing. I try to be supportive of my candidate without being tribalistic.
Narrative of Democracy. America as Dictatorship with Trump and AntiTrump Branding and Robert Naselund Lecture on Dictatorship
America is a dictatorship & Donald trump is in a secret society convoluting the dictatorship. He took the country down reality show psyops. I began this book discussing the intelligence tactic of using an antagonist in order to run an operation to gain trust in individuals. The same thing can be done to create trust in institutions or organizations as well. Trump functioned as an antagonist, in this case to prop up the media and intelligence agencies and institutions. In February of 2018, Republican Devin Nunes hinted at the “surveillance abuses” Targeted Individuals go through with a memo titled Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Abuses at the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Nunes memo release told a small secret, that the govt and presidents target people with 'surveillance' due to political beliefs or speech. We're supposed to see Donald Trump as a huge scam artist running Ponzi schemes etc. but then take everything he does and says at face value and all the people who positioned him along the way of his rise to fame and household standing, like NBC Universal we are also supposed to remove from any part of the scam and take everything they say at face value. How does that make sense? Trump is subverting media criticism in society by being a heel or buffoon authoritarian that attacks the media. They can position themselves off Trump as a people's champion when they are not. Donald Trump is staged like 9/11 was staged. Follow this: Trump is worth 4 billion dollars, Pelosi is worth 130 million. They are fighting an impeachment battle over exposing corruption and both support war in middle east, 1 in Syria and 1 in Iran, but 500,000 Americans must bake and freeze to death on the streets meanwhile. I stated earlier that once a person is targeted, they are subject to a bizarre and crazy psychological warfare designed to make them appear crazy so as to discredit them once they talk openly about it. Part of the bizarre psychological warfare used on me so that I discuss it and discredit myself is using Donald Trump to mimic me. On the news the day I decided to compile this book, for instance, was the headline that President Donald Trump tweeted that his impending impeachment was comparable to a lynching. There was much outrage regarding Trump's tweet, much the same as always. This is a formula for producing propaganda. I will discuss later how Donald Trump is a gangstalker who gaslights and mimics broken thoughts that I have in often distorted fashion. He is supposed to be my alter ego, one of many that act out on the entertainment and political stage to run media feedback and mind control operations directed at me and others. Trump's lynching remarks are intended to mimic a statement that I made a few years ago, in which I stated that the human rights abuses that Targeted Individuals go through with the mobbing, Directed Energy Weapons torture, mutilation and sexual assaults etc. are comparable to lynching and have roots in lynching. I said, specifically, that they are a historical cousin to lynching. I stand by that statement. One would just have to look at the pictures of Targeted Individual and human rights victim, Midge Mathis' torture, as one example to understand that, though much of the torture can take place without leaving discernable marks. (17)
21st Century Lynching uses high tech methods to destroy a person's mind and body coupled with 24-7 Mass Mobbing -For those unaware it is an often times invisible crime happening in plain sight that people ignore. (maybe discuss here Robert Naeslund lecture which he identifies NY Times report on cybernetics in 1948)*** Cybernetics is an entire transdisciplinary field of study devoted to the science of electronic control systems and communication systems in animals and machines. Ultimately, it is devoted to communication between animals and machines. It has been in existence for at least 3 quarters of a century and its development coincides with Pentagon programs to control populations post World War II. Organizations and programs engaging in the usage of mental slavery, mind control, brain invasive technologies and behavior modification programs on individuals established themselves in at least the late 40s and included the influx of NAZI scientists into the United States. One known program often pointed to is Project Paperclip, however the knowledge about this program should not be equated with the extent to which mind control programs and brain invasive technologies are in use. Dr. Robert Duncan has testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee about the usage of mind control programs enacted on targeted individuals and torture of citizens occurring on a mass scale. He states that these programs exist in the U.S with a scale of secrecy greater than the Manhattan Project, while the technology is commonly known in Eastern Bloc countries as bio-communication technology. There are some who are taken slaves by this system and others who are singled out for lynchings where they are tortured until they violently act out against police and are killed, made to commit suicide or are murdered with directed energy weapons often after physical and psychological torture.
In 2011, Robert Naeslund gave a lecture outlining the chronology of public acknowledgements in Newspapers and by scientists or politicians of what the New York Times at one point described as a future of “Push Button People.” The Lecture was titled “The Brain Project," which is what Naeslund referred to as the implanting of people to link their brains to a super computer. I leave here his transcription. As someone with strong interest in this topic, I find this lecture to not be very prominent in disseminated information about Monarch Program. I don't know what to make of that except to think that it is being repressed with overload of information. I hope I’m not doing that here with this book, but rather supporting it’s claims and organized presentation.
"From the 1940s electrodes were implanted in the brains of unwitting Hospital patients during surgery. In the 1960s mini-transmitters that easily could be implanted were developed and today "brain-chips" are also injected at hospitals internationally." -Robert Naeslund
RN "Robert Naeslund): This subject has received too little attention and that often has been related to conspiracy theories and even science fiction, but that in reality has been a state project for the past 60 years, developed behind the so called "walls of power": the secrecy of military research. My name is Robert Naeslund and I am going to give an explanation of the subject that the American Senator John Glenn had his main activity during his last 3 years as a politician and that he, in his last speech in the Senate 1997, described as one of the most important questions of our times. The technology that uses remote control to directly connect to the human brain emerged as super computers were developed in the 1940s. From the beginning this technology has used implants in the human brain, then electrode two-way communication systems where the emitted frequencies could be programmed with data for influence while returning signal sent biological information that the super computer could compile and analyze.
RN: The very first articles about this technology were published in the NY Times in December 1948 when the American Professor Norbert Weiner published the book "Cybernetics" coining at the same time the "cyber" concept. It can be interesting to know where this word is coming from. The technology came to be known as bio-medical telemetry. That is the medical name for it. Telemetry means measuring at a distance. Other terms were bio-cybernetics, brain-computer-technology, or man-system-interaction, which is the Swedish State's name for this technology. The first experiments- and this is something that will challenge our understanding about medical ethics, in particular, but also doctors' functions- but there is very strong documentation about this: The first experiments with this technology in Sweden that we can document took place at Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm 1946. Electrodes were implanted in people's brains- on the same premises as today- without people's knowledge, and these people were thereafter used in medical experimentation with the new technology. Already in the 1950s'- half a century ago this extensive research program was organized behind the defense research that was at that time called F.O.A and that functioned as a "knowledge bank", innovator, made evaluations, trained doctors and professors to develop the project. Military research has by now changed its name to F.O.I and state in its annual report of 2011 that their goal is to control man's cognitive functions during the individual's whole lifetime. Cognition is about thought and reason.
Narration Quote: All facts which are presented about Sweden are as well valid for the U.S or any European nations. This techno-political violent project goes on globally and Senator John Glenn, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, The New York Times and many professors have all protested against the "rape" or menticide of the brain.
RN: It's with supercomputers that they were able to develop the "Big Brain Project" that this lecture will be about. Two years later 1953, April 3, The New York Times had an article with the Title "Scientists use electrodes in brain" and from it we can understand already at that time in 1953, one could transfer both memory thoughts and sensory functions by remote control. I'll quote a few lines from it: "Patients brains are wired for sound with hairlike electrodes in a new technique reported at the Mayo Clinic today...The scientists said that through the depth recording and electrical stimulation methods, new fields had been opened into basic function of the human brain, like memory, thought, action, sight and smell." And this article was published April 3rd 1953, but still today this is nothing that anybody talks about. Well at least not in the mass media or in the popular magazines. Professor John Lilly mentioned in his memoirs, the book with the title "The Scientist" published 1978 that in 1953- again this is mind blowing because it happened such a long time ago- 58 years ago he was called to a meeting with the director of the U.S Mental health institute that asked him to have his research with dolphins and chimps- with electrodes in their brains- to be directed behind the C.I.A's secrecy. But he refused. And the answer that he gave the General Director was also published in his memoirs telling us very much about how this technology was developed and how far the development had gone already by 1953. "Doctor Remond that uses our technology in Paris shows that this method of stimulation of the brain can be applied to the humans (with implants), without the help of a neurosurgeon. He does it at his clinic. This means anyone with the right tools can do this to a person, in secret, without any signs that electrodes have been used on the person. If this technology comes into the hands of a secret agency, they can have a total control over a person and change his beliefs extremely quickly. Thats how far this technology was developed already in 1953. The C.I.A had begun its collaboration with surgeons abroad, in this case Paris, who implanted their electrodes imperceptibly, secretly in patient's brains (hospitals, brothels, orphanages, and prisons).
Narration Quote: The magazine Science had in 1956, 30 Nov., their first extensive article regarding the brain subject under the heading "Some issues concerning the control of human behavior." Professor Carl. R. Rogers called the people under these conditions slaves of those who directed their behavior. "I believe the prediction and control of behavior may be misused...It also means the great majority are only the slaves. We can choose to use our knowledge to enslave humans in ways we never dreamed of, in such a way that they never become aware of the loss of their personalities"
RN: And this was something that was published in the magazine "Science." He also added: "in such a case we can only look back on the concept of human freedom and the right to choose, as being a historical curiosity that once existed, as a cultural accident, as a set of values in a pre-technological civilization." Yes these are indeed scary words. They state something that in fact is much more detestable than what old traditional dictatorships represent. And that the project was developed because of government decisions...well, its a horror story. That is something that Swedish Defense researcher and scientist P.M Persson talked about in an article in the F.O.A. Magazine 1965, with the title "Bio-Telemetry." He wrote: "The word telemetry comes from the Greek tele meaning far, and metri meaning measure. In Swedish telemetry would be called "measuring at a distance." Telemetry can be described as the science of the transmission of data that is normally not available. The oldest and most widely used radio system is the AM/FM system. It was standardized as early as around 1950 in the U.S.A. "The substantial portion of biotelemetry comprises data transmission. This is mainly done by using implanted transmitters. The technology has evolved very far in Swedish medical research." What in fact was developed far back in the medical research was the abuse of patients, in whose brains or heads, transmitters had been implanted. And this was something that at the time was done largely during surgeries, when patients were anesthetized. Dr. Jose Delgado, mentioned earlier in the New York Times, published in 1967 a research report, "Mans intervention in intracerebral functions." He wrote that electrodes were implanted in patients in all major hospitals around the world. I'll quote a few words from the research report: "Implanted electrodes in humans are now used in all large hospitals. The presence of electrodes in the brain is not harmful or even unpleasant and patients live a completely "normal" life in their homes. From the experimental point of view, behavioral research requires individual freedom. In consequence of this trend, we have begun to affect the brains psychological reactions and scientific studies have concluded that we can experiment with intracerebral functions responsible for developing and maintaining specific behaviors and mental functions." Well this was nothing that the patients themselves-as they were called-had the slightest idea about; that they had been implanted and that they were used in research. In experiments of their brain functions for a lifetime connected to their systems. With this technology, one of the most prioritized research areas emerged that had to do with changing people's perceptions, ideas and in general, behavior. To understand politicians' attitudes regarding this matter, I am going to report a Swedish government report from 1972. The Prime Minister Olaf Palme appointed Alva Myrdal as chairman of State Commission "Choosing the Future." The predicted future wasn't what anyone would accept. From the following words that I'm going to quote, one can better understand politician's tactical games in which human rights and all international conventions that Sweden has signed to protect citizens, were completely mashed. Alva Myrdal wrote: "Research in the field of brain function and behavior is primarily aimed at identifying the nature and extent of those changes that can be achieved with different methods. Discussion about the various methods to influence people, are leading to the question of the individual's ability to protect oneself from undesirable influences and the invasion of privacy. Undoubtedly, the protection of the individual against the abuse of these and similar methods in today's society are inadequate." In fact, the government did not want to give us-the people- protection against the technological intrusion into our brains.
RN: This was 40 years ago. They gave their sympathies to power instead of taking the people's side and felt solidarity with some small but powerful groups such as the military, the professors and the researchers. In particular, these three groups. All of them wanted to develop it against humanity....and the whole population. About the same time the American Professor of Astronomy, Carl Sagan, published his book "The Dragons of Eden." In that book he discussed this technology, and he wrote that people who accept electrodes in their brains have lost any chance of freedom. I quote from it "When it comes to technological nightmares, it is important to recognize the possibility that people can understand it and prevent government abuse. The people that allow the government to implant electrodes in their brains, have lost the battle of freedom." A way of understanding it- at least the beginning of the lost freedom- is to realize that not a single article has come out in mass media that has been able to create a debate about this technology and its emerging role as a political factor.
RN: But there has been one newspaper, a single newspaper in the world, that has been better than any other. It has challenged the greatest power on earth in this matter, and it is The New York Times. Already from the start in the 1950s, they bought up the research reports that referred to the possibility to, for the first time in human history-being able to neutralize- not only mental diseases but even physical ones. They have written many articles about this development in the 1950s. In the 1960s; they began saying that the technology was being misused. And they also published many leading figures' warnings about the social danger of a society under brain (mind) control. During the 1970s the danger had become even greater and more and more articles were written about the C.I.A's brain control systems. During a single summer in 1977 the New York Times published thirty articles about the C.I.A's brain control systems. The most important thing that was brought into the light was that this project had already had begun in the 1940s, and that they had built with this technology, a state within a state. In 1967 the New York Times had its first editorial under the title "Push Button People" and they discussed ongoing experiments that warned about the development of this technology and it was stated that it has come up to a more general debate and to everyone's attention. They also mentioned that probably there were countries in the world that already planned to subjugate their populations using this technique. I'll quote a few words from the New York Times editorial. "It is the possibility of similar control over human beings that causes concern. Several years ago a scientist told a scientific meeting that experiments with patients seems to support the distasteful conclusion that motion, emotion and behavior can be directed by electrical forces and that humans can be controlled like robots by push buttons. It is indeed a distasteful conclusion but it is quite conceivable that in some countries investigations may be under way into the possibility of using these techniques to control human beings. But the mere existence of such a possibility is disturbing, and certainly merits wider public discussion and a greater attention than it has received up to now." Certainly this was the way it was. Both in the U.S. and Sweden were countries that had far reaching plans to subjugate citizens beyond their knowledge in brain control systems.
RN: By this time, surgeons had under two decades committed their abuses on patients and this technology has during the whole time been developed behind the Swedish defense Research Institute F.O. A. The Experiments have during the whole development been very brutal. A conference was held in 1986, March 13th, about this issue, at The Swedish Department of Justice. Swedish Justice Minister, Sten Wickborn, had invited some professors, researchers and a few politicians. At the meeting it was mentioned that this musn't reach the mass media. One professor, Bengt Pernow said that researchers from all over the world are coming to Sweden, to experiment on humans, as they don't have the right to do that in their own countries. Because we here in Sweden have less protection for our human rights than other nations and this was mentioned in clear words at that conference. We tend to believe that we in Sweden live in the best of all democracies. Thats jhow it usually sounds in the mass media anyway, but if you only scratch a little bit on the surface you discover something very different. To return to the New York Times, they publish their second editorial September 19th, 1970, under the title "brainwave." It indicated that Orwell's vision of the future had already expired. Something new was around the corner, something new and much worse. Every newborn baby, it's first experience in this world would be to be implanted with a neurotransmitter and for their entire lifetime have emotion and cognition controlled by state computers.
Narration Quote; NEW YORK TIMES editorial excerpt Aug 5 1977, "Control C.I .A not behavior; " So we must add repugnant medical experimentation to the list of horror stories emerging from the C.I.A. It was no secret that the agency once hunted desperately for means to control human behavior. One objective was to program individuals so that they might do the agency's bidding even to the point of ignoring such fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation. We are not sufficiently schooled in ethics to know how this differs from murder. There is no substitute for also holding their senior officials ethically and legally responsible as individuals for all activities. Even at this late date, the country should be told who sanctioned such projects, and how.
RN: These are good words coming from The New York Times. Now, 35 years later, we have every reason to make the same demands in Sweden. What happened during 60 years of brain experimentation? Which doctors, professors, what institutions have been involved in the most anti democratic project that ever existed? By what kinds of methods has it been possible to keep off the media and peoples attention? What defenses have been set up? What is the role of medical corporations? They are involved. What does the government say? F.O.I's supercomputers must be turned off! We are all about to become the state's lab rats and chip manipulated behavior skulls, and that is verified by F.O.I itself.
RN: To give you an idea about the Pentagon's use of brain control technology I will quote something which, just as everything else no one has heard of even though it should have been on the front pages of the mass media. A few people with insight and courage dared to reveal the most secret, the military's use of brain technology for mass murder. Two British Scientists, Professor Malcolm Varner and Dr. Michael Stone, published in 1970 the book "The Data Bank Society," a strong protest against the government's power over people's minds. At that time the U.S had its war in Vietnam, and they had advanced methods for implanting people by mixing up microchips in both medicine and alcohal; one could within a few years scan a large part of South Vietnam upper and middle class. The super computers (via Radio Tower and Scanners) could thereafter analyze and evaluate people generally deduce their opinions and see what they were up to. They rationalized (via the data) that there weree 33,000 "very important people" that were vietcong sympathizers which they planned to execute, and it could be done by the same ingested technology through which their sympathies were assessed through the cennection to their brainwaves- their biological "feelings" could be altered to a state that was lethal rendering them sick or diseased. By intromitting heart attacks, strokes, cancer or whatever they liked. The following brief quotation from Professor Malcolm Varner says alot about that: "Hopelessly thwarted in its attempts to improve information input, the U.S Command in Saigon has developed its most skilled resources to rendering its information processing ultra-sophisticated. It has invented what is in effect, a computerized "extermination machine"... The high command in Saigon is now extending the idea of computer selections to individuals as well as selected areas. This year, 1970, the program aims to "eliminate" 33,000 inividual Vietnamese civilians who- it has been determined by the computer- are Vietcong Sympathizers. This quote says alot about being able to- through the computer brain interaction- manipulate someone's biological functions even to the point where they die for one reason or another that can't be differentiated from natural causes. The same resources are also in the F.O.I's computer systems and it is also used to to keep the brain systems away from the mass media and people's knowledge. A Swedish general Director, Stina Whalstrom, wrote in 1989 in the data inspections annual book that as long as this continues, Sweden cannot be called a Democracy. She wrote about people exploited without their knowledge or against their will. Of course these are harsh words that we are not living in a democracy, but a project like this cannot exist in a democracy. However one of the best protests and revelations from this society's own authroities was actually stated a few years ago. March 16 2005, The European Commission's Ethical Council with the Swedish Professor Goran Hermeren as chairman published the document "Ethical Aspects of I.C.T implants in the human body" to the E.U Commission as a reccomendation on how one should regard this technology's future development. It is without doubt challenging the system and it is the best of all other explanations and the biggest disclosure made about this technology. Their 30 page document explains that implants are injected into people for research and social control purposes. I.C.T stands for Information Control Technology and includes everything from electrodes to biochip implants. The quotes from their document say everything regarding how this technology is nowadays used not only in Sweden, but in all Europe, within the European Union. They are talking about injecting people, unwittingly with chips. Well, this has in fact been going on for 60 years now, but good they mention it. I quote from their document: "Brain Computer -interface or direct brain control: the technologies involved above are communication technologies: they take information from the brain and externalize it. There are internalizing technologies whose purpose is to take information from outside and provide individual access to it." They did not talk about any particular individuals but about all of us...it was declared that it to a transformation of human being.
Here is the quote: "Our present society is confronted with the changes that have to do with the anthropological essence of what man's inner nature is." They did not mention some specific people or population groups, but in fact all of us. This is a planned population project for the manipulation of our inner most nature. Our right to think for ourselves. They explain that it was a threat to democratic society and of course it is so. Not even a Hitler with his old methods could be a more terrifying threat in today's societies when you compare them with the technology's intrusion into our brains. They wrote "E.G.E makes the evaluation that non-medical applications of implants are a potential threat to human dignity and the democratic society... the use of the remote control to take over people's will must be absolutely prohibited." It is of course not less critical to go into someone's brain and change a human beings thoughts and will- than it was under Hitler and Stalin's times- forcing people behind barbded wire in order to neutralize their thoughts and will power. It says alot about our political governance of course. In addition, you should be aware that many of those who sit in Paliament also have their brains incorporated into the defense department's super computer control systems. Of course they become a type of puppet for the will of others.
Narration Quote: Frequency Errata Table of Implanted Americans by Professor Stuart Mackay, "Telemetry is Coming of Age" 1983. Biomedical frequency allocation in the United States for research and patient monitoring: Frequency mils; 38-41/88-108/174-216 Bandwidth Life: 200/200/200, Field Strength 10 at 15m/ 50 at 15m/150 at 30m. Out of band transmitter requirements (maximum); 10 uvm at 3m/40 uvm at 3m/15 uvm at 30m
RN: Next quote is about health and our social life that has largely degenerated since the brain technology had its impact from a couple of decades ago. A neuro Professor, Anders Lasner at Stockholm Brain Institute states that approximately 30% of people in the E.U. suffer from brain diseases or behavioral disorders. It increases and it is directly related to this technology. We all have of course been confronted with the tragedy that people seem to become stranger and stranger. The E.U. ethical group provided us with an explanation of the reasons: "It should be stressed that there are no reliable scientific investigations concerning the longterm health aspect of implants in the human body. The unrestricted freedom of some may endanger the health and safety for others. As in other areas, the freedom to use implants in one's own body i.e the principle of freedom itself might collide with the potential negative social effects."
Narrator Quote: The European Commissions Ethical Board wrote: "Brain computer interface (B.C.I) or direct brain control are communication technologies; they take information from the brain and externalize it...Contemporary society is confronted with changes that have to do with the anthropological essence of individuals...to what extent might this technology be misused by the militairy?...the member states and their ethics councils have a responsibility to create conditions for education and constructive, well informed debates in this area.
RN: Under the section "Human Dignity Integrity and Autonomy" The E.G.E group brought up a number of questions not because they wondered about the answers, but probably because they were best presented as questions; "How far can such implants be a threat to human autonomy, particularly when they are implanted in our brains?" "How far can such implants have irreversible impact in the human body and or the human psyche?" "How will they influence human memory?" "Does a human being cease to be such a being in cases where parts of his or her body- particularly the brain- are substituted and/or supplemented with I.CT. implants?" "How far can I.C.T implants give an individual, or a group, specific capabilities that could become a threat to society?" "How far should we be subject to the control of such devices or by other people using these devices?"
From this quote when the E.U. Commission's Ethical Board talks about these implants in our own brains and bodies, we can understand the extensive use of this project. It has, in fact, throughout the history of mankind never existed anything more totalitarian. There has never been anything more anti-democratic. A dictator ship can never be greater than when citizens' brains are linked to computer control.. The state has become a cannibal, a rapist who is eating its citizens. Transforming us into biological manipulated components. But the E.U commission did not support their reccommnedation on the need to stop the ongoing trend of mind control. They instead accepted the constitution of this project and of course, that day when this techno-political development will create debates in the mass media, it will have serious consequences. They ended the document by urging that this development must become general knowledge. Quote: The member states and their national ethics councils have a responsibility to create conditions for education and constructive, well informed debates in this area" Of course it is good if everyone joins this challenge. But these councils have now had more than 6 years to show their inability. No debate has arisen. Not even a single word has been said yet. But this is of coure everyone's responsibility All of us must participate to ensure this issue reaches the mass media. This is one of humanities crossroads. One can almost say that nothing has ever happened in the history of mankind. That this is the very first time something is occuring. In other words before this we have always been our own biological creations. Sure, we have been indoctrinated to believe or not in certain things, but we have nevertheless always had our own biology, mentality, our own resources intact. This is an issue, almost completely unknown, but without doubt humanity's most important. ANd that is exactly what Senator John Glenn said in his speech in 1997 when he left the Senate.
Narrator Quote: The Swedish Defense 7 Research Institution wrote in its annual report 2011; F.O.I developed systems with emphasis on the interaction between people and technology. The goal is that sysetmes are designed at the human cognitive potential i.e. the ability to perceive, understand, and sorting information can be utilized for maximum system effect...
RN: Everyone must of course join this cause! The media has of course a responisbility to address this issue. Of course all human rights organizations Greenpeace, Attack, Amnesty and of course all political parties that see people's well being as above state power must participate in order to bring this subject up for a debate, and by that making change possible. I will end these dark visions with some positive thoughts about this technology. The man that termed the pharase "information society," The Japanese Professor Yoneji Masuda published his book "The Information Society" in 1980. In that book he brought up the dark and the light applications of this technology an he wrote: "If information systems were to be completely dominated by a despotic state organization, the information society would be the ultimate controlled society, in which the abuses would far exceed the abuses of human rights under dicatorships, but if the people took over the systems we could live free, healthy active, creative lives of up to an average of 90 or more. This technology has as many positive as negative applications. Thank You.
Sweden Human Brain Project Conference Transcript | PDF | Brain | Human (scribd.com)
With this revelation or allegation by Robert Naselund that we are in a supercomputer brain control dictatorship, that which I have personally experienced, it calls into question the Narrative sold that Democracy exists still and is under threat from Donald Trump. There have been numerous narratives pushed through the Trump Reality show/type presidency. One is that Trump is some cross between a Russian or Vladimir Putin puppet and the second coming of Adolf Hitler and that the Intelligence agencies are all that is good standing in the way of Trump. The irony, which is not so funny, is that the FBI and the CIA basically run a KGB type operation, but act like there is something to defend America from anymore. They just adopted all Nazi and KGB tactics and are running a dictatorship utilizing techniques from other countries all over the world and their systems. Another of those narratives pushed has been the notion that the country has been shocked into a Trumpian nationalism that runs opposite to the internationalism of old. This theme is pushed by operatives on the left and the right, in alternate media as well as in mainstream media. I find the debate in the United States over Trumpian Nationalism to be odd or somewhat phony and duplicitous. Currently, the United States and the "coalition of the willing" and other international countries disregard the sovereignty and national boundaries of other countries through the Global War On Terror. At the time of this writing, we are at war in like 7 countries and that’s just what’s overtly acknowledged by the Pentagon. Often times, the anti-nationalists as they fashion themselves, invoke Germany during the 1930s as a parallel to the Trumpian Nationalism, but then they proceed to promote International Blitzkrieg and warfare attacking other nationalist countries like Iraq and Afghanistan and others as the anti-dote to Trumpian Nationalism. It’s what you would describe as Orwellian “War is Peace.”
Many of the people lining up to become heads of the executive branch support the Global War on Terror and so heralded moral wars all over the world that are more in line with Germany's behavior during the 1930s. Also, a country like France for instance, opposed the Iraq war but they support plan A, which is a never ending war, violating various nations' boundaries and thus international law thus undermining international system based on the rule of law. This is now all being rebranded and all being done in the name of anti-nationalism and pro internationalism. So I ask was Trump the real president or is there an underground leadership of this country? Look at Harry Reid and Mitch Mcconnel. Are these real leaders of millions of people? They are bizarre characters to be political leaders. If that is true, what kind of leadership would conceal itself? Why was a reality show star head of state? Is he an actor?I gave up on Politics:
Chapter 3
A moment to inform about me
I guess I'll pause now and give a short introduction. My name is Dominic Friscia. I was born in Burbank, CA and grew up in Santa Clarita, CA. I was raised Catholic and though I see church as useful in our society for people looking for community and doing works that go beyond themselves, I am not religious. I'll probably let out my own view or ponderings on religion and God later. I went to a catholic school called Our Lady of Perpetual Help elementary school and then to a public high school called William S. Hart High School. I graduated from UC Irvine with a degree in Global Cultures. I submit this educational history because I know a lot of people argue or assert that targeting begins in school or that Catholics themselves and Rome is central to the program. I really have no idea. I ponder about Rome still being very powerful and that they haven't given up on world domination and even did so as a young kid in church. I believe that in the 90s when I was pondering these things that we were all already having our thoughts monitored by satellite. There is documented proof that satellite mind reading is undoubtedly established as possible and that mind reading is a public fact. As an example, the following is an excerpt about Regina Dugan leaving Facebook, describing how she worked at DARPA for the military and then worked on mind reading phones for Facebook: (check this find article)
"Before Google, Dugan was the director of
DARPA, the special research lab that builds new technology for the U.S. military.
A t Facebook, Dugan oversaw a number of hardware efforts, none of which have
actually launched, including a video chat device and a smart speaker, according
to Business Insider. Dugan also lead the company’s “brain computer interface
project,” a new type of technology meant to translate a person’s thoughts
directly from their brain and onto a computer screen. Dugan unveiled the
project onstage at Facebook’s annual developers conference in April."
As far as Rome goes I do know that my mom once
heard voice to skull voices while in a Catholic Church when she was younger
before I was born and that when I visited Rome, I and a cousin got hit with
directed energy weapons after cracking a joke in the Sistine Chapel. I don't
remember what was said.
When I first learned I was being targeted and finding Motives of covert orgs:
I began writing this document about 9 years after becoming aware that I was a human rights victim or a target of what is called “Security Services Stalking,” also known as Gangstalking. I write it with brain damage which was possibly caused by Directed Energy Weapons experimentation on me like has been reported with Havana Syndrome by other current and former government employees as well as citizens. I also write it within bouts of harassment by FBI CIA NSA Homeland Security etc. It is something that my handlers have wanted me to do as well as make videos. They actually want me to write this book. And i will reiterte here that although I believe they want me to write the book, im not sure what I actually write is satisfying or wanted in the end. There's a general script that I don't really follow with regards to my whole programming.
In the Summer of 2009 I was 24 years old,I applied for and accepted a government Americorps job at for a non profit that builds houses in San Diego. I had been suspicious that certain people at my previous employer, a non profit that provides interactive art space and exhibits for children, were conducting surveillance on behalf of the government or somebody else. At the time, it was a bit ambiguous. One of these people, whose mother worked at the Pentagon, recruited me to Americorps and I foolishly thought it would be a good chance to figure out why these people were so interested in me that they would infiltrate my work place and spy on me. I did not know at the time that my thoughts were being monitored. I applied for and accepted a position at Americorps in San Diego. At the time, I was decently politically active by going to meetings at a church on behalf of the organization, San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice, and participating in some protests. My memory escapes me, but some of them had to do with the drone bombings or pro immigrant rallies as well. The meetings at San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice were small meetings, just a handful of activists. At the time, I was very interested in the Guatemalan Genocide and the fact that thousands of people in San Diego had reported being victims of torture at one point in their lives. I saw California as an international headquarters and the governance and intelligence structure as being global. This is not to parrot Alex Jones or the common propaganda on the internet that devalues Human Rights or International law, or the idea of global governance, agreed upon democratically. I had various social justice interests or ideas, one interest was Universal Jurisdiction and another idea was that I thought that it was a good idea to make housing a constitutional right in America. I reasoned, at the time, that if the Second Amendment was enacted to protect property so that you are a secure person, then a right to the housing to secure yourself, housing that the gun protected, wasn’t unreasonable. I just offer that as an example of information that the government had on me when they were conducting their surveillance and then funneled me into Americorps building houses.
While at Americorps, I worked on building projects that had volunteers from many major defense and intelligence contractors, as well as a project sponsored by Luis Palau, a preacher with close ties to the Guatemalan Dictator Efrain Rios Montt, responsible for genocide in Guatemala. One defense contractor or intelligence contractor was the company in which Richard Helms was CEO of at one point. The information about Helms has since been deleted from public places on the internet, so I can’t remember what company he was alleged to be CEO of. In accordance with the erasure, it is apt to remind the reader that Richard Helms has been revealed to be instrumental in destroying evidence of the MK Ultra mind control programs run during the 60s and 70s. I do know when I was at The Nonprofit House Building Organization, before being hit with v2k in later years, I sat at lunch with regular volunteers who discussed working for Bechtel in Guatemala for the CIA and told me I could “go down there.” Richard Helms at least worked as a consultant for Bechtel. In about May of 2010, I became fully aware that I was being stalked and harassed by some organization. I had previously been suspicious. I detail the incident in which I became fully aware due to an assassination attempt later in this book. I finished the year at the house building non profit and eventually contacted Katherine Hughes, a journalist, and informed her of a discrimination case against a Muslim Family at the nonprofit in San Diego. Upon finishing my year, I decided to regroup and moved home to Saugus, CA with my parents, thinking some organization in San Diego was harassing and threatening me. I reasoned that I would be able to let things die down and thought of positives like saving money etc. It is possible that I got blacklisted here, because I applied for numerous positions and thought I was qualified and didn't get hired, but I don't know. People would make gestures in interviews that were gangstalking gestures. I eventually decided going back to school for a teaching credential or Masters Degree was my best avenue forward, but during this time the voice to skull attacks began and gangstalking ratcheted up debilitating me. (I am now brain damaged and operate considerabky slower than before) I attended protests upon moving back to Saugus. The protests were in Los Angeles. One protest held by the anti war group ANSWER was against the Libyan bombings conducted by the Obama administration. 3 days later I was followed into a Starbucks by 2 women, identifying themselves as police officers, and through a tactic called Directed Conversation, they proceeded to state that they "F*ck people up when they least suspect it" and stated that I had "crossed the line." 3 days after that, I was attacked in a staged car crash traveling on the freeway. I narrowly escaped a car that pulled parallel to me for 5 -10 seconds then jerked quickly into my lane spinning out of control. When I reported this to anybody, I was designated a paranoid schizophrenic. I was told I was diseased and nobody believed what I was describing happening to me.
I am, rather, just a subject of High Tech covert programs. The
Pentagon, which has sucked 25 plus trillion dollars of direct money to
perpetually conjure up ways to control people through physical and
psychological violence since it's dedication September 11th, 1941, has nothing
better to do, but psychologically abuse people while they engage in even the
most mundane activities.
"Surveillance and Spying" Poor terms of description and Psychological Operations for Counterinsurgency Cultural Production Motive
I believe that the word spy or surveillance are poor
descriptions of what happens to targets or victims of Security Services
Stalking or gangstalking once they go full throttle on you. When you are subject to remote
neural monitoring, all of your intimate thoughts, moments and activities are
shared with others and you are harassed based on them. It is an incredibly
dehumanizing experience. They can attempt assassination,
torture and abuse you to no end. It took me a while to put it into these terms
because I was reading so much literature that put it into other terms, the
origin of which I am unsure of. But Targets are victims of a state sponsored
human trafficking operation. If you read the actual legal definition of human
trafficking by the United Nations, the Security Services Stalking and targeting
program meet the definition of trafficking. The Mayor of Richmond California,
Tom Butt, wrote in an open letter that Targeted Individuals have their lives
controlled for profit and that the motivations are often driven by, for one thing, money, to
which I'll add political. (19) I don’t really want to get into all the details of
how they harass me. But it includes general harassment, sexual harassment,
mental torture and physical if you consider threatening heart attacks, sleep
deprivation, simulated rapes and momentarily paralyzing you as such. I will
offer a general synopsis. There exists a massive scale operation in which a
supercomputer Artificial Intelligence system communicates and directs security
personnel or the general public to carry human trafficking directives and
harassment messages focused on singular targeted persons. There are millions of
people who are getting paid to control every aspect of a person's life. That is
Human Trafficking. The
government also euphemistically uses the language "Behavior
Modification" to describe what happens to targeted individuals. Once again, controlling all aspects of someone's behavior for payment who is supposed to be
a free human would have been called human trafficking in the old days were it
done using crude methods and tactics and is actually human trafficking.
Gangstalking human trafficking and life control are done through elaborate reward and punishment stimulus and abuse. I thought a few years ago that my organs hurt when I woke
up in the morning do to the psychological assault and mental torture I
received, but it was probably physical assault via weapon system. Known or readily discernible Directed Energy Weapons neurological weapons effects that I have had tested on
me include Sped up heart or racing heart, flutter heart, heart stoppage,
restricted air passage, excruciating pain in rectum, Organ squeezing or pain,
head pain, laser weapon to the skull or brain, temporary paralysis, burning of
the skin, itching of the skin until I bleed, muscle pokage for general body
shaming, simulated rape sexual assault. My
program has fluctuated between torture, human trafficking directives, and
harassment to psychological experimentation which can also lend itself to those
characteristics. The intensity of my program changed around 2016 right before
the presidential election in October. For about five to six years it was
extremely crazy and pushed me to my breaking point. When I began to formulate
thoughts about how I was a human trafficking victim and went public with them,
somebody either intervened or the gov’t backed off somewhat at least via their
intensity and level of abuse.
Basically, when you are in an MK Ultra program as a so called Targeted Individual, people follow you around shitting and pissing on your life. They think that you don't live your life appropriately and they see themselves as arbiters of your life and that their control of your behavior or life is more sufficient than you being free. You are a social science or political science experiment. Now I believe many people are punishing you for being some sort of communist sympathizer or pinko, and some are actually acting out their frustrations of being part of a collective on random individuals. One thing my controllers do is follow me around with women wearing harassment colors or colors canceling out harassment. They will follow me around with attractive women either harassing me or as some sort of prop pieces or imply that they are trying to set me up with them. These gangstalkers are usually referred to as “honeypots” and go where I go as if this is supposed to be effectively evening out the abuse of the FBI CIA NSA etc. Usually, this will be buttressed by people making fun of me belittling me etc
If you've ever seen the Show Impractical Jokers on Tru TV that is alot like gangstalking fusion centers. Only difference is they are reading your mind and many times aiming for harassment. In allegedly declassified Community Policing Training documents which circulated on Twitter in 2018, the documents describe a term called: "Active Surveillance" and it says that "active surveillance includes the agent making the target aware that they are under surveillance. Beyond active surveillance, agents perform acts to make the targeted uncomfortable, around the clock." (20) It goes on to say that each act should be done so as to be deniable and that this form of 'punishment' must be seen as the target's 'over active imagination.' On page two of the document, it refers to advanced technology used for 'electronic punishment' which can go through walls and is 'deniable.' It also describes using "psychologists to maximize feelings of stress and hopelessness in the target and degrading the target's health" Current literature in the mainstream press is all propaganda to disguise this massive operation affecting hundreds of thousands of people with what appear to be carefully manufactured leaks, perhaps for cultural production or all as an element of that production. Leaked video from Canada's Security Intelligence Service called CSIS revealed that the annual budget for this global blackops program is 270 billion dollars. (21) Janet Phelan, of LA Progressive, wrote an article asking if the U.S was a 'mock up,' meaning they are running a mock government to obscure the true operations of a tyrannical system. (22) There are many ways in which this is revealed to the public. For instance, Dan Rather described the Russia-Trump drama or investigation as a stage and theater with actors.(23)
Instead of reacting to organic
events, the CIA and NSA are dedicated to creating events and then blasting them
through the media where they can manage a scripted reality. They call these events Psyops or Psychological
Operations. And so Rather’s words would be an odd choice of words were it not for the fact
that the government runs large scale psychological operations in which they
hire crisis actors to stage events. On the surface, the government admits to
running these operations as large-scale emergency drills. Rather,
seemingly as some sort of cultural producer, presents this statement with full
knowledge that it is not an analogy. Perhaps the most striking example of this
activity was the previously mentioned staging of a car bomb in Iraq in which tens of people were
'caught' on camera staging a car bomb that had faked victims. This staged event
was covered by newspapers online such as The Daily Star in the UK, but notably
not by many major publications: (24)
I’m not saying that all of reality is based on Crisis Actors, but that they are in fact being used to stage events. Something that I will talk about later in this book is that I also believe the well founded assertion that the people at the top of the Pyramid will also create spectacles that have real consequences for human life, like something as drastic as outright wars in order to mold our psyches and achieve desired objectives with the events often times replacing other events or news items that have begun to slip out of their narrative or political control. I believe that when this happens that there is cultural production designed to be directed at different audiences all at the same time. I believe that this production means different things to different audiences. As I touched on earlier in this book, it is unclear to me what the War in Ukraine is. But at least on some level I have been communicated in code that it is very much in line with this cultural production theory of mine.
(multiple meanings to multiple audiences)
Another example of the government deliberately revealing themselves to be underhandedly dishing out injustice is James Comey’s statement on twitter in which he says the following:
"Dangerous time when our country is led by those who will lie about anything, backed by those who will believe anything, based on information from media sources that will say anything. Americans must break out of that bubble and seek truth." (25)
is an example of cultural production on the part of a former head of the FBI,
revealing motive behind Targeted Individual program: Comey is talking about
himself as well and revealing an inside joke. In Michael Hoffman’s book on psychoplogical
warfare he refers to this as “Revelation of the Method or making seen all that
is hidden.”’ As evidence of the Targeted Individual program being used as some
sort of staged sacrifice of targets, I offer public documentation of a man
named Tony Frank who was filmed gangstalking a Targeted Individual. Tony Frank stated while
gangstalking that he was a Targeted Individual himself and that his whole
family had been tagged in the 90s with his sister sadly killing herself. He
stated that he was gangstalking and destroying the filming TI’s life so that he
filmed it and put it on the internet. (26) I've thought of documenting gangstalkers and sharing photos
and videos, but that just seems to embolden them and they play it up for the
cameras or they retaliate so I don't know.
It is too depressing. It just seems to reinforce their programming. Also it is designed to harass other people
through me, so I wouldn't be able to document it without bombarding other
people with my psych warfare.
TIs don't describe Targeted Individual program as counterinsurgency and subversion even though these are the top courses taught at intelligence and military schools around the world.
If the government planned a fascist takeover of America do you think making it an elaborate covert scheme would not be the preferred method? I believe the Fusion Centers are running a counterintelligence war on the population to make them fearful of gov’t. They are using tactics from the former East Germany, which was socialist to do so. Targeted Justice says that they have been notified by 3 police whistleblowers who stated that the Fusion Centers are running the Gangstalking program.
The following is a small example of the “active surveillance” political repression tactics of the state that people call #gangstalking:
I ran into a protest one day for Sikhs about a 1984 genocide in India and the participants held signs that said minorities are being attacked in India everyday. So, I took the flyer and retweeted posts on twitter and returned to walking outside our hotel and on the ensuing walk, multiple people of Indian descent appeared on the walk and spit around me to show displeasure. This is a play on sensibilities and was, perhaps, not even deeply held displeasure by the 'stalkers.' But the fact that it would affect my psyche is why they did it regardless of their feelings on the Sikh protest. I just share that for a small example, but I would get spitting done around me frequently to show anger or displeasure by active surveillance personnel. It is designed to make me uncomfortable and act out in anger in which case mobbing security personnel or police will either violently do away with me, incarcerate me or have me admitted to a mental hospital. Now imagine this being done 24 hrs a day responding to the most mundane thoughts and playing on your sensibilities as a subject. In this case, race was operationalized as they had angry appearing Indians harassing me on the street in response to a political behavior critical of the State of India.
There are probably numerous
motives for footsoldiers participating in Security Services Stalking or
gangstalking. I believe there are five or six main motives for the
participants. 1. They get paid or receive some sort of benefit for
participating or it is their job. 2. They think the behavior is funny or fun.
3. Some are driven by some ideological cause. 4. Some are driven by some
religious cause. 5. They are sadists. 6. Some are driven by a belief in science
and that you are a good subject to engage with and see you as a political
science experiment or psychological, weapons testing experiment etc.
I believe the ideological
motivation for Security Services Stalking varies. I believe that some people
are communists or collectivists who think they are acting in the interests of
the collective in symbolically destroying an individual and taking control away
from the individual. Some are anti-communists who attack individuals for the
purpose of propaganda creation and cultural production, as the Targeted produce
content describing the abuse of the State and collective community mobbing. That there is
motivation by anti-socialists and anti-progressives has been corroborated by
the Former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Terry Turchie, who appeared on
Fox news and told Tucker Carlson:
"When I first got into the FBI, almost 29
yrs ago) one of missions of the FBI in its counterintelligence efforts was to
try to keep these people ( Progressives
and Socialists)
out of government." (27)
76% of country approved of
President Trump's State of the Union Speech in 2019 in which he stated that
America would never be socialist. (28) Yet more evidence that an element of the
Targeted Individual & gangstalking program is a counter intelligence operation to
punish people and make them scream about horrors of government.
Another ideological motive for participants in
Security Services Stalking, I believe, is driven as an exploration of the
rights of the individual vs the state. In this case, I believe there is an
overlap of ideological motive and scientific 'inquiry' motive. I believe that
some people studied 19th century German political thought and the Hegelian
dialectic and see the targeting program as some political science experiment to
further 'inquiry' into the subject matter. I believe these people are
ideologically driven by the Hegelian Dialectic and are creating the problem for
a reaction (my writing for example) and thus a solution such as Corporations
Dissolving, limited government etc. These people may in fact be the controllers
or Directors with a managerial class and foot soldiers motivated by various
causes and purposes.
I believe that we can gain some insight into the motivations of political organizations and their leadership for their tactics of gangstalking by observing the statements of the Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman. In reference to the Saudi genocide and war on Yemen, The Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman stated that he wanted Yemenis to Shiver for generations at the mention or hearing of Saudi Arabia. (29) This mentality is the same as those who attack Americans with Directed Energy Weapons, Remote Neural Monitoring or Mind Reading and Gangstalking. The Saudi Prince wants to “leave a big impact on the consciousness of Yemenis [for] generations." The people attacking Americans want to do the same for Americans ... So follow that motive and the propaganda that flows forth. The CIA has everyone believing that if they keep doing what they are told they are going to 'change the system' and yet people ignore the callousness of a system committing genocide while they obey their orders from the same people responsible for such atrocities. I've often thought this and think it central for understanding motive: Why would anyone who values the existence of government do what they are doing to targeted individuals ?
I believe that the religious motivation for Security Services Stalking varies as well. The religion identified most with the program is Satanism and there is hard evidence for the involvement of satanism in the program with Michael Aquino's involvement and documents attributed to him about psychological warfare and mind wars. (30) However, I'll believe that there's no other religious element or involvement to the Security Services Stalking program when churches acknowledge the crimes, denounce the activity and support those targeted. As it stands now, only The Swiss Catholic church acknowledges mind control technology. It has an extensive webpage identifying players and technologies and states it's not "aligned with human interests," but that's as far as they go publicly. (31) I believe that Christian participants, for example, see the Targeted as people to sacrifice for some higher authority's purpose, ultimately their God. They abuse and destroy targeted persons for their God's purpose. In some sense, the estimated millions of targeted persons all live out some sick performance of Jesus Christ Superstar. (32) estimated-numbers-of-targeted-individuals.pdf (targetedjustice.com) For some Christians, the targeted may also represent Demons or anti-christs that they are 'battling.'
I believe there is eastern religious involvement
as well. Much of the human trafficking conditioning has to do with destroying
the targets self esteem and making some sort of authoritarian commentary on the
targeted's ego or sense of self. I
also learned that in some of the old traditions, initiates of ancient 'schools
of wisdom' would have near death experiences induced before they became
initiated. Could that be what is happening to Targeted Individuals? Could it be borrowed from or
even be actual ancient traditions? Many say that targeting is part of a ritual. And it would seem there is some sort of ritualistic aspect to what goes on.
I was raised Catholic and there is a sacrament called confirmation that Catholics go through to confirm their faith in Jesus and the Church. I went through my confirmation in highschool and had facilitators, who were adults, mentor me with a group of other high schoolers being confirmed. On one occasion about 10 years in the future after I had become aware I was being gangstalked, I was stalked by a group of aggressive drivers while walking down the street. One person turning the corner and shouting “fuck you” out of the Car was my former confirmation Facilitator. I couldn’t tell if he said it to the aggressive raised truck that turned the corner ahead of him or if he yelled it at me. I speculated that I had possibly been excommunicated from the Catholic church, but I really don’t know. In any event, I was being followed by people from my childhood church. I am no longer a practicing religious person. I consider myself always Catholic in the sense that I learned basic values from my time growing up at a catholic school, but as I will state later more in depth I believe if there is a being that wants to be worshipped and called God based on the Christian Story passed on in the Bible, that they are probably a psychopath. One night, upon being woken up by an artifical dream, I got up and the phrase "Ipso facto" came into my head seemingly out of nowhere. It was mechanically clean and in my voice but felt unnatural. I didn't really know its meaning. I just recognized it. There was really no reason for me to think it. So here is the definition:
"Ipso facto denotes the automatic character of the loss of
membership in a religious body by someone guilty of a specified action.[2]
Within the canon law of the Catholic Church, the phrase latae sententiae is
more commonly used than ipso facto with regard to ecclesiastical penalties such
as excommunication. It indicates that the effect follows even if no verdict (in
Latin, sententia) is pronounced by an ecclesiastical superior or
There is often talk of people doing ‘work behind the
scenes’ to ‘free’ targets. I have had the feeling that different agencies or
organizations were stalking me. However, I don’t know if this was the Fusion
centers orchestrating the gangstalkers in such a way as to give me that
impression or not. On the day I was followed by my confirmation facilitator I
was also followed by other people who were of former, mentor type roles writing
down their license plate number as if monitoring the gangstalking. On another
occasion, I was passed on the highway by an SUV which had a TargetedJustice.com
sign painted on their back window. As most targets will tell you, nearly
nothing is a coincidence when targeted. So, I ask: what are the chances that a car with TargetedJustice.com painted on the window would pass by me while Christmas
shopping and be random? Once the likelihood that it was not random is
entertained. Then the question is why was a gangstalker riding around with that
sign? Are there gangstalkers who are gangstalking to expose targeting? During
my years as a TI, I came across one explanation that would possibly make sense
of this incident. This explanation was the conclusion by one TI on social media
that Targeting is like a big open air museum exhibition.
Another Target named Michael Barden
stated that he felt “good people” were also watching him in addition to regular
gangstalkers. He stated on Twitter:
“People have asked me "Who are you,
and why are you so special to have this many people going after you?" I don't
know the answer to that, but one thing I do know is the bad guys aren't the
only ones keeping an eye on me. Like a fisherman patiently watching their live
If I am reading this correctly it would seem that Barden
thinks he is bait for some other ‘good people’ watching him as bait to catch
In November of 2022 the mainstream news outlet MSN ran a photo slideshow story about Havana Syndrome with a segway into talking about or acknowledging Targeted Individual testimony. This was the most honest assessment yet from mainstream publication of the Targeted Individual Phenomena in the sense that it treated testimony from targets, although very briefly, with some sense of seriousness and possibly coming from victims of CIA experimentation. In examining the Targeted Individual Phenomena as possible "CIA Experimentation," it would lend way to possible desired propaganda emanating from the information explaining the program. (34B) With MSN entertaining the notion that targeted individuals have been experiencing govt experimentation. When does the media ask questions about the previously mentioned idea that I recalled one target stating, that this is all open exhibition of what’s gone on with schizophrenics for a century?
One thing I don't understand is how the United States Government is violating people's human rights and if you go to the internet to pass information along about the operation, much of it contains critiques of the United Nations, an organization which declares the rights being violated. Wouldn't you think people would point out the rights being violated? Some outlets even go so far as to say that the weapons and activity need new laws to make them illegal. I opened this book talking about policing of political speech, a protected universal human right and political right in many countries, but police are actually reading people's minds to find out their offensive thoughts then punishing them for their offensive thoughts by finding out what offends them. Then they harass them with the material.
As Nita A. Farahany is a writer who declares that we need to create protections from invasions of privacy like mind reading. Yet even she points out in her book Battle for Your Brain, that privacy has been a right declared and fought over for sometime and is in fact declared by the United Nations. Farahany writes:
"After he joined the Supreme Court, (Louis) Brandeis wrote severel prescient opinions about modern technology's potential impingements on our privacy. In his 1928 dissenting opinion in Olmstead v. United States, he predicted that "The progress of science in furnishing the government in mean of espionage is not likely to stop with wiretapping....Ways may someday be developed by which the Government, without removing papers from secret drawers, can reproduce them in court, and by which it will be enabled to expose to a jury the most intimate occurances of the home." Twenty years after Olmstead, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights including article 18 protections of freedom of thought. By 1966, that right was enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. (* cite page 84 Battle for your brain)
un report cybertorture cybertechnologies
In Marvel's Television series She Hulk, Jen, aka She Hulk, is led to a support group which she thinks is legit and then finds out it's 'spiritual leader,' Abomination or Emil Blonsky, is actually working with cult group called Intelligencia that tries to set Jen up for incarceration and defamation. I think this is a reference to activities in place in society right now with the Targeted Individual Program and for 70+ years or way longer with religions and government:
People use the phrase "conspiracy theorist" as code for fiction when they are just uneducated about organized covert activity or are actively trying to cover it up. The United States openly operates under a secrecy doctrine
that allows millions of people in the government and more associated with the
government to conspire in secrecy under national security. When these people
conspire against the human rights of people in the world or in America, they
have a whole system set up to discredit victims of the conspiracy and label you
mentally ill. Then they dismiss the fact that the government is by definition
conspiring everyday under the name
of National Security as a 'conspiracy theory.' All the while, they have agents
set up and who are educated in counter intelligence and counterinsurgency
inform the world through alternative media sites of the crime. They have
recruited so many people into political conspiracies that the whole world, except those designated as "truth tellers" or the
"awakened," is silent and probably always will be.
When you try to explain that the military has
weapons that cause voices in your head or that they have directed energy
weapons which can cause heart attacks or brain damage or cook organs or that
Fusion Centers monitor your thoughts and run localized harassment of you based
on the data, nobody believes you except the abusers. People who don't know
don't believe you because it doesn't fit their view on life. It doesn't fit
their view of other people that they would all lie or not respect other
people's lives or value dignity, privacy, or free will or deal with those
issues ethically. This quickly leads to your isolation with the only outlet
being people who think you're a nut, your abusers and support groups which I have
shied away from because I don't trust them. Self defeating? Sure, but If
someone goes through the trouble of controlling every agency and corporation in
society, are they really going to leave human rights victims support groups to
operate freely? Or at all really? I respect people that are just victims going
to the support groups, but to me it seems like another controlled environment.
So I personally just live out my days with my family and isolated with a few
friends. But I know that is not possible for many, so this is not a message of
discouragement from participating in any support group. I am just sharing what
I do. I follow the developments of organizations like Targeted Justice and
others. And I believe there really are people who want to expose the
gangstalking, directed energy program, but I don’t trust anybody at this point.
Am I wrong? I don’t know.
One thing I don’t trust is the assertion pumped
out often in Targeted Individual circles that everybody gangstalking TIs are communists. A lot of Targeteted Individuals assert that communists are mainly to blame for their attacks and stalking etc.
I find this problematic in that the only traditional paper in the world
describing the satellite system doing voice to skull and directed energy
warfare was Pravda. Why wouldn’t American newspapers expose communists then? My views on this are more aligned with or at least I am more inclined to believe Lydia
X. Z. Brown’s analysis of San Francisco in which she states:
“When I come across people who
describe San Francisco as a leftist/communist nightmare, I just laugh. San
Francisco is a right-wing technocratic dystopian nightmare with a veneer of
superficial progressivism not so thinly veiling far-right, ultra-capitalist
social darwinism.”
I'm not saying this is how I feel about san francisco, but I believe this analyses fits rather well with society at large. I don't think San Francisco is all that much different than the rest of America once you get past heightened conscientious vibe and scenic views and architecture.
The propaganda in America for the past 5 years has been largely surrounding the notion of Americans conspiring with Russia. There is likely a conspiracy between capitalist Russians and capitalist Americans as well as a conspiracy between socialist Russians and socialist Americans. The question I have is whether or not there is a conspiracy between capitalists and socialists like in WWII. It appears there is some of that and some conspiracy amongst fascists and capitalists like in the cold war. I feel a little left out because I'm not conspiring with anybody. The CIA has developed a term since the Kennedy assassination called "conspiracy theorist." This term was originally coined to describe anybody who didn't believe the 'magic bullet' theory or that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone to assassinate John F. Kennedy. In reality, this is very much like the 1984 book by Orwell in which Big Brother states "war is peace" because in fact the Capitol of the Country, Washington DC, functions as a blatant conspiracy with the National Security Council and its 17 intelligence agencies all operating together, largely in covert secrecy. We have another entire city in Las Vegas where there is an open conspiracy by casinos to take people's money in a rigged game. In fact, the culture of the country is largely based on conspiracy, which is a common human behavior found amongst people as young as grade schoolers.
On December 15th 2022, after interviewing a source who has access to government documents being withheld from the public about the Kennedy assassination, then Fox News host, Tucker Carlson, expressed shock at learning that the source believed that President Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA or that the CIA had a hand in the assassination. Carlson ran a whole segment diving into some aspects of the conspiracy to kill Kennedy including the "War is Peace" aspect of devaluing anybody questioning the conspiratorial nature of the government as "conspiracy theorist." Carlson cited a professor named Lance Dehaven Smith who determined the term "conspiracy theorist" began being used in a major way in American media after The New York Times began characterizing anybody questioning lone gunman theory of Oswald and Ruby. Carlson also, for one of the few times a major publication has, discussed how Psychiatrist Jolyn West was under contract with the CIA when he determined Jack Ruby to be insane and that West had been a major Psychiatrist involved in MK Ultra Mind Control operations for the CIA.
In the beginning of this book I identified how the New York Times dismissed, as "Mass Delusional," the 10s of thousands of people describing themselves as Targeted Individuals and subject to Directed Energy Weapon attacks, other bio-weapons, gangstalking and V2k or electronic voiced transmissions or mind control. Well here we have to remember the fact that Professor Lance Dehaven Smith has shown that the NY Times used similar tactic to dismiss anybody questioning the Kennedy Assassination.
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Chapter 4 Break
The Technology Schizophrenics Have Talked About for Over A Century
More Organizations, Evidence and Public Acknowledgement in Entertainment of
Directed Energy, mind reading, brain control and neuroweapons.
Find note 36-40 below
In the book At Hell's Gate, an autobiography of a man who was a soldier in Vietnam and is now a monk, the author, Claude Anshin Thomas described an incident in his training when he didn't put his rifle where it was supposed to go and the sergeant who was over half a foot taller than him stood chest to his face and urinated on him and then prevented him from washing for multiple days. This institution operates in secret with enormous technological advancement and openly describe weapons to produce voices in people's heads as well as mind machine interface technology. People will read stories of despots all over the world and of corrupt societies and have no problem believing the atrocities, but if you say the U.S Government and members of U.S society targets their own people, people can't believe it.
There's a scene in the opening pages of a Star Wars book I read in which a character is having a conversation and says "the empire better watch out" and then, in the following chapter, it explains how at the newest building on the planet Gorse, a corporation is running surveillance for the Empire and the corporation immediately analyzes the phrase and the speaker. A commander of a surveillance corporation pulls up a file on a guy and he is red stamped and they monitor his speech and send him to the mental health unit. This is a Disney and Lucas Films book. There's a thing in our society of letting secrets out in science fiction, which I will touch a little more upon later. If you read science fiction you get informed. The real truth on earth is that this happens with thoughts and there is a massive deployable citizen paramilitary that engages in psychological warfare and other hard attacks against " thought criminals." There are countless articles that are deliberate disinformation in that they obfuscate that brain decoders eavesdropping on your thoughts have been achievable for a long time. This is being slowly revealed to make it seem like the technology and thus programs utilizing it are in their infancy when they are not.
Upon visiting Disneyland with my family, we went on the Star Wars ride Rise of the Resistance, my sister remarked that it seemed like fascism was being normalized with this ride. I could see her point. There's a normalization of fascism and introduction of corporate rule and authoritarianism happening in our society, it's almost mundane when you point it out. I actually found the ride Rise of the Resistance at Disneyland to be more of a "Hey! here it is: fascism, so prevalent that we made a ride in which you are hit over the head with it at an amusement park."
However, we aren't always hit over the head with the machinations of fascism. Sometimes it still conceals itself. For instance, there is an entire information stream designed
in which major governmental organizations, NGOs and Press Agencies all
acknowledge archaic ways of spying. This archaic system is conducted to
obfuscate the new high tech weaponry and surveillance equipment that Ted
Gunderson alluded to in his testimony in the Keith Labella lawsuit presented in Chapter 1. As Targeted Individual and journalist
Ramola D writes:
"As long as mainstream media and "lawmakers"
who don't read bills but are comfortably ensconced in Congress focus purely on
online communications and email/social media as targets of NSA spying, expect
to be fed a continuous platter of lies. The real spying, real surveillance, and
real electronic assault on Americans is far, far worse--all this is a cover for
the radiation surveillance and neuro surveillance the NSA is engaged in:.
In a Roots Action interview with NSA
whistleblower Thomas Drake, the question was asked of Drake, “Is most
deception from agencies like the NSA and CIA accomplished by telling the public
things that aren't true? Or by not telling the public things that are true?” Drake
answered that “It is a mix of both. NSA
and CIA are often at odds with each other -- even rivals at times in certain
areas -- but hide much of what they do behind the blanket of secrecy and
national security. Deception is a form of hiding the truth, while projecting a
reality you want others to believe." (37)
Art and Entertainment that deals often science fiction that
deals with the tech or program:
The Technology Schizophrenics Have Talked About for Over A Century
In the book Pentagon's Brain by Annie Jacobsen, the author discusses Allen Macy Dulles, son of former CIA director Allen Welsh Dulles. Allen Macy Dulles suffered a traumatic brain injury during the Korean War and can only remember technology previous to 1952. This is basically how people treat schizophrenia. They ignore technological developments in the public domain over the past 100 years that would explain what Schizophrenics describe happening to them. In the Chapter titled Brain Wars, which is where Jacobsen interviews Allen Macy Dulles, she also discusses how DARPA, ostensibly, is trying to find ways to deal with Mental Illness and traumatic brain injuries for soldiers, but that, typically, DARPA has other non stated objectives when they develop various technologies. I thought it was kind of a non stated implication or nudge for Jacobsen to include her description of Dulles as not remembering anything beyond 1952 technology while discussing Mental illness in adjacent commentary in the chapter. Kind of like she was laying out the method or modus operandi for the system or psychiatry and society at large.
For decades media has been promulgated to show people in skull caps or invasive surgery used to link their minds cybernetically to machines. In februrary of 2023, CNBC ran an article discussing how Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos were funding a startup company called Synchron to the tune of 75 million dollars. Synchron, the article goes on to tell, will use a noninvasive method to read people's minds for brain computer interface or mind control computing that includes implanting them through blood vessels. In this case, the article actually says that the method to implant people draws upon "decades of existing endovascular techniques." However, lost in the article is that there are people who have claimed that methods to read their mind have been enacted for decades as part of nonconsensual human experimentation. Many of these people believe they were implanted with technology such as nanodust while others believe that there is technology to bypass implants.
In his book Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari writes of the use of science to create brain scanners at airports in order to read peoples minds:
"But science is not just about offensive weapons. It plays a major role in our defenses as well. Today many Americans believe that the solution to terrorism is technological rather than political. Just give millions more to the nanotechnology industry, they believe and the United States could send bionic spy-flies into every afghan cave, Yemenite redoubt and North African encampment. Once that's done, Osama Bin Laden's heirs will not be able to make a cup of coffee without a CIA spy-fly passing this vital information back to headquarters in Langley. Allocate millions more to brain research, and every airport could be equipped with ultra-sophisticated FMRI scanners that could immediately recognize angry or hateful thoughts in people's brains. Will it work? Who knows, Is it wise to develop bionic flies and thought reading scanners Not necessarily. Be that as it may, as you read these lines the US Department of Defense is transferring millions of dollars to nanotechnology and brain laboratories on work for these and other such ideas."
Part of the projecting a reality the agencies like the CIA and NSA want others to believe, as Thomas Drake stated in his interview with Roots Action, includes portraying scientific breakthroughs and their implementation in society as "Science Fiction." They do this by putting these ideas, concepts and technologies in fictional movies and other mediums or artforms. As I've already mentioned some well known movies, like Starwars or Marvel movies, I point to yet another movie a few years ago, when Scarlet Johanson starred in a movie about terrorists hacking into people's minds and controlling them. It was called Ghost in the Shell. The movie mirrors reality. Children's shows also touch on this technology and system of social control. I watched the children's show Doc Mcstuffins and all the toys were spying on a child playing with his toys, watching on a big monitor, then they go to the child's room and infiltrate their playtime. In yet another TV show called Burn Notice, there is a plot which is about the Intelligence community and featured a script in 2011 about FISA abuse, in which people were placed in brain research experiments after having their rights compromised by FISA. This is the literal explanation many people espouse is what happens to Targeted Individuals.
In addition, perhaps to this science fiction being used for entertainment or strictly to hide the technological implementation in society, I think that people utilize fiction genres to divulge classified secrets so they aren’t prosecuted for giving away secrets. If I'm not mistaken. The comic Captain America started back nearly a century ago in a time when the Dupont company CEO was giving public speeches about super soldier chemical enhancement. In this case, there's some public acknowledgement of a technology, but I believe that DC Marvel Starwars, Lord of the Rings (with the elves mind invasions) and more like the movie Avatar, as small examples, are examples of divulging classified secrets in a medium where people are protected. I think that its ok'd because it functions as a way to communicate to different audiences, to those in the know it is like a wink, for those ignorant it is a way to keep them believing it is fictional. It could also function as a way to inform people in the know or for the other audiences muddy the waters.
In addition to fictional movies hiding scientific breakthrough implementation, there is also implementation that is overt or breakthroughs which get covered in the media. One breakthrough implemented in society occurred in 2007 when there were ads in New York City that sent voices into people's heads as they walked by on the street. (38) The technology used in these advertisements indicate that the voices Targeted Individuals describe receiving are external & part of a weapon system. This weapon was described as such on the U.S Army website a decade ago and can be viewed via a screenshot.
Witnessing dreams that are cartoons or have music and photos in them are also indication of brain invasive tech being weaponized, but people ignore evidence. How does one explain a person like myself or my brain producing dreams with professional cartoons or music from classical to rock when I have no drawing ability or musical ability. This technology was documented on CNN in the 1980s. In a series of Special Reports on CNN in 1985 the network discussed the “woodpecker” machine in the Soviet Union and talked to a Dr. Bob Beck who stated that humans are incredibly sensitive to electromagnetic weapons. In the segment the reporter describes images being sent to the brain or eyes of the subject of the electromagnetic stimulation. The report also discussed that the Navy was working on radio frequency and research into mind control. (39)
Even though the CNN report from 1985 was shared nearly 40 years ago on a major network, it is not common knowledge or talked about like common knowledge that weapons to produce voices in the heads of targeted persons are in usage. Maybe in 10-20 years this will be common knowledge: There are Artificial Intelligence chatterbots (aka chatter boxes) linked up to an advanced neurophone satellite system that collects brain signatures for a mass database. This AI neurophone system can lock onto a target delivering voiced messages 24 hrs a day in an attempt to drive the target insane. There is a group of scientists reporting abuse called the Mind Hacking Strategy Group. One of these scientists is a Department of Defense and CIA whistleblower named Dr. Robert Duncan. He has written 3 books on the subject.
The U.S Army has acknowledged weapons that are
used in the targeted individual program exist on multiple occasions. (on their
website they identified v2k as an acronym for voice to skull weapons that beam
voices into the heads of the targeted person.(40) Another time, in December of 2017,
A U.S Army Initiative, a blog called The Mad Scientist Labratory, submitted an
entry titled Battle of the Brain. In it they described neuroweapons that
grant adversaries (and perhaps the [U.S.]) the ability to kill, disrupt, degrade, damage, and even “hack” human brains to influence populations, bring about confusion &; panic, and disrupt [...] govt and society"
Former DARPA Senior Scientist, Dr. Paul Batcho's letter to
federal agencies...
Questions of whether or not adversaries of the U.S Military are using the technology to "hack human brains" as described by the U.S Military ignore whether or not the United States uses the technology or weapon and if so what infrastructure is used to deploy the technology. The Late Former DARPA Chief Scientist with high level security clearance, Dr.
Paul Batcho, stated Cell Towers are used for synthetic telepathy to attack Targeted
Individuals. He wrote the following letter:
"I am a former
scientist from Los Alamos National Lab in NM where I held a Q-Clearance for the
DOE (top-secret DoD) for several years. I have also worked on DARPA research
projects. I have a Ph.D. from Princeton and now live in St Petersburg and work…
(Personal information deleted)…
I seem to have stumbled
across an advanced technology that I would classify as synthetic telepathy. It
clearly uses the cellular towers to transmit illegal signals. It sounds
unbelievable but it is actual technology being used on civilians of the US.
My basic research does
indicate that such technology can exist and dates back to the V2K (P300) mind
wave technology of the 1970s. This does appear to be a much more advanced
version that allows open communication of human mind to mind bridges.
Please forward my email to the appropriate DoD security office and I would like the
issue investigated. Human brains appear to transmit and receive at the RF bands
around 450MHz and microwave transmissions can be highly damaging in turns of
induced bio-effects. Please also forward my email to any CIA or US technology
team that may be researching similar technologies. It is very clear to me that
such technologies exist.
Please feel free to
contact me, and I will be able to offer some background and technical
Thank you
Paul F Batcho, Ph.D.
St Petersburg, FL 33701
In recent years, Congress has responded to instances of what is called Havana Syndrome with investigations on whether or not the brain damage experienced by numerous government personnel and diplomats were caused by weapons. However, this is not the first instance of members of congress responding or publicly acknowledging deployment of weapons to cause severe illness or damage, as is reported by experts regarding Havana Syndrome. As I mentioned earlier in this book in discussing voting, then congressman, Dennis Kucinich sponsored a bill in Congress in 2001 that identified space-based weaponry in order to outlaw it. This act was killed in 2001, but the case in Cuba with diplomats claiming they were attacked by a sonic weapon of some kind and CNN asserting that it could be a space-based weapon offers some insight into what was being described in these pages. "Psychotronic," "Electromagnetic," and "Sonic" weapons were all mentioned in the Space Preservation Act of 2001.
Movement in the U.S to try to pass laws addressing these "Psychotronic" Electromagnetic" and "Sonic" weapons was preceded by the 1999 European Parliament sessions which called for international ban on
human manipulation, there were demonstrations of crude devices which could
transmit sound electronically to the brain, bypassing the ear and sound waves.
In 1999 the STOA (Scientific and Technological Options Assessment), part of the
Directorate General for Research of the European Parliament published a report
on Crowd Control Technologies. In the report, it discusses radio frequency
weapons that manipulate human beings. It states:
”This report evaluates the second generation of ‘non-lethal’ weapons which are emerging from national military and nuclear weapons laboratories in the United States as part of the Clinton Administration’s ‘non-lethal’ warfare doctrine now adopted in turn by NATO. These devices include weapons using… directed energy beam,…radio frequency, laser and acoustic mechanisms to incapacitate human targets” The report states that „the most controversial ‚non-lethal‘ crowd control … technology proposed by the U.S., are so called Radio Frequency or Directed Energy Weapons that can allegedly manipulate human behavior… the greatest concern is with systems which can directly interact with the human nervous system“ The report also states that „perhaps the most powerful developments remain shrouded in secrecy“
There is little doubt that these programs using Radio Frequency or Directed Energy Weapons are "shrouded in secrecy." But as time goes on the secrecy finds itself exposed in Newspapers, often times, discussing how government personnel have been affected. On December 5th 2017, The Washington Post ran a story about National Security Agency Counterintelligence Officer Mike Beck. Beck believes his Parkinson's disease was caused by Microwave Weapons. (44) In recent years, the news media ran stories far and wide about Havanna Syndrome and the Government has responded with investigations and committees receiving expert testimony that the syndrome is likely caused by a weapon. In August of 2022, Newsy ran a story in which Journalist Mark Zaid claimed that 10-12 FBI Agents coming forward in Miami and DC claiming they were experiencing Havanna Syndrome are the tip of iceberg for domestic incidents of what National Academy of Sciences says is likely electromagnetic pulse weapon attack: (45) A few months earlier CNN had a New York Times Journalist on one of their shows who stated that other diplomats and government personnel experiencing these attacks complained of voices in their head. (46) Yet, CNN didn't ask any follow-up questions of whether voice hearing in other instances, like with people diagnosed with Schizophrenia, is possibly externally induced as they declared with Havana Syndrome victims. This is a bit like learning that Jolyn West worked as a psychiatrist for the CIA and was part of MK Ultra, but not question the notion of conspiracy between CIA and Psychiatric diagnosis of Jack Ruby that I referenced earlier.
For over a century, people diagnosed with Schizophrenia have described hearing voices. The
Washington Post excerpt below is probably one of the most significant pieces of
evidence that the story of a genetic cause for voice hearing and
'schizophrenia' is a complete lie. The United States Air Force admits they have
technological weaponry that transmits words and phrases into the heads of a
person. The excerpt states that:
“an academic paper written by the Airforce in the mid 1990s mentions the idea of a weapon that would use sound waves to send words into a person’s head. “ the signal can be a ‘message from god’ that can warn the enemy of impending doom or encourage the enemy to surrender.” In 2002, the Airforce Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone’s head. The patent was based on human experimentation in October of 1994 at the Air force lab where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects.”
At one point a bio for John Robb on the internet read as follows:
"John Robb is an Air Force Pilot and graduate of Yale who became a black ops mission commander, working with Delta Force and Seal Team Six. Later, he worked for the Forrester Group and served as a tech executive for software companies developing RSS and Blogging products. He was touted as "Best and Brightest" by Esquire and advised several intelligence and defense agencies on open source warfare."
John Robb wrote a book called Brave New War. In
it he explains the following: He
describes a tactic called Open Source War in which a reader of the book
describes that
"Every organization participating will be able to effectively silence
critics and destroy enemies. Just as mission creep took the focus of fusion
center from terror to all threats, disruption will be the solution of choice
for any sticky situation. You won't hear about as many scandals or leaks but
you will see an increase in people experiencing an inexplicable and unlikely
series of hardships that destroy relationships, reputations and careers."
The following was also found on a blog about John Robb:
"Robb created a blog called Global Guerillas and by 2010 was posting some
very unusual things. One post in particular suggests that groups should single
out individuals for harassment. He suggests the whole operation could be framed
as a "coercive game" where points are accumulated for acts of
disruption or harassment. The rest I'll quote directly from his blog
post...(link listed further down):
Robb's words..."
In short, learn everything about the target down to bank account numbers. This
then enables the movement to target the individual and their family with:
*Stalking and harassment. In the street, at a restaurant, or at school.
*Identity theft. From financial to professional. Publication of private
information. *Denial of communication. Flood phones, e-mail accounts,
voice-mail, etc.
In short, any online group of sufficient size could launch an effort like this.
However, to really zoom the effort and turn it into a coercive tool, one
modification should be made. It should operate as an online game. Here's a
potential template:
*Experience points for accumulating information. Pics snapped with a cell phone
camera. Points for financial account information. Etc. Experience points
translate into basic improvements in status which improves the weight of a
contributor's vote (on the next target, the quests to open, etc.). *Quests.
Equivalent to counting coup on a tribal enemy. Draining the target's bank
account. Gaining control of a voicemail system. Tagging the target with paint.
Disabling the target's car. Quest achievement translates into special
recognition (emblems, new tools, positions of leadership, etc.). *Competition.
Contests between individuals or groups to complete a given task within an
alloted time period. As in first to....
In addition to these coercive type games, reminiscent of the tactics Targeted Individuals describe, is the ability to remote control people via electric stimulation of the brain or some sort of stimulation of the brain. The Department of Defense official science blog stated in a post that the technology to remote control the brain is powerful, or in other words active. The Blog states
"Every single aspect of human sensation,
perception, emotion, and behavior is regulated by brain activity. Thus, having
the ability to stimulate brain function is a powerful technology." :
Today, these technologies used in classified weapons technology have begun to go commercial. On May 29th 2014, CNN ran an article about a bone conduction technology that produces voices in the heads of targets. The headline read “Bone conduction: Get used to the voices in your head.”. The article revealed that the technique to bypass ears and electronically send sound or visual images is real, but makes it seem like it's in infant stages. In this article, CNN referenced a commercial product called Shokz formerly known as Aftershokz headphones. (52) Even more recently and more technologically advanced than Shokz is Noveto's sound beaming tech, selling commercially, to beam sound into an individual's head without headphones. The Israeli Times announced the release of a desktop device which beams sound through ultrasonic waves tracking the ear of the listener. (53) What TIs and government whistleblowers tell is that the governments have a remote satellite system, which they utilize to communicate to people. Some people are selected out for harassment or hostile communication by it. I find the 'get used to it' headline by CNN to be hostile, but I am sharing that CNN admits the technology exists.
For decades the manipulative retort to anyone subject to covert uses of technology, like remote neural monitoring, mind reading and sounds in their head, of what is now increasingly released in commercial form, has been "how could anyone read your mind? what technique do they use?" And on November 24th, 2019, CBS and the University of Pittsburgh admitted Oh yeah, MRIs do that. In A CBS article describing how, 60 Minutes showed that MRI machines can decode thoughts. Lesley Stahl writes, "Advances in neuroscience have shown that, on a physical level, our thoughts are actually a vast network of neurons firing all across our brains. So if that brain activity could be identified and analyzed, could our thoughts be decoded?" (54) Then later, Stahl describes that “Ten years ago, 60 Minutes met a team of scientists at Carnegie Mellon University who had begun to decode simple thoughts inside the brain. Now they've moved on to identifying complex thoughts from spirituality to suicide”
Since this revelation that MRI's can decode thoughts, a second retort to those subject to covert uses of technology like remote neural monitoring, mind reading and sounds in their head has also been that the process to read minds is messy and a slow process and can't be done in real time. Well in May of 2023 it was published in The Gaurdian that researchers at the University of Texas at Austin had, in fact, used Artificial Intelligence, similar to that used in Open AI's ChatGPT, which could in fact read people's minds in real time and turn it into continuous text.
The Article states that "An AI-based decoder that can translate brain activity into a continuous stream of text has been developed, in a breakthrough that allows a person’s thoughts to be read non-invasively for the first time."
Dr. James Giordano has been giving lectures on the weaponization of this technology. In a lecture, titled The Brain is the Battlefield of The Future, Giordano describes how people in the military will undoubtedly come into an encounter with this technology during their life and career. Giordano states
“It’s not a question of if nonstate actors will use some form of neuroscientific techniques or technologies, but when, and which ones they’ll use.” (55)
MRIs have been around since the early 1970s, but the effort to read minds and controlling humans electronically has been cited to be an objective of Scientists informing the CIA as early as 1959. A quote from an Institute of Science in Society article states the following:
"In 1959, Saul B. Sells, a professor of
social psychology at a minor US university submitted a proposal to the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) to build for them the most sophisticated
electroencephalography machine that would have an integral computational
capacity to analyze and, hopefully, make sense of the brain waves it recorded.
In other words, the professor proposed to make a machine that could tell the
CIA what a person was thinking, whether or not the person wished to disclose
that information.
The CIA approved the project in 1960, adding some library research with five objectives. The fifth objective of the research was, “Techniques for Activating the Human Organism by Remote Electronic Means”. The entire assignment was thereafter known as MKULTRA subproject 119, MKULTRA being the CIA’s notorious mind control programme. It was based on the erroneous notion that the Soviets already possessed the means to control minds and the US had to catch up as rapidly as possible." (56)
In December of 2021, the United States government attempted to rewrite this history a bit by acting like China had entered new ground in developing and weaponizing "brain control weapons." The Biden Administration sanctioned 30 Chinese companies for helping China's military apply these brain control weapons. (57) There was no mention of MKUltra or the objective established by the United States in 1960 to develop the same ability. We are talking, at least, over 60 years of development in this area from the United States.
In sanctioning these 30 Chinese companies for developing or dealing with Brain Control Weapon, The Biden Administration is giving an acknowledgement by the highest office in America that brain control is a deployable technology. In Annie Jacobsen's book, The Pentagon's Brain, she discusses many different areas of merging of biology and machine. One term used by DARPA was Biohybrid. In the book she discusses a successful experiment in which a scientist at DARPA steered a lab rat using electric stimulation as part of an effort to create Biohybrids that can help in search and rescue missions as well as other applications. In Marvel's Black Widow movie, starring Scarlett Johanson, the content of the movie deals with Soviet Assassins and super soldiers through mind control and in one scene it touches upon Biohybrids when a pig is being remote controlled in the family home. Once again, this implementation of the technology, hidden in a comic book movie, touches upon an adversary's development of remote brain control. Annie Jacobsen's research demonstrates that DARPA was developing this technology in real life for the American Government. As a reminder, earlier in the book i mentioned how Regina Dugan, a former scientist for DARPA went to work at Facebook in effort to commercialize mind reading phones.
Chapter 5 (or 6 if intro is chapter 1)
Tactics and Possible Reasons For Their Use.
"Government surveillance of brain activity will inevitably push us toward greater conformity. With greater conformity comes a passive acceptance of authority and authoritarianism, either out of fear or in hopes of appearing cooperative, even when that conflicts with one's own moral compass. Children are particularly susceptible to pressure to conform and so are even likelier to try to redirect divergent thinking for fear of being ostracized. Many of the worst atrocities are "crimes of obedience"; acts carried out in response to orders from authority that violate legal and social norms."
I searched for political organizations to involve myself with, but I quickly found out that TIs are being actively singled out to prevent them from fruitful involvement in political organizing. This fear of ostracism is a defining characteristic of American society due to the tactic of community mobbing and mind reading. Activist circles are no different. There is no acknowledgement of the greater practice attempting to control society. If you cannot talk openly and freely acknowledge the reality of thought control or brain control and psychological operations, I don't see how you can organize or humanly participate in political organizations. Society is more or less a phony, fascist place and social media is more or less a refuge from the govt control grid and thought control grid as poor as it is and still a place where the behavior still exists. I use twitter, I know that it provides a false sense of community and security. Very few people acknowledge or directly talk to you. I get great humor, insight and knowledge as well as platform for creative expression, but it takes time away from other endeavors. However, when all other endeavors are part of Big Brother, Twitter becomes a net benefit.
I thought surely people like anticivilization activist and Deep Green Resistance leader, Derrick Jensen, who discusses a culture of control, seemingly, as though he was in opposition, would be by now be acknowledging this system, but sadly not. There are some people involved , like Iran-Contra and Operation Phoenix investigator Bill Taylor, and all the whistlelowers at Bigger than Snowden, but for the most part, nobody finks on the program. They either believe in it, which is scary to think or they are all too afraid to. Perhaps this is because of the assassinations of targets and others.
Assassination Traps:
I was the target of one such assassination attempt in 2011. As I stated before, in September of 2009, I joined an Americorps program with a non-profit that builds houses in San Diego. I was recruited into the program by a co-worker at a previous job. Previous to joining the Americorps program in San Diego, as stated, I was very interested in the Guatemalan Genocide and Universal Jurisdiction. At my Americorps program, I ended up working on a project sponsored by Luis Palau, who had been closely associated with The Guatemalan Genocidal Dictator Efrain Rios Montt. In May or June of 2010, I began being stalked in public places by people and started receiving threats in seemingly random incongruous incidents throughout the rest of that year through 2010. In July of 2010, I was approached at a train station by a guy who indicated that he knew everything I was doing, who I was meeting, where I was going etc. He, subsequently, stated that someone should assassinate Arnold Schwarzenegger and Barak Obama. I figured he was some sort of law enforcement. I contemplated contacting the Secret Service. I texted a message to a family member and was persuaded not to contact the Secret Service. I figured that since they spy on everyone, that they read my text in the event that the guy wasn't law enforcement. A few months later, someone tried to assassinate me. In August of 2010, I spoke with a journalist named Katherine Hughes about an incident which occurred during my Americorps program. I divulged that the non-profit house building organization I worked for in San Diego had discriminated against a Muslim family. I engaged in protests throughout 2010 and 2011. In April of 2011, I engaged in a protest against the Libyan bombings sponsored by the group ANSWER. A few days later, in April of 2011, I was threatened by two women who identified themselves as police officers. I was at a Starbucks in San Fernando reading a book called Unveiling Traditions by Author Anour Majid and they sat down next to me and engaged in directed conversation. They began talking to harass me and threatened that they "fuck people up" when they arrest them and that they "fuck people up when they least suspect it." They kept talking about people "crossing the line." They sat next to me for a few hours. A few days later, I was attacked on the highway in what appeared to be a staged car accident. A woman in a car next to me pulled alongside of me and maintained identical speed with me for 5-10 seconds and then swerved into my lane spinning out of control. For the next 8 years, I refrained from driving and had cars synchronize going past my house at my exact exit. By September of 2011 I went to San Francisco and on the way home was recipient of another staged car accident and threat on the highway. In October of 2011, I participated in Occupy Los Angeles for 40 days or so. During one of the days' staged protest at Bank of America, I witnessed a plainclothed 'protester' signal with his hand while standing next to me. He signaled to the police officer on the gun to target me in their final assault on the protesters that were encircled there. The police officer began making eye contact with me and making intimidating faces indicating he was going to target me. Just a few weeks earlier, a veteran had been shot in the head with a rubber bullet and it fractured his skull. I left Occupy Los Angeles and while on the train I was approached through directed conversation by a woman. She said I should 'work with the police.' I went to the LAPD seeking investigation into the protest incident and never heard back. It was at this point that the v2k attacks began, as well as directed energy and gangstalking intensified. This was in January of 2012 and has continued til today. I could go into the gangstalking tactics and voice to skull and directed energy but it is rather long and maybe it will be detailed.
Allen Dulles who was Director of the CIA during the Cold War was involved in financing NAZI's in the lead up to World War II and their rise to power in Germany. If, as i believe, that where there's financing, there's organization, it's important to note that Assassinations were used as a method to obtain power in Germany. Of course, Dulles used this method around the world. There have been organized hits on our own government and citizens and the prevalence of Nazi financiers at the helm of state caused people to suggest fascist organizing as being behind these hits.
Directed Conversation:
I have previously mentioned Directed Conversation that was used to threaten me by police officers previous to an assassination attempt, as well as used by police officers trying to get me to "work with the police," after spotting plainclothed occupy protestors communicate covertly with police officers. I'm not sure where I found this definition of directed conversation. I can no longer locate it. I found it online but I thought it was a good definition:
Directed Conversation “Has been defined as referring to a stalking tactic using stranger’s conversation to both intimidate and convey to the victim that they are under surveillance. During Directed Conversations, two or more stalkers will approach near to the target and engage in “normal” conversation with one another. The conversation is purposely made at a level so that the victim can adequately hear what is being said. During Directed conversation, personal information concerning the victim is inserted into the speech and emphasized by the stalkers in a fashion that most non-victims would not be able to discern as harassment. The purpose of Directed Conversation is to harass a victim as well as make the victim appear mentally unstable should they attempt to complain about the abuse.” (58)
Additional tactics:
I described torture tactics used on me earlier in the book. I will briefly remind the reader of some of them here.:
But additionally, one of the things the security services have done to me is used what the military calls v2k or "voice to skull" technology. V2k is a term that describes a technology which beams voices into a target's head so that they hear voices in their head. For a long while, my voices were very abusive. and would degrade me when I came into contact with women, for example, and pressure me not to eat during meals. At one point, the Monarch controllers told me via v2k that they were going to burn a hole through my heart and I receive chest pain near the heart or in the heart very frequently. There was a TI on twitter who aptly described this process of not knowing what is happening to your body and what is a real health concern versus what is being caused by remote weapon to mimic or make you think you have a health concern. They said that it was a form of torture to have your body mutilated and not know what was happening. I agree with this.
Sometimes you get the report on what is happening to you. Another thing that I believe the security services have done to me is cause me brain damage with zaps to the brain or electronic shocks to the brain, both as I'm sleeping causing paralyses and while awake. During one of my trips to the hospital, in this case it was mental health trip, I was tested and the doctor told me that I had brain damage. In fact, he told me that a section of my brain resembled that of an 80 year old man.
Mark M Rich, a Targeted Individual and author of New World War has probably the most understandable description of the way Targted Individuals are sensitized during their 'surveillance.' He has both a great website and book called New World War. The Website is titled www.newworldwar.org.
I will describe an example of the way the
security services sensitized me to a specific form of their harassment. A
number of years ago, the DARPA voices kept telling me to "polish
yourself" referring to me as a thing to polish that they owned. Then they
would synchronize people coming out of their house polishing their cars or
wiping their Windows with each section of the car designating a section of my body. At the
time, I was very thin, but always felt overweight and was obsessing because my
handlers were constantly harassing me. The day I wrote this paragraph, they had
doppelgangers polishing or wiping the front of their cars to harass me because
I felt positive about losing 15 lbs. So, they wanted to remind me of my
previous mindset as well as to reinforce their ownership
This American spy network gangstalk me &harass me based on the efficiency of my diet and exercise. They 'reward' me when I'm 'good' and punish me when I'm 'bad by completely controlling my environement and giving me negative and positive stimuli. They do this with speech also. They are collecting all brain activity & thoughts &then analyzing how to implant artificial dreams to reward and punish for speech and behavior. Dreams are deeply related to our psychological health and harassment dreams architected by psych warriors can do damage when they want to.
While I write this book with an overarching message that these people are like a gestapo. Sometimes I feel like with regards to this aspect of the targeting like a more general overbearing health police. I would say that people can judge for themselves, but i can't actually reveal everything or make accusations about all the ways they control my health. Most of this book is about political surveillance, technology in society and psychological operations. And if you just take judgement out of it and political attributions then I could say that one thing I've experienced is an 'active surveillance' that seeks to moderate my diet exercise or drinking. It is like a bee hive influencing my health or choices. And I have to begrudgingly admit that the system has probably made me more health conscious and healthier at this moment in my life. But at some point, it was influencing me to deplete calories at an excessive level as well as caused me to sprint every day and hurt my knees. I still think that if I was left to my own devices, it is possible, I would have been healthy or healthier. I've been health conscious for a while. I think I would have avoided yoyo spikes by developing consistent habits that were more sustainable and be more confident and social without people trying to control me and likely wouldn't have the physical ailments I have with my knees.
Floating Box
TI’s are subjected to vehicular stalking daily.
“The floating box” is one of the terms used to describe surrounding the
targets vehicle and boxing them in. Often perps will try to scare targets and
force them into accidents. This form of harassment endangers everyone’s lives.
Commercials Harassing Targets.
Targets report of personalized harassment via commercials. Upon writing this book I paused and realized that my ordeal began to take shape in an undoubted way in 2009. I was 10 years younger. I thought to myself that these bastards took the most prime years of my life. Subsequently to having this thought, I walked to the kitchen and an Amazon Prime truck zoomed by my house and on tv a commercial talking about bags under your eyes came on and stated "look ten years younger." This was followed by a switch to Fox News and a report that Jeff Bezos (the owner of Amazon) was working with Lockheed Martin to travel to the moon. Just a small snippet into 2 minutes of media feedback via commercial on tv and billboards on vehicles stalking you. Lockheed Martin of course is identified by many targets and whistle blowers as being responsible for carrying out the security services stalking.
(Chapter Change here?)
Ho Hum Humpty Dumpty VS Power's True Face. A Desire to destroy Civil Liberties
In Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine, she spells out how government officials utilize disasters deliberately to achieve policy objectives with intention.
There has been much rhetoric during the Trump years about "the most corrupt President in history" and this rhetoric brushes aside serious corruption throughout our history and ongoing corruption that is bipartisan well beyond Trump. For example, Presidents have been selling out the people's civil liberties to corporations and authoritarian bureaucrats for over a century. Surrogates for these figures and the two main political parties try to paint this as accidental or like the Humpty Dumpty Trope. This accidental explanation of history i believe paints a false narrative of do gooder types in positions of power. And while I don't want to simplify things I think this is a very simplistic view.
Andrew Napolitano, a Fox News contributor, actually argues that Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt accidentally destroyed constitutional freedoms rather than deliberately. There are many angles a person could approach these presidents and find credence in the claim of subversion of constitutional freedom, as well as find other major faults in each, such as eugenics and ku klux Klan support. Napolitano is on the 'right' which might make the claim of accidental actions appear partial and thus more legitimate than a claim of deliberate actions. More recently and closer to the advent of Trump was during the Obama years, the term "gangster" was used as a term of endearment to describe the president after bombing Libya and killing the head of state, focusing people's attention on how inexpensive the invasion of Libya was. There should have been hearings on the use of depleted Uranium in Libya. Instead, we heard about Hillary Clinton's emails. This was all a misdirection. In addition to these obfuscations of Democratic criminality there is the narrative sold that the Republican Party has become something foreign to it’s previous form. You could probably write a book titled, Crazy Things Republicans Said and Did Before Trump. For starters: Richard Baker, Republican Congressman from Baton Rouge, told a group of Lobbyists after Hurricane Katrina that "We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn't do it, but God did." (59) This revelation of desire to literally decimate poor people of color's neighborhood through apparent natural disaster demonstrates a belief in malevolence against some, ordained by God, in order for a vision or benefit of others.
As another example of this tweaked thought process and in this case documented behavior by people in positions of power, I submit former President Richard Nixon and the development of the Drug War. I don't believe that Nixon represents an aberration in gov't institutions. He crafted the drug war and laws with racist intent according to his own adviser's admission. Why are Fox and Democrats fighting over Critical Race Theory when this mountain just gets ignored? Journalist Dan Baum revealed that John Ehrlichman, a central advisor in the Nixon Whitehouse, stated that The Drug War was designed to go after black people and antiwar people to disrupt their community building and political strength. (59B) This racist and political motive is likely just a revelation of how government institutions function throughout history behind the scenes. Nixon is not an aberration in my mind, but a revelation of power's true face.
Additional Possible
reasons for targeting:
Generational targeting
One reason often given for being selected as a
target is the assertion that the Monarch or MK Ultra program was based on transgenerational
warfare. Many people believe rightly or wrongly that they are subject to
bloodlines that are targeted by some powerful elites. I don’t know what to
think about this. It could be that the issue is complex regarding this issue.
It could be that you are in some sort of monitoring program which can be
catalyzed by blood or ancestry and then when you do something in your life that
challenges the group in charge of the program they have reason and a system to
clamp down and engage with you. In my case, I’ve pondered that something could
be afoot with regards to this. Afterall, monarchies, religious and other political
organizations have fought Transgenerationally for millennia. I have found some
common thread with one Targeted Individual who said that her mother worked for Hughes Aircraft,
a company started by the famous Howard Hughes. Howard Hughes actually heard voices and was
diagnosed with Schizophrenia. My grandpa worked at Hughes as well. Hughes was
eventually bought out by Lockheed Martin, a company that has been identified by
whistle blowers as running the gangstalking program through gov’t contracts and
they do it through Fusion Centers. Additional family history, which I pondered
may be relevant to a possible transgenerational warfare aspect is that
according to a cousin, I am related to a friend or associate of anarchist
Michail Bachunin, Saverio Friscia. In his writings, Bachunin discussed
government experiments in the late 19th century.
The Following is Political Speech which I have had or do have that may have gotten me
Human rights victims, Targeted Individuals, often
times are unsure of why they have been targeted. I've discussed earlier how the
FBI engages in political surveillance. Additionally, some targets could be
targeted for being whistleblowers or because they belong or are perceived to
belong to groups that are targeted by the state and its minions. In some
cases, it could be because the target has done something to challenge
established criminals or elite in society who don't want something immoral or
unethical to be challenged. In my case, I believe it is related to political
speech or to political thought. I believe I have had my mind read for decades
along with the general population.
5 Small possible political speech or thoughts that caused my targeting:
- At a younger age I would often get lost in thought about hidden motives of people controlling political systems or hidden structures and organizations. I theorized that there are fraternities who surround monarchs and control them until they kill them throughout history. I then got surrounded and controlled for political reasons, so the theory, whether correct or not drew interest from the government, perhaps even from monarchs.
- Around time of the Arab Spring, I made a collage that depicted the earth enveloped in the Roman Colliseum with the wars being conducted like Gladiator spectacles for consumption and with a cult hierarchy that supersedes heads of government but includes them. And i depicted an unarmed Iraqi who was snipered in one of the pictures with people watching it all like a Roman audience screaming for blood lust.
- In recent years Beto O'rourke stated a major reason to endorse Biden was to fight for democracy around world. In College, I wrote a paper about how in the enlightenment there was an element of evangelism. Thats why we kill people for a cause in the West. Why people do it in other civilizations I'm not privy to other than justice and revenge.
- When I was in College in a Journalism class I wrote an essay or article about a major cultural problem in society, which was the way society builds up and tears down celebrities in almost ritual fashion and acts like they have ownership of them. I got a C and the professor said it wasn't a significant or major problem in society.
In The Ancient Aliens Epsiode titled Beyond Roswell. Guest experts asserted that The Cold War was a ruse or a smokescreen of some kind to excuse the development and work in tandem regarding UFO reverse engineering. I had this thought before, independent of this show, some decade ago or more and I've expressed in this book some notion of that regarding the wars in Ukraine and Iraq. But I don't know. I definitely think there is an order inherent in wars heaped upon people and find it highly suspicious that Russia and the United States largely ruled over the earth in the 20th century fighting wars in other people's countries. So if we called ufos actually spaceships coming in and out of the atmosphere with technology and at speeds beyond public disclosure. There’s some space faring colonization well beyond what Elon musk intends to do publicly with SpaceX. There was a CIA agent in the 70s or 80s who theorized that UFOs were time traveling entities. Perhaps that is the case, but with an appearent high technology at play one wonders where do the people operating these get their money? With an appearent disclosure that there was going to be some massive Psyop in Ukraine with fake corpses, explosions, victims and mourners, I ask is it possible to conduct a massive series of these incidents? Also is it possible to have a war where the cabal or leaders of countries don't strike to eliminate each other but target selected military and civilian personnel in each other's organizations, while hiding funds for what people call a "breakaway civilization?" A real war could also serve to that end as well. As the war could showcase lower tech and contribute to the illusion held before the audience, the citizens of countries who are not in the know of what takes place with blackops etc. So are they planning on letting us wither away on earth killing it as wage slaves competing against eacher and bombing eachother to death over water land and oil?
The rest of this Book is additional thoughts I've had that possibly was a reason for being targeted:
In 2010, around the time I began being
threatened and overtly harassed in public, I was connecting dots of global erasure of events by other news
stories, knocking unflattering events for the elite out of the news cycle. One
story I found funny was the African dictator Charles Taylor’s trial. The law
suit over the "Ground Zero Mosque" by The American Center for Law and
Justice (ACLJ) happened simultaneous to the Naomi Campbell testimony in the
Charles Taylor case. If you don't recall, plans to build a 100 million dollar
Mosque near or at Ground Zero became public and was sensationalized by
political leaders and the media. In the Charles Taylor case, during cross
examination by a former Air Force Colonel, Taylor had months previously
identified ACLJ founder, Pat Robertson, as "his man in Washington."
And wouldn’t you know that it was Pat Robertson’s organization which stoked the Ground Zero Mosque controversy in the news which dwarfed Taylor’s revelation. Taylor revealed that
he granted Robertson permission to mine gold in Liberia, as reported by ABC
“Prosecutors at the human rights trial of former
Liberian warlord Charles Taylor alleged Thursday that Christian televangelist
Pat Robertson had lobbied the White House on Taylor's behalf in return for a
gold mining contract.
.I opined at the time that following mining money would be a rather interesting ordeal. One place following mining money would lead would be to the very weapon systems used to kill and torture targeted individual human rights victims as well as to the major weapons industry that kills all over the world. Much of the high tech weaponry used by industrialized and developed nations is made up of minerals mined all over the world. Looking into mining is looking into the production process in the military industrial complex. I guess, in the seventies, if we would have become anti fossil fuel, then Africa would have seen more war for the renewable minerals. I don't know if the middle east would be poorer or not, but the air quality and climate would be less impacted.
"the ability of the domestic judicial systems of a state to investigate and prosecute certain crimes, even if they were not committed on its territory, by one of its nationals, or against one of its nationals (i.e. a crime beyond other bases of jurisdiction, such as territoriality or active"
The American Journalist Wayne Madsen had just testified that U.S personell were implicated in war crimes in the biggest war since world war II in Africa, an implication which would see responsibility in the hands of high ranking U.S officials. Kissinger would shortly be appointed head of the 9/11 commission. His anti Universal Jurisdiction piece ran one month prior to the Twin Towers destruction. The United States, in its war on terror, would go on to terrorize people all around the world and pull out of the Geneva Conventions, an international treaty 'obliging state parties to use Universal Jurisdiction.' It also basically dismembered international law as part of it's war on terror to the point where one wonders if it wasn't a war against International law.
I had previously been interested in how war in
The Democratic Republic of Congo, a war for minerals to supply high tech
weapons, which Wayne Madsen testified in Congress that American special forces
initiated, resulted in the biggest war anywhere in the world since WWII and
that this testimony came mere months before September 11th. So as the country
was digesting new forthcoming information about how The United States was instrumental in this bloodshed in Africa, a war for minerals essential to its weaponry, it was soon
redirected to pay attention to terrorists who allegedly took down the World
Trade Center and flew airplaines into the Pentagon, creating a new "just
war" in the middle east. In the years since this event, the day's event and
details which surround it have spawned a huge 9/11 Truth movement coinciding
with a huge War on Terror sprawled about everyone's television screens and
newspapers bringing sensationalist shock after shock.
Congo is estimated to have 24 trillion dollars worth of
untapped 'resources.' (63) This is more than the combined gdp of Europe and the
United states. In 1996, the Democratic Party invaded Congo with basically an
African legion of the United States. Not only did the Democratic Party invade
and kill millions of people, they also pillaged and personally profited off
corrupt mining contracts while promoting an economy
that is completely dependent upon their exploitation and dominance of the
central African region. This behavior is identical, and in many ways even worse
than the invasion of Iraq, which the Democratic Party promoted and actively
participated in for decades prior to the most recent 2nd invasion.
Conveniently, the shock and trauma of warfare in Iraq, obscures a possibly even
more strategically significant and bigger crime in Congo or central Africa.
From 1996 - 2003 5.4 million people died in Congo. This invasion and warfare has killed, in some estimates, 10
million people. (65) I believe this cover-up is a crime bigger
than The War on Terror and the staging of 9/11, though those are huge events. As
stated, the Democratic party was and is heavily involved, but they would have
people believe that they are just an incompetent party and that the two events,
The War on Terror/9-11 and war in central Africa and Congo are unrelated. I
started a blog and defined war as an ideological construction to compel
participation and induce obedience in the maintenance and accumulation of power through murder and questioned The War on Terror as a staged propaganda event to manage
political reality and to distract from the totality of warring operations
in the American Empire. I attempted to point out how through deliberate crafted
discourse, there is collusion of the imperial parties of America, Republican
and Democrat in doing so. To be clear, war is for the purpose of propaganda. It
is a cultural production. Additionally, I questioned it as
a function to create chaos and terror in particular places, being deliberate
punishment of nations as a demonstration of power.
The current ongoing event or cascade of events accomplishing this task for imperial parties is the War in Ukraine and the Trump Presidency or now a potential rerun for president. The Trump presidency functioned so as to erase past crimes or other activities by past presidents. The drumbeat surrounding his presidency was one of begging for the Bush or Obama years. Even I fall for this trap from time to time thinking that while it was bad that Obama was so worshipped you couldn't criticize him, at least he was respected and the office of president was respected to the point one could imagine changing reality through democracy. Trump trashed that whole notion. Yet still we have to see that the whole country seems to have collective amnesia and cannot remember the crimes and misdeeds of previous presidential administrations nor ongoing crimes started by them. For instance, many professional sports teams found the courage to challenge presidential prestige and maybe rightfully so in the face of Trump's tactics. Numerous championship teams denied invitations to the White House to celebrate with President Trump. The stand is largely seen as righteous. Yet this stand against Trump has me wonder when a Democrat murders millions or thousands of people, will teams forgo going to the White House for their championships for those atrocities? If not, what is the purpose of forgoing Trump, if not to lend normalcy and endorsement of those atrocities or future ones by a different party or administration? If someone in your family became a terrorist or was deemed a terrorist, Donald Trump says he would kill you. I personally think Trump says things to make other people look moderate. In this case, it should be noted that the United States has been acting out his proposition. Previous to the Trump Presidency, Ghadaffi had a toddler killed in an air strike, seemingly a message to leaders around the world that their families were fair game. The United States is responsible for nearly 15 million deaths between Iraq Afghanistan and Congo since 1990. (66) The Bushes' poll numbers indicate tiny political accountability for their part, but the Clintons seem to be unscathed by the Congo and, for that matter, Iraq because there's not U.S deaths for their operations. Hillary Clinton won the Democratic party with little to no mention of the Iraq sanctions, bombings, war and war in The Congo and even won the popular vote in the General Election.
Perhaps the most significant time of the most
recent administration previous to Trump, the Obama Administration, was the time
during the Egyptian Revolution to the Libyan and Syrian wars. This time was coined
as all part of the Arab Spring. There has been much talk about how the Arab
Spring was utilized to justify American Intervention in Libya and Syria. One
thing that struck me during those days of revolution and then war was the stark
contrast in imagery from the subsequent events (revolution then war.) During
the revolution there was imagery of regular people engaging in intellectual
discussion and largely peacefully assembling. During these days it was
interesting that women were present. I found that tropes about the middle east
were being upended at least for a few days. This soon was replaced with imagery
of violence, racism and bloodshed once weapons started pouring into Libya. In
these images, the violent male dominated the day. The question I had
about these images was whether or not they were controlled or deliberate. As
any targeted Individual will tell you, the psychological operations connected
to what is some continuance of the MK Ultra program attempt to control the
psyche of the masses, just like Sybille Fischer spells out in her book about
the Hatian Revolution.
Walter Lippman, who is considered the Father of Modern Journalism coined the phrase stereotype. Lippman's stereotype, the "picture in our heads," a weapon of mass communication in social conflict and management, provides pillars of unexamined certainties (67) in the onslaught of atrocity justification and wars heaped upon the public, conducted in terrain of lessened repellence. The imagery coming through during the Egyptian Revolution was a breath of fresh air for much of the American population. An autocratic dictator was being challenged by democratic activists. This imagery was seemingly used to sell a war which thwarted many of the masses' desired elements of the revolution.
Shortly after the first days of the Egyptian revolution, James Baker and Henry Kissinger talked in opeds of pragmatic idealism, a concept of French philosophy during Napoleon era of re-domination of Haiti, and the New York Times editorial board broadcasted calls for President Obama to use A10 aircraft which are known to be vehicles for the usage of Depleted Uranium. (68) Pictures distributed by the Telegraph in which Arab men held captive black migrants accused of being mercenaries became the hallmark mental producing image of the 'war' declared in the midst of a revolution in Egypt filled with factory strikes. (69)
I'll briefly pause here and say that I found the soldiers in this photo to resemble models almost and that i found how clean they were in a war zone to be weird in my mind. I share this to harken back on the images and articles I shared earlier about the Iraqis staging a car bomb and faking victims. In any event The Libyan war had replaced the Egyptian Revolution. And now today people are downright skeptical of disobedience to autocratic dictators in the middle east, where a heavy handed imperialism rules with divide and conquer. I found it interesting that the imagery from the Arab Spring transformed to one of factory strikes by wage slaves living under dictatorship to that of Arab masters trading African migrants as slaves.
According to a source quoted in the Wall Street Journal, the Administration at the very least "knew of" weapons being shipped by The Egyptian Military across border into Lybia "a few days" before March 17th No Fly Zone declaration. (70) I saw that the historical pattern of behavior by elite imperialists from Napolean to Baker and Kissinger was apparent in the modern decrees by the new brand ambassador of the War on Terror, President Barack Obama. To quote from Marinetti's 1909 Futurist Manifesto
...Beauty exists only in struggle. There is no
masterpiece that has not an aggressive character. Poetry must be a violent
assault on the forces of the unknown, to force them to bow before man. We are
on the extreme promontory of the centuries! What is the use of looking behind
at the moment when we must open the mysterious shutters of the impossible? Time
and Space died yesterday. We are already living in the absolute, since we have
already created eternal, omnipresent speed. We want to glorify war — the only
cure for the world — militarism, patriotism...
Apparently, I was correct about noticing
a pattern of behavior in imperialist elites because the push for war through no
fly zones as well as Kissinger-esque tactics around the world including
Operation Phoenix, which Marshal Thomas describes as the model for the Targeted
Individual program, were championed a few years later for more war in Syria by
former State Department and Defense Department official, Robert Caruso who wrote
in the Huffington Post that
Henry Kissinger’s strategies in Laos and Chile are also a model of success that should be
emulated, not criticized. Critical to advancing American foreign policy will be
an acceptance that reinventing the wheel should give way to duplicating past
The proven synergy of special operations forces
working in concert with the interagency, particularly but not exclusively the
intelligence community, should be built upon significantly.
Caruso also prefaced his push for Operation
Phoenix with the sober assessment that "our security commitments require
sustained involvement abroad for centuries." So the fact that a state
department and defense department official admits that imperial tactics are
emulated or that they repeat themselves through contemporary times and for
centuries at a time, has me wonder if the thought that there isn’t some ancient
playbook being passed down to pacify the masses isn't correct. This is a
pondering shared by many I’m sure.
Obama and General Friedrich Van Bernardh set to Win the Future through world war?
This idea of an ancient playbook presented itself in a pattern seen President Obama's 2011 state of the union address in which like all U.S presidents he pitted the U.S against the world as a competitor. But what struck me additionally was how he was using the phrase "Win The Future."
An innocuous phrase you might say until you realize that 100 years earlier, European Generals called for “winning glorious futures”, using those exact words, conducted racist propaganda campaigns for imperial incursions, continued to murder 10s of millions, created free trade charters, while directly ruling and indirectly ruling people in lands that would become today's Nations. Above is a propaganda picture from 1911 when Italy dropped the first bomb ever by hand on top of other people's heads in Tripoli during a 1911 bombing campaign. The campaign came at an immediate and long term cost to those it was waged on, and additionally to the poor in the South of Italy as well. The products used for Imperial campaigns of the past, even those of the decade prior were rendered obsolete and in a matter of decades the flesh of tens of millions more would be rendered obsolete through the world wars and the rest of the 20th century.
The revolution in Egypt and subsequent war in
Libya hit following President Obama’s Imperial gauntlet, laid down during The
2011 State of The Union. In it, he declared unspecified but ever-existing
worldwide threats, a new binary opponent in the people of China, provided fresh
legs for atrocity justification and channeling either through internal sabotage
or straight out lunacy, the German General Friedrich Van Bernardhi circa 1911
who after discussing Germany’s colonial problem in Morroco, prefaced his
assertions that war was biologically necessary stating:
Our Science, our literature, and warlike
achievements of our past have made me proudly conscious of belonging to a great
civilized nation which in spite of all weakness of bygone days, must, and
assuredly will, win a glorious future.
Additionally, President Obama's assertion of winning the future came just one month after his December 5th surprise appearance at Bagram Airforce base in Afghanistan where he claimed excitement at hearing the playing of Manifest Destiny and nuts on stage with General David Patreus. Obama is quoted as saying on stage:
To Chief Thomas Hager and to the commander and
conductor. I gather we had a couple of other bands playing, Manifest Destiny
and Nuts. I don't know about, you know -- I don't know how they sounded. What
did you think? Were they pretty good? (Hooah!)
One day later, an ABC News' segment featuring General David Patreaus titled "Can We Win," Diane Sawyer declared 62 percent of Afghan residents supported U.S Troops and claimed that in 2006 78 percent of residents in Afghanistan supported the presence of U.S Troops. In the "Can We Win" Charade, Patreaus speaking with George Stefonopolis declared that the Afghan Nation was inherently corrupt since its beginning. (75) A few short months later, photographs appeared in Rolling Stone of U.S soldiers dismembering Afghans they had killed and posing for pictures as Trophy kills. Afghan activist and former MP who was kicked out of the Afghan Parliament for criticizing Nato, Fundamentalists and Warlords, Malalai Joya wrote in the Gaurdian: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/mar/30/kill-team-photos-afghanistan-us
I must report that Afghans do not believe this
to be a story of a few rogue soldiers. We believe that the brutal actions of
these "kill teams" reveal the aggression and racism which is part and
parcel of the entire military occupation. While these photos are new, the
murder of innocents is not. Such crimes have sparked many protests in Afghanistan and have sharply raised anti-American sentiment
among ordinary Afghans.
Joya was later denied Visa when she attempted to tour the U.S and speak in
public with Noam Chomsky about the particular
political education, which the people of Afghanistan have gathered over
hundreds of years, particularly the past decades of her life. Joya often
discusses the dual pronged attack, through War, on people in Afghanistan
propagated in name of fighting manufactured enemies. She has really added to
thoughts set in motion by many for some time questioning the Order inherent
in "Wars" heaped upon peoples in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Congo, Haiti,
Iraq etc. Funny that very few complained when the Obama administration denied
Joya visa, yet a few years later everyone had forgotten all about the deed. (something was funny to me i need to tie that in***) Trump?
One can see parallels between the U.S "winning the west" or "How the west was won" and Afghanistan war propaganda, as well as 18th and 19th century colonialism. Real thematic and tactical parallels were witnessed by the fact that the U.S named the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden a mere 2 months later, "Operation Geronimo"
The Killing of Osama Bin Laden has spurred many questions regarding his ability to evade capture conduct terrorist operations for so long and then ultimately through death to evade trial.
Osama Bin Laden could not have evaded satellite technology used in the Monarch program that uses brain frequency to track everyone's movement. There is legitimate question over whether or not Osama even carried out the World Trade Center Attacks independent of government help. There is no way with the technology that the government possesses that OBL and the hijackers evaded security forces in the U.S to carry out those attacks. There are two main schools of thought regarding the September 11th attacks. LIHOP (that the government "let it happen on purpose" and MIHOP that the gov't "made it happen on purpose" I believe MIHOP. Once you acknowledge that the Monarch Program tech means that OBL's whereabouts and WTC Attack was known about then his May 1st alleged killing was planned for May 1st for political significance of the date. And once you see purpose and pattern of Monarch program assassinating activist whistleblowers or people with a common profile, Obama issued a sort of extra judicial pogrom call by staging killing on May 1st. This was followed by the rollout a few years later of Robert Caruso publicly condoning and calling to rekindle Operation Phoenix, an assassination campaign of suspected communists, which Monarch Program author Marshal Thomas believes was the predecessor of Monarch mind control targeting program.
The measure of 30 years worth
of atrocity heaped upon peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan, in which Osama Bin
Laden, at age 22, was initiated as a consul, is inestimable. Aside from
delivering the providential death blow on evil's iconic figure, held in a gift
wrapped, fantastical recall of the 19th century demonization of the criminal,
opium producing oriental and besides the millennial old representation of the
enemy, personified as a growth, spawned from slivered satanic flesh,
surreptitiously masked in evil's lair, the extrajudicial killing of Osama Bin
Laden and "burial at sea" was a theatrical display of a hit on a
witness to and suspect of 30 years of criminal activity. Following the
President's May 1st call and the monsoon arousal at the displaying of the
remnants of Operation Geronimo, in which crowds of young people, probably
staged by the CIA for a photo op, Took to the streets, placard pumping CNN,
chief operator in bringing about the Iraq war buildup, ran a segment in which
Teach for America Head and Chief propagandist, Walter Isaacson, diagnosed
Pakistan, a nation of 170 million people, with 'subnormality.' (77)This apparent
killing and diagnoses of Pakistan came amidst the expansion of
bombing across Africa and a NATO campaign that saw 20,000 airstrikes, or what's
been called 'therapy,' carried out in Libya. The campaign was championed
as success by the World Security Network, who derided the "endless diagnosis that
replaces the 'therapy'" inherent in tens of thousands of NATO
bombs and proxy warfare. (78)
But once the euphoria of the
Libya overthrow and assassinaton of Gadaffi causing the laughter of Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton, passed, the powers that be seemed to allow, once
again, for chaos to take hold in a country whose regime was replaced. Violence
in Libya spiraled to the point of subjugating African migrants as slaves to be sold
at auctions. (79). It seems that there is a prepackaged explanation for such
happenings by the National Security State, that ill conceived regime changes
result in unexpected chaos all as ‘miscalculation.’ Yet through all these
‘miscalculations’ money and power seem to accrue into less and less hands with
masses still buttressed between polarities.
This brings us back to the Presidency of Donald Trump who
came to power chastising the regime change wars in the middle east while
engaging in unpopular racist and unsophisticated rhetoric making him despised
around the World much like a heel in a professional wrestling company.
I guess Trump knew
about the twin towers before it happened and wrote it in a book he published
called The America We Deserve. (80) Its important to note that there is a long trail
of published material and media which predicted the events of that day. Vice
Magazine, for instance, knew exact details half a decade earlier and left a
paper trail revealing preprogrammed widespread knowledge. This deliberate paper
trail seems to be about revealing information to create disillusionment in the
ostensible plans of 'Nation Building' and disillusionment in reversal of policies supporting
dictators, meaning creating disillusionment in opposing dictators. I don't know
how else to analyze deliberate revelation. It seems like an effort to provoke
particular disillusionment or even redirect it.
The cartoon above appeared
in a Vice Magazine article in 1994. In the article, the author asks the reader
to "imagine the twin towers collapsing."(81) The fact that Vice magazine
predicts Twin Towers collapsing after an Al Queda airplane attack in 1994,
reveals that the government wanted the citizenry to comprehend, at a certain
point, the 'truth' about the event or the lies about the event. There was a
desire to reveal government involvement as evidenced by the article's
'prophecy.' The 'prophecy' reveals knowledge nearly a decade in advance.
believe 9/11 was conducted as an intelligence test. I'm not saying that this
is a rightful test of intelligence, but that it is in the minds of the
architects. I see it as stupid myself, but I think the abusers see it differently.
With regards to terrorism and domestic abuse, it appears to me that the
official story of the Twin Towers is a deliberate fabrication with clues left
behind as an intelligence test. Speculation on my part, is that this is to
erode trust in institutions whether they be religious or national. A physicist
and engineer, apparently, can quickly detect the false explanation being
promoted. Perhaps this is a test in reason. The more you know about technology
and the nature of the world the less the official scenario appears credible.
Some of the Occult societies are allegedly based in an affinity for reason over
superstition and faith. I think that's how they see it.
If you recognize terrorist attacks as false flags, the
'solutions' offered by the government is to restrict freedom, then the reason
for the attacks is probably a disdain for freedom. Of course, there could be an
attempt to create a discourse discussing this, in which they take rights away, so
you don't ask for more than what you had lost. Freedom for most in America is the opportunity to work at a job that disrespects you, under pays you in order that you may pay to live in a house you are either in debt for or renting at extraordinary cost.
An original purpose of a calendar was for the reckoning of
debts. Reckon is a computation. Additionally, you could say, as well, that
calendars are to signify dates of social importance. On such a planet as this,
dates of social importance can be markers of power as power is of utmost social
importance. Humans base constructions of all kinds, whether they be material or
something like systems of organization, often times, on existing forms or base
them on forms of or what garners significance in their brain. One can look to
the 2011 presentation of a newly sanctified killing arena in Libya occurring
amidst 8 year anniversary of shock and awe for examples of what could easily be
construed as a commemoration.
Current state of the country:
It is somewhat a hopless situation in which we live in a totally new age fascist society in which even the left uses the mob, corporations and the state to cudgel people. It is a tyrannical government assassinating its
own citizens and engaging in state sponsored trafficking with people
responsible like Jeff Epstein being murdered while in state custody or faking
their death. People are being thrown in jail for being sick when they are lucky
enough to receive care and not die because of the lack of care and then become
indebted because of it. People are being thrown in jail for being in debt after
trying to become educated. We are in never ending anti-terror wars which
devolve into out right genocidal campaigns like in Yemen. 500,000 people are
America is a big cult. Unfettered Capitalism is a big cult.
We are always trying to produce for profits, be productive all the time and 1/5
get weeded out from society. What we need to produce is housing, food,
clothing, medicine, transportation, waste cleaning and education. Everything
else like art for instance and entertainment should probably come from
inspirational bursts. But everyone is forced to produce for profit for survival and rearrange their life to fit production. We become machines.
Growing up I never understood the calls for assimilation into America. I always thought that something was missing as you lose connection to your roots. I am a 3rd generation American, at least I think I have that right. My grandpa immigrated to America at age 18 from Sicily and my grandma was daughter of Italian immigrants. She was born in New York. On my Scottish/ Irish side, my family came some time after the civil war. MY Irish ancestors came over on a ship called the Ethiopia in 1877, in fact on April 11th, which is my birthday. I don't know all the dates by heart. Anyways there was a lot of talk surrounding Immigration a few years ago. I am all for the 14th Amendment in which people born here are citizens. However, i don't think that is enough to deal with the problems presented to us through capitalisms fallibility. I think that political integration between nations can work to solve the problem of a hierarchy of nationalities throughout the world, and particularly in America. There are people who don't even enjoy the status of refugee or legalized immigrant status in America or in other countries also. This has the effect of creating a permanent underclass throughout the world where people don't have rights and can be exploited. Look for instance at non-citizens workers working the food supply in America. These people are basically making the economy go, but should we really rely on exploitation to run an economy. Should politicians be boasting about this as leaders of countries? These people should have all the benefits of citizenship and protections supplied with it. I don't understand why average working-class people in this country (America) aren't for raising the status of those in the underclass of America. By allowing people to be exploited we are actually demeaning our own standing in the economy and on the political front. Most importantly though is that it is just plain awful and wrong to run your economy on the backs of exploited people, just as slavery was.
It feels like there is an effort to create inflation so that people won't support ending the slave like status of farm workers or food production workers as an example. Throughout the election season Inflation ran high, the day after the 2022 election ended, there were headlines that ran saying that Inflation was "cooling" almost as if we had just been extorted by some organization controlling the economy.
If there really is a latent benevolence to the Constitution, then we really need to heed the call to eliminate the underclass status of non-citizens. And this is just a start. Once you go down that road the glaring evil of exploitation in the American empire presents itself.
So I'd say people should not be in cages, which they shouldn't but they should be moving freely and equally. I agree with Libertarians that borders should be open, but recognize that probably Libertarians are connected to monied interest or industrial interest that would like a surplus labor pool in the U.S, which is why im for international integrated citizenship rather than just work visas.
I had a conversation in college that I vaguely remember with an anti illegal immigration proponent in which I stated that immigrants were basically invited into the country do to the fact that the walls just push people into the desert but let them in. The point I was making is that people shouldn't be penalized for doing what society wants them to do and should be given citizenship. I was responding to rhetoric which claimed people snuck into the country. This conversation is some basis for counter intelligence harassment and what Trump FBI conspiracy is based on. The anti illegal immigration proponent I had that conversation with later became a police officer and now I get misrepresented in media as Donald Trump , Steve King and Ralph Northam as a war on my identity, which is a human right violation.
The border is a reflection of the world and the crisis is poverty and empire. It's not an "immigration problem" in U.S along southern border it is capitalism and empire problem. People's needs are not being met by the global economic and political system. The land that was theirs is now under this domain in system which always sought to exploit and subdue the rather than include equally.
There have been genocides committed against central americans more recently than the Jewish Holocaust, and now they are being imprisoned in camps. Yet, somehow this is "offensive" to call these concentration camps? What's crazy to me is all the propaganda attached to the immigration issue or debate. Lines like people are coming to America because "America is the most prosperous country in the history of the world" or people are coming to America because "America is a beacon for the world" or people are coming to America because "America is the greatest country in the history of the world." And obviously it is prosperous, has positive qualities and has qualities better than that which people are leaving, but it is a bit more complex why people are leaving and coming. And how do you determine the 'best country in the history of the world?' There's probably qualities in countries that people are leaving that are better than America and qualities that are worse.
Right wing appeal to sensational crimes committed by individuals to bolster anti immigrant policies is a bit like saying Loreena Bobbit chopped off that man's genitals so therefore we should get rid of all women in society. It is that idiotic and psychopathic.
AMerica is a complex place and I think it's ok to admit to its complexities. So while it is nice to show pictures of the Statue of Liberty and talk about welcoming poor people into America while it offers opportunity, relative freedom (or used to attempt to) and hope to people, it feeds off of them as well. I think it is ok to also state that America has a history in which it likes to exploit immigrants, so each generation lives off the backs of new immigrants as they rise. The most common example is to describe how we eat food, which is largely picked by immigrants making small wages, keeping food prices down. That's the modern example.
America functions off the backs of immigrants and we can never make large numbers of these immigrants citizens with access to proper education housing or healthcare. Large swaths of Americans are fine accepting more immigrants and running the economy off their backs but can’t again make them citizens. Many seem to think this is acceptable. The whole system benefits from the fact that Democrats function as the good cop saying they want to solve immigration problems and create a "path to citizenship" and then Republicans play the game they've played for over 100 years and drum up racist fears making the political and social environment, as i said, hostile for immigrants. Meanwhile the rest of us 2nd 3rd 4th and so on generation immigrants receive privileges and luxuries off this setup. The whole thing is wrong.
Nicole Wallce was on TV in April 0f 2019 and stated that Bush was great for immigrants because he had compassion. Bush created ICE, but the Bush rehabilitation project otherwise known as the Trump Presidency is alive and well. There was a Congressional hearing on the border in April of 2019 and a general I think was the speaker and said that pushing people into the desert was used as a deterrent and was 'working.' Besides meaning that the border wall is stupid and fencing as well, there's numerous people who have argued for some time that this is a modern day middle passage. That we are weeding out the strong, who survive the desert and the weak who can't make the trip. I think that this is a correct comparison. The middle passage, if you don't know, is what we call the slave journey on slave ships, where the slave masters would perform this type of weeding out exercises in cruel ways.
To conclude my personal thoughts that may have received some attention from the Intelligence Agencies, the root of the "immigration problem" in America is global poverty and historical empire. And some will probably argue that the current system is fine and that immigration in America, as is, makes America strong and they would be right, largely. There are some who see a system that weeds out bad apples from good apples and that periodic amnesty to cheap and willing laborers who then 'make a better life for themselves and their descendents' 'if they work hard' is fine. In fact, people often boast of their working class immigrant ancestors making the backbone of the American economy and cultural and social sphere. But this leads one, if they examine the 'problem,' to ask if it is right to continuously count on an exploited class of people to run the economy, who then live as second class citizens in America. As stated previously, the historical empires, mainly American, Portuguese and Spanish are central to 'immigration' within the modern borders. And poverty within those borders inevitably adds to that central original fact. So I don't see how you can now divorce the people from each other by modern National Boundaries, in which wealth and wealthy travel across boundaries like the imperial predecessors and now do so as their modern counterparts, but the poor are expected to 'break the law' in order to travel and earn a living, thus making them second class citizens and not having voting rights etc in the societies they live in. So I think it is time to start exploring or asking questions about democratic integration of the former and current empires and their modern states.
- Sometimes I think that the transhumanist or elite imperial humans are trying to make a new religion and are using us as sacrifices and religious figures in their religious cults. The possible being or life force that either demanded we call them God or we decided to call God can do good things and make beautiful things, but be simultaneously be a pscyhopath.
- If the Abrahamic-Judeo-Christian story is a myth based in some human historical truth and If there is a being who created the life on this Earth as it is, particularly humans, and then demanded we worship them and call them God, then they are probably a psychopath
- Listening to Michael Tsarion's Brotherhood of Death in which he discusses hidden fraternities and hidden groups and he discusses excommunication, which is essentially the deprivation of the privileges offered by whatever group's membership. I'm an excommunicated cyber slave American. In druidic times, such sentence was only superseded by death. All this 'Targeted Individual' crap is FBI to further harass people subject to excommunication, ritual abuse and Schizophrenia programs.
- I respect people with this view and I see that it can be comforting on some level, but for me I can't understand the whole "it is all part of God's plan." There is so much suffering in the world and I'm not talking about myself or anything and when someone says this, it makes me think " your God is a psychopath?" Then people start thinking I'm a Satanist, which I am in no way. I think I'm non-biblical. But I guess I'll add that I could see intelligent design and I am inclined to believe in intelligent design. And if this is all a simulation of some sort, then the designer has got to be a little nuts.
- Technology is becoming biblical. People can create natural disasters and artificially inseminate women. Blind people can see. Sick people get well etc. This leads some people to suspect biblical stories documented or were myths about advanced civilizations or time travel.
- I'm not religious, but I do think it is very possible and even likely that there is intelligent design in life. I personally speculate that there was at some point beings that wanted to be referred to as gods or god and that they wanted to be worshipped. I don't worship them. I think that they may have designed or created human life or dna very possibly though science or supernatural means. I also think that there could be a life force or being in the universe that parallels these gods or god wannabes and supersedes it rectifying the psychopathy or perhaps just fallible nature of possible God or Gods. I also think that humans fashioned themselves as gods or god. Something akin to secret societies like in Joseph Atwill's book about the Flavians in Caesar's Messiah.
- There was a global society that was the People of the serpent or something so all these stories from the bible and in other creation and ancient histories or mythologies all allude to the serpent. Some say that there was knowledge of frequency and serpent like energies in electromagnetics and life and biology so that there were people who understood this knowledge and were referenced as "serpent like" or "Reptillian" which is possible explanation for mythologies of reptilian humanoids. It's theorized by some that people who were referenced as reptilians serpent heads were metaphors for knowledge of the unseen energy shape of the universe and life.
- “Man is not made for the state; the state is made for man. To deprive man of freedom is to relegate him to the status of a thing, rather than elevate him to the status of a person. Man must never be treated as a means to the end of the state, but always as an end within himself.”
- I don't really like the propaganda which tells us all to become servants so that we can be exploited, but simultaneously I think one of my most useful days in life was a service project in Mexico helping put a roof on the on a house. I felt like it mattered what I was doing. Now, really, that roof was a bandaid on a huge injustice and economic disparity and so I'm not saying that it is some end all putting roofs unprofessionally on makeshift houses, but just working to help people made me feel good and like something got better for a small fraction. I'm hesitant to say its a 'favorite day' because you know it was somewhat exposing the limited resources we have to make a difference in current system, but the people were all great &hard working and caring and it was everybody pulling together. It was people from the local community there. The people whose house it was deserve so much more.
- I saw a few people bring up an apparent talking point that diminishes Alexandria Ocasio Cortez because a year before running for office she was a bartender and now she is a congressperson. Am I wrong to say that many of the revolutionary war figures or founding fathers were workers in taverns or were owners of Taverns? Also, another critique was that she allegedly changed her position on her website on war and peace and made it more of a silent statement on the issue, which I see as a potentially fair critique, but it had me thinking. For people that are anti war or non-violent(i am probably mostly like that) I ask what do you do in the face of a Nazi like regime that genocides people like Jews or invades other countries and kills innocent people? For people that are pro-military or pro-war for the sake of protecting human rights, I ask are you willing to kill innocent people to protect innocent people? And, of course, I ask these questions while not negating the question of motives and actions leading to the circumstances, which would provoke the questions and hypothetical or historical circumstances in the first place because there is more complexities like financing of thuggish political parties, banks etc.. I also would ask a now sitting congressperson: what about the fact that America is now itself a lawless state having pulled out of the Geneva Conventions, shouldn't that be considered when supporting the state's war making capabilities?
- "Is complaining about the secret services crazy? No. The people who do are simply the victims of a very large system that commits unlawful or criminal acts at least as often as large companies do. This is why victims are no more unusual than people who claim to have been defrauded by their telecommunication company or their insurance provider."
- The mass shootings are likely psychological operations. Everybody in the intelligence field knows about them.
- There is so much in the way of Psychological Operations coming at us that relevant information gets swallowed by new information and disinformation: One common troth of information is the info that is in the public domain about Operation Paperclip in which Nazi Scientists were brought into the United States and incorporated into the National Security state structure and given positions in organizations such as NASA. This often obscures that monied interests in America played a significant role in propping up the NAZIs as they rose to power and afterward.
There are definitely true things
about the targeting program llike artificial dreams,digital twins &
parallel simulated realities informing and influencing this one, but I
speculate that someone discovered how to see and influence events through time
even if that someone is AI.
For people who don't think its possible that Bob Marley was assassinated
by the government for his music: Do you think that the government just stopped
at the Kennedy family and that was it? Operation 40 was actually a project
under Kennedy too. The reason I bring it up, is because Kyrie Irving was held
out as crazy for saying the Earth is flat. There is a weird information stream
on the internet claiming the earth is flat, but in the article I read, it
simultaneously classified his belief that Bob Marley was assassinated as
Excerpt from Harpers
Magazine Article by Dan Baum: Top Nixon Advisor John Ehrlichman on Nixon's war
on drugs:
“You want to know what
this was really all about?” Ehrlichman asked with the bluntness of a man who,
after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to
protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had
two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying?
We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but
by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with
heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those
communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their
meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we
were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”
Dan Baum's reported interview with Erlichman should be all over the
place. And he should be grilled on why he didn't reveal it for twenty years.
There should be a drug war litmus test for the new Supreme Court Justice.
Corona Virus:
Due to my knowledge of Mind Control, Weather Control, Total
Information Awareness, World Sentient Simulation, Full Spectrum Dominance,
Biological Warfare being heralded by Neo Cons as "politically useful
tool," I know that there is effort to control everything. Couple that with
the practice of racketeering and you have a potential scam being played in
Covid 19. Now add my personal experience being hit with covert weapons systems
by govt taken to hospital which lied and turned me into a customer of big pharma
and I am very skeptical about what Covid 19 is and what we are being told.
On a couple
of occasions at night for five minutes I experienced symptoms such as
restricted breathing and lung restriction and pressure. It quickly went away
and fell in line with the usual heart and chest pain and other weapons testing
I get at night as I fall asleep. Someone wanted me to know that they could
induce symptoms stated to take place with Covid 19. Due to the significance of
life and death, questioning government authorities or the official story during
Covid 19 is met with very emotional responses. When You are a Targeted
Individual you experience years of millions of people lying daily about the
true nature of society and government. You are usually funneled into the mental
health ward at your local hospital where the medical establishment participates
in large scale fraud at every hospital covering up a system which dolls out
life and death. Millions of people lie daily about something as serious as
murder by the state and human rights abuses that include human trafficking,
rape and weapons experiments that bring people to the brink of death and give
them organ damage. So when Covid 19 rolled around I was not ready to trust
government officials and the medical establishment reporting a deadly virus
that required them to shut down, isolate and excuse overt massive surveillance.
I know that they lie about serious issues every day and that millions are
capable of perpetuating a big lie. However, I live with people who have
underlying conditions and I am in only a position to respect what the
authorities say as they do sometimes tell the truth. I know that corona virus
has been around for 60 70 years or something and so I believe there are
definitely people getting something called Covid 19 and dying. I just don't
know how many are getting it and how many are dying were the numbers subject to
lies, where does it begin and end? That I don't know. Where does high tech
weapons testing come into play? That I don't know either.
I actually got Covid while writing this book but still have these thoughts about all of it. I tested and came out negative the first test so i figured i just had a headache. Then tested the next day and had covid positive. So i didn't quarantine first day after then negative test and two family members got covid as well. It makes me conclude that its inevitable that if i live with elderly people im going to eventually go do something and bring back an illness to them which can be dangerous. Even though this time i was with most of them on the trip. So I think this makes me conclude that i need to move out or have my own living quarters. I'm assuming i got it on the trip up the coast, but appearently Saugus where i live was a major hotspot in la county for Covid. I got symptoms about 2 days into the trip and supposedly it takes two to 3 days for symptoms to appear.
I actually had this thought or fear before Covid 19 that some covert team would pass me an illness on a cart I used at Trader Joe’s and kill my family. So I think Dr. Fauci is likely evil.
Another aspect to the Corona Virus
phenomena is that it is deliberately making people live like TIs since some
keep 'social distance and don't socialize, travel, eat out or I am hesitant to
because of harassment etc. This is not an endorsement of the tactic, but it is
relevant to know that an organization that started all this has that in mind. People are
basically slaves during stay at home lockdowns, they are working and can't go
anywhere or do anything with their free time. They can exercise.
I shared an article
in April of 2018 about the Owl as a symbol of a secret society and the
following night an owl showed up hooting outside my window. #worldsentientsimulation
From Poland's defense minister
investigating victims of electromagnetic weapons, to the Turkish government
report on synthetic telepathy murder, to the Cuban Diplomats sonic attack, to
the FBI CIA and NSA whistleblowers, to the Gangstalking recruitment videos at
CSIS, to the Fusion Center 'accidental' release of mind control documents, to
Facebook mind reading research, I've come to the conclusion that disclosure
about counterterrorism mind control, synthetic telepathy, and remote neural
monitoring is going to happen at an already decided timeline. I don't believe
any action from myself will speed it along or slow it down. But I don't know if
it will ever be full disclosure with a Church Committee or not or awards to
victims. The payoff to victims from the 60s and 70s was very minimal. I know in
my case that no court case could really repay or rectify the destruction of
The gov't and corporations posess
technology that can heat the ionosphere and intensify or steer weather. So the
cause of climate change may be something other than just carbon emissions.
I'm not one of these people who want to make Black Lives
Matter say "all lives matter". I know that we live in a historical
white power society with racist secret societies established in government and
society writing laws and sitting as judges and acting as police forces killing
black people at higher rates and policing black people to target black
communities as a response to the civil war and civil rights movement. And that
dominant white society aided and abetted this process. However, I do have a
problem when mainstream media erases police shootings of "white"
people and acts like it doesn't happen at a high rate, even though it is lower
than black and brown. They then present protests where "white" people
protest police shootings as all altruistic do gooder empathetic white people.
I'm sure that is a motivation, but white people also have bad experiences with
police in our abusive police state. And presenting policing solely as a problem
in which we have to deal with racism and once we deal with that things will be
fine ignores that we have an abusive police state problem in which the police
are abusing people.
Many targets discuss how they are slandered amongst the
intelligence agencies and then in society by fusion center operations designed
to turn associates, friends and family away from the Targeted Individual, so
that they will become isolated. I have no way of knowing if any of this
happened in my case, but I do know that the Monarch Controllers in my case did
try to paint me with certain characteristics to justify their abuse of me by
security personnel and then would let me know they were doing so. At one point
in my targeting it became clear that Monarch controllers were painting me as a
racist who had to be stopped. It is unclear how serious of an accusation they
were making. But they were policing me as if I was racist who wanted to stoke
white supremacist groups. I believe that they were combatting political speech
I made during the Libyan Bombings. I posted on social media during the Libyan
Bombings, which resulted in intense gang-stalking harassment that War Keeps
Order for Cannibal System. I clearly had white general/officer on picture to
indicate that white people are cannibals to remind that slave masters used to
tell stories about themselves as cannibals to terrorize slaves, but they pass propaganda to
characterize others that way as well. I was referencing the Rolling Stone
article, which practically showcased a story of cutting up an Afghan casualty,
chopping off his fingers etc., meanwhile the psyops managers sit back and also
play to another audience and show radical Muslims as cannibals when they commit
atrocities. Both sides keep committing atrocities, and then the other side sees
the age old cannibal people that they have to civilize with their civilization
or religion etc as with old propaganda. It is the same colonial system. And
then I was alluding to a system which produces homeless veterans as well and to
a system in which we profit off misery and eat eachother up in competitive
economy with opposing interests for the public good and individual good. But
this was utilized to provide feedback as if I was promoting white Supremacy, which
is the opposite of what I was saying. It was also about myself as a writer etc
and about surveillance but it was interpretive. Finally, it was to make reference to the way propaganda has different meanings to different audiences by design. It was done to make commentary
on violence perpetuated amongst opposing races of people. But I clearly made it
acknowledging it was analyzing perspective of Americans as a Caucasian or
European American.
I also believe that some people selected me to be targeted
because I was a white person sympathetic to racial issues, but critical as a
subject of racial power employment by the state. It’s possible I became a good
subject to experiment with to further an agenda either by displaying the
contents of my brain or by obtaining contents of my brain in order to be able
to appeal to those critical of racial power employment by state. My brain
produced content that they could employ. Meanwhile they could work in such a way
as to neutralize me. It is all very confusing to me, and I have not got a sure
handle on it all as I am just a subject analyzing the feedback and effort to
control me. That has been the one constant throughout this whole ordeal. The
state wants to monitor and control what I say. They reward their approved
commentary or speech and retaliate against disapproved commentary or speech
with negative feedback. I don’t know that they see it as retaliation. They
probably characterize it as some new system of communication or the “hive mind”
as it's been characterized as. I have revealed some of my perspective in this book, such as that you can be subject to torture or other human rights abuses and that it violates one's freedom to be subject to this program, but it is not the dominating perspective in society.
Sophisticated white supremacists at the top of society or
white people at the top of society who created and benefitted from white
supremacy project the most align with other races in hierarchy and weaponize the state
to war on lower classes of whites and other races.
- Write about notion of earth as a gladiator stadium or what you created in a collage wars like spectacles with us as the audience judging and calling for blood killing innocent people or unarmed or armed resisters slaves etc. in hierarchy above presidency etc
-Warped beliefs or beliefs that lead to warped behavior by general society 1. abuse makes the person stronger 2. survival of the fittest 3. Privacy is old world 4. sacrifice for the greater good or God . 5. be a part of something bigger than yourself. 6. rule by mob majority rules
People competing and trying to outperform each other is a sickness in humanity aided by economic and political systems. I say this as someone who enjoyed sports much of my life and as a kid felt fair play of sport was refuge, ( I still enjoy sports and competition as a game) but it's more than just a pastime in scheme of nation building for people in charge. While its also a distraction which could be good and bad, Sports is used to mold the masses in respective Nations. It conditions you at a young age to compete with your peers, join groups competing with each other, coaches all say they are teaching you about life and conditions you to see life as game while revering elite rich people and sorts obedient brainwashed into system which is based on individuals and groups atomized and separated, competing for approval by Oligarchs and elite societies and each other all of whom judge who is worthy of quality life and subsistence and power. Oligarchs fund & control sports and athletes, who condition public to revere production machines and act as ambassadors for capitalism as multimillionaires. They also condition public to ridicule humans like production machines and brands etc
What I like about the idea of capitalism is that you can conceivably have some choice or autonomy and a piece of property, but what I don’t like is that we all become production machines competing with each other for essential resources guided by accumulating wealth for rich people. Society takes work. There's some crossover appeal of successful hard work paying off into meritocracy as controllers of capital in society, but that's not necessarily descriptive of how system works, and it ignores people as human beings deserving of basic dignity. Also, people who produce a lot shouldn't necessarily dictate economy, which is an obvious problem. I personally would probably prefer it if we split everything like duties, resources & income equally in society, but not everybody is like me, so i don't want to make everybody do that. Also, duties would be difficult to parse out equally, but that's another issue. So, I'm for socialism as a medium between greed and equality. Something that ensures dignity and sustenance for everyone where we realize we are individuals but also responsible for the condition of humanity and earth and the life on it. I think we need to cement human rights like housing, food, clean water, medical care, living wage for disabled and living wage jobs for the abled as amendments to constitution. Why can't we be working 3-4 days a week 5-6 hours a day? We consume many unnecessary bad for you things because we are conditioned in survive mass produce mass consume system. Everyone who’s able could be employed and trained to share workload on necessary or worthwhile endeavors.
Upon finishing this book I was reminded of the belief I have which I'm sure has been montiored and registered somewhere by a Supercomputer. I saw a lady chastise people who are socialists and she cited a professor who failed his class after they gave the average grade for all grades on tests. The professor was upset that the class thought socialism could work so he took individual grades away and gave collective grades and the class lost motivation. The lady used this example of how people stopped being motivated to learn was a reflection on the feasibility of socialism.
But I believe that humans can be motivated by more than just starvation, deprivation and riches. You can develop a culture that functions highly outside this paradigm. Will it develop with a professor trying to prove it can't and undermining motives outside individual achievement amongst a lose group of college students? No.
Currently civilization runs off the motivation to not starve, be homeless or other deprivations and gives privileges through riches. I don't think that these are even the best motivating agents for human beings. Certainly not the best to build an entire civilization off of. To some extent the reason our system doesn't crumble now is because people actually, individually, are motivated by more and provide cultural value to our species because of other motivations. I think humans can develop to be motivated in other ways.
This leads to some of my thoughts on Money and business, which I believe are also monitored by various organizations. What should the role be of money and business ideally on earth? It would seem that a global economy is needed to pull all resources. But I don't think money can be king to the point of being the object at the pinnacle dictatorship of economy. Like We shouldn't have an economy in which market forces supersede the survival of life on earth and the greater ecosystems. It is useful to provide some unifying mode valuing labor and goods that everybody buys into. Businesses provide avenues for subsistence and creativity which people democratically vote for with their patronage. I think there should be some commonwealth which meets the basic needs of people and that this should be the general point of the economy. Everyone's well being and happiness should be the aim of our culture and politics within the bounds of earths living survival and sustainability.
I look forward to election day because I think that democracy is the best way forward to affect change in AMerica in the future. As stated previously, I think that Trump and Biden have totally tanked or tarnished the presidency and by virtue of destabilizing the highest democratic office have undermined democracy. Biden often says that he is trying to save democracy and campaigns on saving democracy. If you were powerful political organizations interested in saving democracy or the idea of it, I think the last person you’d have as your messenger is Joe Biden. This makes me think Joe Biden is a shill. I think that due to the two-party system, there aren't very many, if any, quality candidates to choose from. In fact, it seems like the powers that be are deliberately placing sorry to say but schmucky candidates for office or politicians in order to entice a revolt of some kind. But the question I have is to what end? Do they have some other non-democratic solution to the world's or the country's problems. Is this going to be an ugly controlling thing with the rule of violence? I'm a little weary of the culture in America having a revolution, as the only revolution occurred 250 years ago and protected slavery. There is the Chaos theory of the world, that the leaders like to create chaos and then amidst the chaos they can bring about order or thrive in chaos. As far as voting vs nonvoting goes, I don't think it makes much of a difference if I vote vs not voting. I'm not likely to bring along everybody in either scenario. I didn't vote in 2012. I didn't vote for president in 2016. I voted in 2020. I voted in 2022. I do think there is a difference in which party gets control, however there are overlapping oppressions that they doll out on respective populations almost like they are holding people hostage and trying to divide people.
"To have inward solitude and space is very important because it implies freedom to be, to go, to function, to fly. After all, goodness can only flower in space just as virtue can flower only when there is freedom. We may have political freedom but inwardly we are not free and therefore there is no space. No virtue, no quality that is worthwhile, can function or grow without this vast space within oneself. And space and silence are necessary because it is only when the mind is alone, uninfluenced, untrained, not held by infinite varieties of experience, that it can come upon something totally new." Krishnamurti
While writing this book I began listening to a Spotify Podcast about deputy gangs. The podcast was about secret societies. The episode I listened to was about the Banditos of East LA Sherriff’s division. Appearently, a tactic cited by other officers who were abused by this particular gang is that they would try to run people off the highway or strike them with vehicles. This is in common with my experience as a recipient of police threats and subsequent events on the highway. After seeking investigation with the LAPD I began hearing voices in my head. There are now currently commercial companies which demonstrate that technology to target an individual with audible sound is real. This is sound in which only the target hears it. Noveto and Aftershokz are two companies demonstrating this technology.
The following is the blog entry I was working on when the Police threatened me through Directed Conversation that they "f*ck people up when they least expect it" and a car a few days later tried to crash into me on the freeway in Los Angeles (on my grandpa's death date) on the way To LA Valley College to take a linguistics class. Does this blog article and police behavior sound like a totalitarian state or do you think I am crazy and started hearing voices coincidentally even though today, as documented, the companies Noveto and Aftershokz demonstrate commercial technology to beam sound into a person's head remotely that only they hear?
Blog Entry:
War Subverts Reality
In her book examining the Hatian revolution, Modernity Disavowed, Professor and Author Sibylle Fischer discusses the silencing of events or the replacing of one event with other events and deliberate attempts by the subordinator class or intellectual elites to mold nations, to mold the psyche of the masses.
From 1996 - 2003 5.4 million people died in Congo. Its cover-up is a crime bigger than The War on Terror and any 9/11 staging. The Democratic party was and is heavily involved, but they would have people believe that they are just an incompetent party and that the two events, The War on Terror/9-11 and war in central Africa and Congo are unrelated. In this blog, I define war as an ideological construction to compel participation and induce obedience in the maintenance and accumulation of power and questioned The War on Terror as a staged propaganda event to manage political reality and to distract from the totality of warring operations. I attempted to point out how through deliberate crafted discourse, there is collusion of the imperial parties of America in doing so. To be clear, war is for the purpose of propaganda. It is a cultural production. Additionally, I questioned it as a function to create chaos and terror in particular places, being deliberate punishment of nations as a demonstration of power.
"What hurts the most is why? What has led them to cross the oceans to kill their own children?" -Iraqi Woman questioning the attack on humanity which the Iraq war was.
"Can you imagine Africans being in control of a vital mineral for The U.S and Aerospace industry?" -Maurice Carney Executive Director of Friends of The Congo.
The measure of 30 years worth of atrocity heaped upon peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan, in which Osama Bin Laden, at age 22, was initiated as a consul, is inestimable. Aside from delivering the providential death blow on evil's iconic figure, held in a gift wrapped, fantastical recall of the 19th century demonization of the criminal, opium producing oriental and besides the millenial old representation of the enemy, personified as a growth, spawned from slivered satanic flesh, surreptitiously masked in evil's lair, the extrajudicial killing of Osama Bin Laden and "burial at sea" was a theatrical display of a hit on a witness to and suspect of 30 years of criminal activity. Following the President's May 1st pogrom call and the gesticular jingo monsoon arousal at the displaying of the remnants of Operation Geronimo, placard pumping CNN, chief operator in bringing about the Iraq war buildup, ran a segment in which Teach for America Head and Chief propagandist, Walter Isaacson, diagnosed Pakistan, a nation of 170 million people, with 'subnormality.' This apparent killing and diagnoses of Pakistan came amidst the expansion of bombing across Africa and a NATO campaign that saw 20,000 airstrikes, or what's been called 'therapy,' carried out in Libya. The campaign is championed as success by the World Security Network, who derides the "endless diagnosis that replaces the 'therapy'" inherent in tens of thousands of NATO bombs and proxy warfare.
In an interview (video of conversation @ 8:20) that took place during the Bombing of Libya on Bill Maher's Real Time, NBC reporter Richard Engel asserted that NATO bombing in Libya was "boring." As the topic shifted, with little discussion provided from Engel, Maher questioned the reason for keeping U.S force in Afghanistan after the reported assassination of Osama Bin Laden and as the pace of 'withdrawal' came into discussion, Engel employed the 'war fatigue' argument, stating that pace was 'something that could be debated.' Engel said that he spoke to "the people who organized the war" (specifying Iraq and Afghanistan) and said that they never expected it to last 10 years and that there were lots of people in the military who wanted to keep a small presence in Iraq and Afghanistan to carry out 'limited objectives' (massive facts being that the objective was to occupy). And with a ho hum gesturing pun, Engel said that "these wars keep droning on and on." Engel continued reducing war in Afghanistan and Iraq to a microcosmic analogy, asking viewers to:
"Think of it this way. If in this theater, 10 years ago, someone organised an attack on the United States and we wanted to make sure that never happens again. You can do 2 things. Either take over the whole theater. And get deeply involved and take over the management and say I want to see your books. I want to really get involved in your life and try and re-create the theater so it can never happen again. Or, you post a few security guards in the building and have some observation and that way you have some way to do it and that seems like the cheaper way."
Aside from the fact that the past 10 years of particular slaughter is reduced to an expense, there are alot of other suppositions which beg a ton of questions. The obviousness of not asking an imaginary Richard Engel (and evidently a real Engel), I hope temporarily sufficient. Imperial fortresses, bases, mass desecration are like mustard stains. What was additionally eerie was that he began discussion about Obama in Ireland and then ended with an analogy that for me was peculiarly similar to Thomas Carlyle's conclusion in the racist-supremacist satire regarding Irish and Jamaicans in 'The Occasional Discourse On The Negro Question,' later turned into a more pejorative titled pamphlet in which Carlyle concludes:
"Most Thinking People!-- If hen-stealing prevail to a plainly unendurable extent. will you station police officers at every henroost; and keeping them watching and cruising incessantly to and fro over the Parrish in the unwholesome dark, at enormous expense. with almost no effect; or will you not try rather to discover where the fox's den is and kill the fox?"
The cheap imperialist trick, strange satiric current and link, in any event, along with passe discussion about killer robot drones absent of people at the end of the bombing and the 'boring' Libya onslaught reflects much of what is disturbing. The link could be that in the 1849 supremacist rant, Carlysle basically asserts the laws of physics, so to speak, that underscore the propellant forces of psychosis in our society. Among other things, Carlyle declares the supreme law for all lands, in all countries, under this sky is for a class of cultivators, stronger, worthier to by fortune of war, be made proprietor in order to educe the proper fruits from the land.
"A violence that erased every sign of itself would be remarkably inefficient...To acquire its usefulness in the play of domination, violence must be whispered about, recalled by its victims and hinted at in future threats."- Tim Mitchel Author of Rule of Experts
"April 4th, 1984 Last night to the flicks all war films." -George Orewell's opening diary entry in 1984
The April 4th assassination Julian Mer Khamis outside what is an actual microscopic reality of Engel's theater in Palestine took place within the occupation that Palestinians face in Gaza and the expanding extrajudicial killing spaces where the symbolic role of 'predator' drone bombers have killed thousands of people or 'bugsplat' in 'ungoverned spaces' as pointed out in 2 articles by Kalash Srinivasan of Foreign Policy in Focus who discusses the vast expansion of power and by Pulse Media's Muhammad Idrees Muhamed.
In his article, From Aid and Humanitarianism to Solidarity, on Pambazuka News, Horace Campbell, a Professor of African Studies at Syracuse University, touches upon in greater detail, the reductionist "rendition of social reality" permeating through current formulations and operations. He discusses how the "people of Africa have had to contend with the centrality of force in production." There is perhaps, no people facing the greater degree of physical affects of this annihilation of consciousness through omission as exemplified in the exchange between Maher and Engel with regards to Libya than in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where UN reports determine that more than 6 million people have died as a result of over 15 years of proxy warfare, driven largely by exogenous quests for resources to pump into our mass production and consumption economy. While the 'missionaries of post industrial ideology'- TVs- where pumps like CNN reside, beat the war drums for Iraq and Afghanistan only to blunt them out of sensibility when need be, Congo, (the plunder of which is essential to what has transpired in Afghanistan and Iraq), has been- despite the efforts of The Break The Silence Campaign, Foreign Policy in Focus and people like Cynthia Mckinney largely omitted. In the report below, The Congo is present in the form of a sociopathic if not sadistic joke called The Utopia. The 1.2 billion dollar ship, discussed by journalist Mark Ames, is a project of Samsung, the largest electronics company in the world, and The Frontier Group, co founded by Carlyle Group member of revolving-door 'defense' establishment, Frank Carlucci. Frank Carlucci happened to be number 2 at The U.S Embassy in The Congo at the time of Patrice Lumumba's assassination.
Reported by CNN, The Utopia is possibly the world's most luxurious ocean liners:
"Or alas let them look across to Haiti for a far sterner prophecy." -Thomas Carlyle
"Had he been wiser, or smarter, Patrice Lumumba would have been 39 this year. And the Congo might well have become a nation with no more than the normal ration of African problems instead of a blood-spattered land of savagery, corruption and anarchy—which is largely what Lumumba helped make it." -Christmas Day Time Magazine 1964
On March 18th, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! interviewed former Hatian First Lady Mildred Aristide and asked her how she felt after 2 U.S coups and President Obama attempting to prevent the return of Jean Bertrand Aristide, to which she responded rather graciously, that it was perhaps the result of a political framework with which Americans were unwilling to see beyond. Documents disseminated by Wikileaks to Haiti's Liberte and The Nation Magazine provide some details as to how Haiti is subjected to forced poverty and suffering for the sake of corporate and U.S profit.
The presentation of shrewd pragmatism of state department diplomacy as 'context' in examining U.S force in Haiti, however, reads like propaganda. For the actual nature of U.S force in Haiti is one of despotism, atrocity and terror. And yet, the word terror can be so desensitized, especially when attached to fraud. Lavalas, the popular political organization in Haiti, built more schools in 6 years than had been built in 190 years and in a country that had 35 prisons for every 1 school under Baby Doc Duvalier. The Democratic Party and Republican parties, or the U.S government actively oppose this organization and the have done so with brutality and murder. That the U.S government engaged in a 2nd coup on Haiti's democratically elected president in 2004 would be enough on its own to demonstrate diabolical nature of this force considering that the first coup consisted of mass graves for displaying skinned bodies. When one contextualizes it with the fact that 5 million people died between 1996 and 2003 in the coup and war in Congo, it demonstrates pure disdain for people in Haiti and more than just a desire for particular style of governments.
In the midst of fighting in Benghazi, Libya being declared a war, on March 2nd 2011 The Great Lakes Coalition provided a Congressional Briefing outlining the findings of an official United Nations report documenting crimes in The Congo. There have been over 80 companies implicated in profiting off determined wars for pillage. At the briefing, members of The Coalition stated they were heartened by the briefing and as Nii Akuetteh noted, also by history as he had experienced The South African Anti-apartheid Movement. In addition, coalition members such as Kwame Musavuli, who a few weeks later would rebuke NATO bombing in Libya, expressed that the group was encouraged by the what was taking place in North Africa and the Middle East. In response to growing instability, on March 8th, the day before the 'orderly transition regime' which was pledged 160 million dollars, began cracking down on civilians and demonstrators in Tharir square, United States Ambassador Kletz met in Cairo with representatives of an armed group in Benghazi. In a subsequent press conference, the President was peppered with questions regarding Libya and Oil prices. In what she saw as the oncoming bombing of Libya on the 8th year since Shock N Awe over Baghdad, Felicity Arbuthnot discussed that the eyes of the world were not focused on the atrocity of the invasion of Iraq, certainly not the the toll of the total toxicity of the 1st Gulf War till today on Iraq. She noted the irony that the 1st gulf war began on the birthday of Martin Luther King. As it also marked the directive to dispose of Lumumba as well as Laurent Kabila and subsequent invasion of The Congo, perhaps it is more than ironic.
As media production shifted focus many people like Ellene Centime Zeleke were quick to caution against the way race was being operationalized in framing the revolution and against claims in media coverage about the use of 'black African mercenaries' which were being pushed, for instance, from quarters like ABC News ('Black African Mercenaries Know One Thing: To Kill) and former Nigerian Ambassador, one of The Council of Foreign Relations 'African Experts and precipitating as early as February 18th from Omar Al Bashir. To borrow from Zeleke in analogizing language as a body with parts that act as repositories of history, so too can one see the importance of thinking through conglomerations, institutions and offices as not only repositories of history recognized by subjects of their power, but additionally as incarcerators and erasers of history, utilized by seat holders and puppet masters.
The recent use of sectarianism as a technology of imperial rule in Iraq has been documented by Journalists like Dhar Jamail and disseminated in documents by Wikileaks. Anthropologist Maya Mikdashi has examined the particular character and usage of sectarianism, though differentiated from race, as a technology of rule in Lebanon discussing legal discriminatory classes of citizenship and pointed out how a 'global hierarchy of nationalities permeates ones sense of security and vulnerability.' This condition of classes of citizen as well as non-citizen which Mikdashi examines in Lebanon as well as one's sense of security and vulnerability in a hierarchy of nationalities is an example of the multifacitation hidden in war. For one, the scepter of war does not end in the space deemed 'war zone,' nor the period of time deemed by the belligerent as a beginning point, nor at the point of 'withdrawal.' Rather, it functions as a sanctified killing arena sentencing nations or particular populations of people to choose a life of degradation or possible death, creating a global space of degradation. In response to a critique by Human Rights Watch's Nadim Noury of an article examining how revolutionary energies can possibly be captured in neoliberal reform language, Mikdashi pointed out the lack of irony seen in situations where the United States criticizes Iraq for human rights violations and the fact that IMF policies are not seen in and of themselves to be violations, like Argentina being coerced to change its constitution or the pressing case of Honduras being subject to a coup and Model City plans which will negate Honduran labor laws. Bertha Caceres of COPINH has desced the plans as 'nefarious' especially when 'synchronized with the coup and militarization machinations' that are carrying out repression.
"These numbers, coupled with technological developments, have turned humans into what Dr. Steven Palumbi calls the world's greatest evolutionary force. Homo Sapiens has become a powerful agent of natural selection, influencing all life on earth, causing the extinction of many species, and accelerating the evolutionary change in others. Studies of human evolution have much to contribute to our understanding of how we as a single species came to exert such control over our planet's destiny. It's a truly phenomenal story of how a small apelike creature walking on two feet across the African savanna challenged nature to make stone tools. From these humble beginnings came large brained humans who instead of stone tools, have telecommunications satellites, computers and nuclear warheads at their fingertips. The human story is indeed unique and wonderful."-Robert Jurmain Professor of Antrhopolgy at San Jose State
"We feel we are the best choice for the future of the human race." -Gordon Robertson 700 Club May 17th 2011
NISGUA, The Network In Solidarity for Guatemala reminds people that the fight against impunity and repression is, in large part, a fight against forgetting. Last February, photojournalist James Rodriguez described what he saw as history repeating itself in Honduras, amidst a military coup of Manuel Zelaya by Proforio Lobo a General formerly trained at the School of The Americas. Rodriguez has reported on consistent fundamental issues facing communities besieged by transnational mining corporations, such as contaminated water, deforestation, deterioration of local people's health, lack of sustainable development and social conflicts (often within the greater sphere of the drug war). In this report he discusses the history of 'disappearances' in Honduras. As bombing was beginning in Libya and 45 people were killed in Pakistan, on March 17th, Guatemalan Security Forces, described by Rights Action's Annie Bird as building off the legacy of 1978 Pozote Massacre raided 14 villages, moving thousands of people off of land for international and Guatemalan President Oscar Berger's brother in law's biofuel interests. The arrest of General Lopez and Hosni Mubarak, arguments about prison and the paradox of memory (this something discussed by Morgan Meiss and understatedly understood by Guatemalans and Egyptians) withstanding, is perhaps historically fitting, but. In 1982, 1 week after conducting Operation Bright Star in the Egyptian desert with Hosni Mubarak, Ronald Reagan met in Honduras with John Negropante and Guatemalan Guatemalan President Efrain Rios Montt who was conducting an extermination campaign against Guatemala's Mayan population. Reagan asserted that Montt was getting a bad rap. Montt had risen to power amidst a military campaign grown in political response and escalation to hundreds of thousands of Guatemalans protesting and striking to increase their standing in Guatemalan society with demands like raising their minimum wage from 1 dollar per day to 5 dollars per day. Finqueros budged to 3 dollars, but being a prudently predacious with money, power and high class status armed themselves to the teeth, strengthened alliances and devised a systematic plan for brutal repression. By 1982, Montt was at the head of a project conducting scorched earth campaigns, as well as starving and torturing people to death. Today, Montt is still a congressman and has remained active in high party politics. Many architects remain not just free, but in high positions leveraging and wielding power. One leading candidate for the presidency this coming September is Otto Perez Molina, implicated in atrocity and associated with the U.S Embassy. It is within a context of 'generalized violence and repression that American, Canadian and Global corporations operate in Guatemala' and which Hillary Clinton's regional security conference in Antigua took place this past June. She called attention in the region to take heed of operations in Columbia and Mexico. That Columbia has the most internally displaced persons of any country in the world and that Mexico has seen estimates of 40,000 deaths related Drug War escalation has been discussed by Benjamin Dengl and Caitling Gaitwood.
A participant in the border humanitarian group No More Deaths expresses how this plays out along the border insightful analysis of how this play out along the border...
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NY Times Article about Ad inNY that produced voices in head of passerby:
Washington Post article about Embassy attacks:
Washington Post Article dated 1/14/07 https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/10/AR2007011001399.html
CNN Article “get used to it:
60 Minutes MRI Nov 24 2019: